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House of the Dragon (Game of Thrones) Thread


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6 hours ago, damshow said:
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It was mentioned enough earlier in the season where it felt as if Cersei had come to grips with the prophecy and that no matter what Tommen would die. Like a "this is the hand I've been dealt realization." An argument could also be made that Tommen "died" when he sided with High Sparrow. I think this is what turns Jaime against her, marching back to King's Landing just to see Cersei distant from him and everyone else. Her reign will be short, she'll destroy the economy even further, but she'll have the Mountain and Qyburn to protect her.


Exactly. She knew that she can't prevent the prophecy from coming true. She knew that she lost Tommen once he decided to align himself with the High Sparrow and called for the trail by combat to be abolished. She didn't want him to die in the flames so she saved him from that but she know he would die sooner rather than later. And I do think that we'll eventually get a scene with her mourning Tommen's death. She just has to act strong right now for her subject who I'm sure are not to thrilled about the death of the High Sparrow, the entire faith and Margaery Tyrell. I think in addition to the alliance of the Targaryens, Martells, Tyrells and Greyjoys coming for her throne she will probably have a civil war on her hands as well. And I'm sure Jamie will turn against her at some point too. But I don't think she'll see it coming. I'm pretty sure she expects the little brother that will kill her in the prophecy to be Tyrion and not Jamie.

Awesome finale. Everything that needs to be said has already been said. I'm stoked for season 7.

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So who does Cersei even have any more? She has no allies left and blew up a load of armed forces. I'm all for her beating defeated, but right now she seems well and truly outnumbered by potential enemies.

I love The Mountain and Jamie, but they are hardly an army, especially with the crown already established to be in debt and the bombs from Blackwater Bay now used up.


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9 minutes ago, Benji said:
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So who does Cersei even have any more? She has no allies left and blew up a load of armed forces. I'm all for her beating defeated, but right now she seems well and truly outnumbered by potential enemies.

I love The Mountain and Jamie, but they are hardly an army, especially with the crown already established to be in debt and the bombs from Blackwater Bay now used up.




Are all the bombs used up? Also, I don't actually think they're the bombs from Blackwater Bay, right? They're from Aegon's time, when he wanted to burn the entire city to the ground.

Also, she has the Lannisters, which are still a pretty big army if memory serves me correctly, Kevan Lannister (though that's not saying much and he might be dead but I don't remember seeing him in Baelor's Sept), and the Stormlands, since she didn't kill the last Baratheon, Tommen, so technically they should be on her side, and the Freys (though they are probably going to go to shit with Walder dying). Everyone else is ganging up on her, though, from all sides.



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Oh are they? Or are they the same thing? I assumed they were the ones mentioned a season or two back that Tyrion found after the Blackwater Bay battle.

I thought her army was too small to protect her lands and that was why she was forced to turn to the Faith militant.

Maybe I'm just misremembering a load of stuff :lol:



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I remember a scene with Tyrion and the head of the Pyromancers as he was telling them to make wildfire, so I'm not sure if they're the same ones.

She agreed to the Faith Militant to get them to throw Margaery in jail, no? I thought that was why.



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22 minutes ago, Benkid Nada said:
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Are all the bombs used up? Also, I don't actually think they're the bombs from Blackwater Bay, right? They're from Aegon's time, when he wanted to burn the entire city to the ground.

Also, she has the Lannisters, which are still a pretty big army if memory serves me correctly, Kevan Lannister (though that's not saying much and he might be dead but I don't remember seeing him in Baelor's Sept), and the Stormlands, since she didn't kill the last Baratheon, Tommen, so technically they should be on her side, and the Freys (though they are probably going to go to shit with Walder dying). Everyone else is ganging up on her, though, from all sides.




According to the Ice And Fire wiki Kevan died with everyone else in the Sept. Who is in charge of Casterly Rock now? Cersei or Jamie?


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Stolen from Reddit.


We forgot one of Arya's teachers.

Syrio Forel taught her how to stick them with the pointy end, Jaqen H'ghar taught a girl how to be a faceless man, but only Hot Pie taught her how to make a very satisfying Frey pie.


Edit 1:


I just realised - Jamie and Cersei's downfall started when Jamie pushed Bran out of a window... and their last child died by jumping out of a window


Edit 2: stolen from Reddit again.


Remember, Jaime killed Aerys to stop him from using the Wildfire. Cersei just used that Wildfire. He doesn't see Cersei sitting on the Iron Throne, he sees the Mad King.


Edit 3: stolen again


Tommen took the name King's Landing too literally.


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There was a lot I enjoyed about that episode, so it's difficult to know where to begin.


In one fell swoop, we've pretty much seen the end of Houses Baratheon, Tyrell and Lannister, and that's not mentioning House Martell, which perished at the beginning of the series. House Arryn is also on the ropes, yet it's the Targaryens and Starks, the first two houses of the series to be dismantled, who are making a comeback. There's very much a sense of revolution and the instability that brings, yet there's a small undercurrent of old familiarity backing things up too.

If I had to pick a standout moment from the episode, though, it would have to be Jon Snow finally winning the support of Lord Percy.


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2 hours ago, Hellraiser said:

Well that does make things even more interesting, doesn't it?

How? There is no more Rock at Casterly Rock. He will just be lord of Casterly Empty Holes.

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1 hour ago, SeanDMan said:

How? There is no more Rock at Casterly Rock. He will just be lord of Casterly Empty Holes.


Has Casterly Rock been destroyed? Did I miss something? What I'm alluding to is that Jamie would be in charge of the Lannister army and we don't know if he is going to side with his sister.


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17 minutes ago, Hellraiser said:
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Has Casterly Rock been destroyed? Did I miss something? What I'm alluding to is that Jamie would be in charge of the Lannister army and we don't know if he is going to side with his sister.



I hope he doesn't, despite having done some fucked up stuff (in the name of love) I think he's got a lot of good in him deep down. 


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Jamie / Cersei and the prophecy spoilers


He's not siding with Cersei. Remember the prophecy? She would be killed by her 'valonqhar', her 'little brother', which she always assumed meant Tyrion. Well, Jamie was born after Cersei, he's also her little brother, he's going to strangle her with his bare hands.


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10 minutes ago, Gazz said:

Jamie / Cersei and the prophecy spoilers

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He's not siding with Cersei. Remember the prophecy? She would be killed by her 'valonqhar', her 'little brother', which she always assumed meant Tyrion. Well, Jamie was born after Cersei, he's also her little brother, he's going to strangle her with his bare hands.


Already called it, Gazz :shifty: . 


How's Jamie going to strangle Cersei with his bare hands? :shifty: 

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