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The "I Miss X Game" Thread


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A company that I believe was called 'Spiderweb Software' made a series of games called 'Exile', where you were a quintet of adventurers exiled underground, where you had adventures. In the second one, you found this alien culture down a waterfall, and in the third, you went back to the surface. Awesome RPGs.

They made a series called 'Avernum' which was kinda similar, but it wasn't the same.

Can't find those games for shit :(

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A remake or sequel to Grim Fandango. Just a game where I have to use a ridiculous combination of items to open a door or something.

Could try the monkey island remakes, or sam and max games.

Without a doubt the one game I would love to see a sequel to or remake of?

Syndicate wars.

Fuck yes.

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Guest viperlike

Shenmue, the original for the Dreamcast was just out of this world. Id still take it over any other game of the last ten years.

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Broken Sword. Which was basically games about the lengths a guy would go to for pussy on a gap year.

Fucking hell, didn't realise they'd been 4 of them. Thought it finished after 2. Guess I know what I'm buying.

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Check some reviews first. I never bought the third, but from what I remember its more box pushing in 3D than actual puzzle solvering.

On a related note would highly recommend Telltales Tales of Monkey Island series. Its no Monkey Island 2, but its certainly worth playing.

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Theme Park.

They need to make Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 current gen computer compatible and release more addones!

As for Point and click adventures. With the iPad around (it´s perfect for these games, Broken Sword is around aswell), telltale getting bigger and the Monkey Island rereleases (i read somewere more Lucas Arts games are comming) i hope that we get get that gnere back soon.

There is a fan made broken sword 2.5 that is suposed to be good.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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A company that I believe was called 'Spiderweb Software' made a series of games called 'Exile', where you were a quintet of adventurers exiled underground, where you had adventures. In the second one, you found this alien culture down a waterfall, and in the third, you went back to the surface. Awesome RPGs.

They made a series called 'Avernum' which was kinda similar, but it wasn't the same.

Can't find those games for shit :(


I played these too. I think you can still get them on shareware, which is a word that hasn't been used on the internet in a decade. :P

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I miss the Uncharted Waters series... New Horizons (UW2) was much better than the first, but even with the first I could spend days at a time playing it without getting bored.

Also, BaseWars

Edited by Steel City Saint
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