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House of the Dragon (Game of Thrones) Thread


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Re: That episode - spoilers, obviously.

Really can't see Jon being dead, for the simple reason that it renders the whole Hardholme battle pointless.

Why show Jon being the only one to kill a white walker? Why have that stare down with King of the White Walkers, if Jon isn't making it past the end of the series?

Kit Harrington is apparently doing interviews galore now saying that he isn't coming back etc etc. Again, seems odd that they would go through the trouble.


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Just a little thing I noticed in the credits to last night's episode:


The top name there....that's the actor that played The Mountain. Guess that confirms who the newest member of the King's Guard really is :shifty:

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I mean, everyone's correct in the Jon scenario. The director and Harrington aren't lying, Jon is dead. Just, you know, not forever, because he's going to get resurrected. Which is why he's still signed on for two more seasons. Oh, and also, there's no fucking way they'll let Jon die without finding out who his mother is. No way.

But man, I so wanted someone to just kill Melisandre as soon as she came in through the gates.

Myrcella dying was pretty heartbreaking, because that was probably the most touching moment of the show, it almost made me forget about Ellaria's kiss beforehand which I knew was poisoned. Seriously, though, if Trystane isn't instantly dead at by the end of the first episode of the next season, then this show is just doing the surprises just to give us surprises. Also, that made the Sand Snakes even more lame, they didn't even do the Myrcella murder. What's up with that. I'm probably just annoyed because Myrcella seemed like the only child of Cersei / Jaime to have any brains whatsoever and not be some imbecile, because she'd been away from her mother for like 3 years.

The death of the kennel-master's daughter was pretty satisfying, will be interesting to see how exactly Sansa and Theon don't die from that jump, especially when they just killed someone who fell from a shorter distance.

Can't wait to see how Sam gets fucked on his way to Oldtown!

Holy shit, he and Gilly are the ones who are going to save Sansa and Theon somehow, aren't they?

The Mereen stuff is going to be so fun next season. Varys and Tyrion, teaming up to take on a lunatic city once again! Yay!

I thought the Cersei walk was really well-done, it created both a sense of warped justice (which is suitable for the world it's set in) while still creating sympathy for the character. I could have done without all the stupid naked people flashing her, though, that felt like it was just trying to be over-edgy. The ending where Cersei has a look of "I am going to fuck up everyone. Just everyone" is going to be crazy for next season. Though I wish they had done something for Margaery as well, is she still just rotting in her cell? And Loras?

Next season, King's Landing is going to be chaotic. The Lannisters will want to go to war with Dorne, they'll probably ask the Reach for help and not get any, in fact the Tyrells might revolt against them, maybe even join Dorne (though probably not, they hate the fuck out of each other). The Freys and the Iron Islands were completely absent this season, so that'll be interesting, the Freys will most probably stay inside their walls thanks to the Late Lord Walder. The Boltons might just let the South erupt into chaos, and I wonder what the Stormlands are going to do now that Stannis might be dead (he probably isn't, though). Littlefinger's next move is going to be very, very interesting.

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I mean, everyone's correct in the Jon scenario. The director and Harrington aren't lying, Jon is dead. Just, you know, not forever, because he's going to get resurrected. Which is why he's still signed on for two more seasons. Oh, and also, there's no fucking way they'll let Jon die without finding out who his mother is. No way.

But man, I so wanted someone to just kill Melisandre as soon as she came in through the gates.

Myrcella dying was pretty heartbreaking, because that was probably the most touching moment of the show, it almost made me forget about Ellaria's kiss beforehand which I knew was poisoned. Seriously, though, if Trystane isn't instantly dead at by the end of the first episode of the next season, then this show is just doing the surprises just to give us surprises. Also, that made the Sand Snakes even more lame, they didn't even do the Myrcella murder. What's up with that. I'm probably just annoyed because Myrcella seemed like the only child of Cersei / Jaime to have any brains whatsoever and not be some imbecile, because she'd been away from her mother for like 3 years.

The death of the kennel-master's daughter was pretty satisfying, will be interesting to see how exactly Sansa and Theon don't die from that jump, especially when they just killed someone who fell from a shorter distance.

Can't wait to see how Sam gets fucked on his way to Oldtown!

Holy shit, he and Gilly are the ones who are going to save Sansa and Theon somehow, aren't they?

The Mereen stuff is going to be so fun next season. Varys and Tyrion, teaming up to take on a lunatic city once again! Yay!

I thought the Cersei walk was really well-done, it created both a sense of warped justice (which is suitable for the world it's set in) while still creating sympathy for the character. I could have done without all the stupid naked people flashing her, though, that felt like it was just trying to be over-edgy. The ending where Cersei has a look of "I am going to fuck up everyone. Just everyone" is going to be crazy for next season. Though I wish they had done something for Margaery as well, is she still just rotting in her cell? And Loras?

Next season, King's Landing is going to be chaotic. The Lannisters will want to go to war with Dorne, they'll probably ask the Reach for help and not get any, in fact the Tyrells might revolt against them, maybe even join Dorne (though probably not, they hate the fuck out of each other). The Freys and the Iron Islands were completely absent this season, so that'll be interesting, the Freys will most probably stay inside their walls thanks to the Late Lord Walder. The Boltons might just let the South erupt into chaos, and I wonder what the Stormlands are going to do now that Stannis might be dead (he probably isn't, though). Littlefinger's next move is going to be very, very interesting.

First, regarding Jon; I think it'll come out than his mother is Ned's sister and daddy is Rhaegar, and it was kept secret since Robert would've lost his shit. He's not dead in the sense that this is the last we'll see of the character; followers of The Lord of Light can come back, so...Mellisandre will work her magic and yay, Jon Snow returns.

Stannis...well, I think Brienne made a serious error on her judgment. In spite of reports that Stephen Dillane was given a going-away party on the set to mark the end of Stannis, it just seems like a major lapse in judgment to just execute him, especially given Brienne's circumstances. She wants to rescue Sansa, right? Well, now she has a prisoner to exchange. It's win-win. Roose gets not just the enemy general from the battle his men just fought, but an (alleged) pretender to the crown, leader of the what's practically a rebellion against the crown. Brienne gets Sansa back, and Roose can afford to piss Ramsay off (Probably not the best thing to do) because he has Walder's daughter to give him an heir.

I just wonder where Brienne got the 'rightful king' shit about Renly :shifty: .

Things I was expecting in this episode that didn't come up: (read at your own risk)

The revelation of Lady Stoneheart.

Something to do with Bran and Rickon (Remember them?!)

The deaths of Kevan Lannister and Pycelle.

Always next season :shifty:

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Why would they trade Sansa for Stannis? Sansa's so much more use to the Boltons in nearly

every way.

Yeah, loved the episode. Thought Cercei's walk was extremely well done. It was over-long, and it really hammered home the point, but she had to endure that punishment, so by making us endure it with her, it gives a real insight into her mentality. Assumably, this will be the thing that drives her for the whole of the next season, so I think it's important we understood how harrowing it actually was to experience.

And Jon :( Surely not dead for good, because he man he became my favourite character this season (except maybe Tyrion). Which probably means he'll stay dead, yeah.

I also cheered when Varys turned up, because his screen time with Tyrion is always brilliant.

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Might want to get rid of the spoiler within the spoiler there, Mick. Those are more book spoilers, might as well just move them to the book thread.

And Bran and Rickon were meant to not be in this season, they wanted to concentrate elsewhere, which is why they made no mention of the Brotherhood without Banners or the Freys as well.

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Why would they trade Sansa for Stannis? Sansa's so much more use to the Boltons in nearly

every way.

Yeah, loved the episode. Thought Cercei's walk was extremely well done. It was over-long, and it really hammered home the point, but she had to endure that punishment, so by making us endure it with her, it gives a real insight into her mentality. Assumably, this will be the thing that drives her for the whole of the next season, so I think it's important we understood how harrowing it actually was to experience.

And Jon :( Surely not dead for good, because he man he became my favourite character this season (except maybe Tyrion). Which probably means he'll stay dead, yeah.

I also cheered when Varys turned up, because his screen time with Tyrion is always brilliant.

Exactly, there's no reason that they would want Stannis, now he's basically alone, the only one still loyal to him would be Davos, the Boltons would have zero need for him. They need Sansa for the North, though, it's why they got Ramsay married to her in the first place.

Also, Brienne is in love with Renly ever since he was the only one who stopped the boys in the Reach from bullying her and mockingly calling her "Brienne the Beauty". He's the only person that didn't look at her ugliness and dismiss her as a person, though as time went on he probably saw her more as an asset to protect him. She doesn't care if Stannis is the rightful heir, realistically, there is an argument to be made that Renly could have made a better king, as Stannis is unyielding, and has always wanted that power.

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I think I might be the only person to actually like Stannis after what he did. He is willing to do anything to achieve his goal, I like the cold hearted bastard. I hope he isn't dead.

Also, Cersei and her waps, very nice. Plus with short hair she has become the hottest member of the cast, except for that foreign bird from Dorne that got her Bristols out.

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Why would they trade Sansa for Stannis? Sansa's so much more use to the Boltons in nearly

every way.

Yeah, loved the episode. Thought Cercei's walk was extremely well done. It was over-long, and it really hammered home the point, but she had to endure that punishment, so by making us endure it with her, it gives a real insight into her mentality. Assumably, this will be the thing that drives her for the whole of the next season, so I think it's important we understood how harrowing it actually was to experience.

And Jon :( Surely not dead for good, because he man he became my favourite character this season (except maybe Tyrion). Which probably means he'll stay dead, yeah.

I also cheered when Varys turned up, because his screen time with Tyrion is always brilliant.

Also, Brienne is in love with Renly ever since he was the only one who stopped the boys in the Reach from bullying her and mockingly calling her "Brienne the Beauty". He's the only person that didn't look at her ugliness and dismiss her as a person, though as time went on he probably saw her more as an asset to protect him. She doesn't care if Stannis is the rightful heir, realistically, there is an argument to be made that Renly could have made a better king, as Stannis is unyielding, and has always wanted that power.

My read on the Renly/Brienne relationship was that he likely related to her to a certain degree, since the TV show version of Renly is basically the antithesis of his brothers. They're two people born into families -- and even a kingdom as a whole, really -- where they don't really fit in. They both want to be things that go against how things are meant to work in Westeros.

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You're not alone, Brienne. I'm still #teamrenly


Revive him, Melisandre!

Also, I'm pretty sure the reason Mel roasted Stannis' daughter is so she could use it to work her magic on reviving Jon, knowing what was about to happen, but lied to Stannis about it claiming that she foresaw his own death (which she probably did, but doesn't care about).

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You're not alone, Brienne. I'm still #teamrenly


Revive him, Melisandre!

Also, I'm pretty sure the reason Mel roasted Stannis' daughter is so she could use it to work her magic on reviving Jon, knowing what was about to happen, but lied to Stannis about it claiming that she foresaw his own death (which she probably did, but doesn't care about).

You, me, and I think Cloudy need a #TeamRenly logo clearly.

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Might want to get rid of the spoiler within the spoiler there, Mick. Those are more book spoilers, might as well just move them to the book thread.

Well, to be fair, I did put a disclaimer in stating 'read at your own risk', and the general narrative of the post suggests that there would be book spoilers, hence the spoiler within the spoiler.

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She's going to try and revive Azor Ahai and John will walk from the flames; the whole thing will be the build to the return of Stannis and then BOOM; John, fangirls cream, we all rejoice and we know his true calling.

Oh shit:

And now his watch has ended.

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Just checking, with the end of this series we're now up to date on the books, yes? Contemplating reading them once I've finally sorted out getting my glasses >_>

I think we're up to date with everyone's story except Arya's and Sam's. Sansa, Brienne, Theon, Jaime, Dorne and the Iron Islands have different stories.

And, um, the epilogue of Dance of Dragons hasn't happened in the show, either.

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She's going to try and revive Azor Ahai and John will walk from the flames; the whole thing will be the build to the return of Stannis and then BOOM; John, fangirls cream, we all rejoice and we know his true calling.

Oh shit:

And now his watch has ended.

- I think Melisandre will resurrect Jon Snow. As he has died for the watch he is no longer bound to them. Melisandre will then produce the royal decree Stannis wrote that declares Jon Snow is no longer a bastard, so he won't return as Jon Snow, he'll return as a Stark. 'The North Remembers' stuff will tie in with that and him retaking Winterfell with the help of the wildlings and likely the Umbers and Reeds (this will introduce Howland Reed who needs to be introduced for later revelations).

- I also think he may have warged into Ghost, which is why Ghost was not around during the death scene. That will keep Jon's consciousness alive.

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Just checking, with the end of this series we're now up to date on the books, yes? Contemplating reading them once I've finally sorted out getting my glasses >_>

Kinda yes and kinda no. For people like Jon, Dany, Cersei, then yes, they've covered all the book material. For others, they've done something different to the books, and then other characters with big plotlines haven't been introduced in the show yet but will be in Season 6. And obviously they may just cut more stuff out.

It's a bit of a minefield as to what can spoil what now really due to the way the show has changed things.

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She's going to try and revive Azor Ahai and John will walk from the flames; the whole thing will be the build to the return of Stannis and then BOOM; John, fangirls cream, we all rejoice and we know his true calling.

Oh shit:

And now his watch has ended.

- I think Melisandre will resurrect Jon Snow. As he has died for the watch he is no longer bound to them. Melisandre will then produce the royal decree Stannis wrote that declares Jon Snow is no longer a bastard, so he won't return as Jon Snow, he'll return as a Stark. 'The North Remembers' stuff will tie in with that and him retaking Winterfell with the help of the wildlings and likely the Umbers and Reeds (this will introduce Howland Reed who needs to be introduced for later revelations).

- I also think he may have warged into Ghost, which is why Ghost was not around during the death scene. That will keep Jon's consciousness alive.

This all sounds very plausible. :)

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