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EWB's Top 32 Movies of 2010

GoGo Yubari

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I knew Inception would win and I didn't see enough 2010 movies to justify voting to change that. I still don't understand why people like this movie. It's okay, it has solid acting and is well directed but it's certainly not the masterpiece everyone makes it out to be.

The general idea is good, but the excecution is just terrible. You could do so many things in the dreamworld and going with a freaking heist movie is just such a letdown. It turned the movie into a glorified action flick - and yes, this is probably why people like it. But it's nothing more.

And it's not thought provoking. It's not complicated. It's just an action movie in a pretty dress.

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It's just an action movie in a pretty dress.

And what is wrong with that, exactly?

Nothing, it's just way too hyped for that fact and I was letdown because it's nothing more.

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Every movie has its detractors. Citizen Kane is called boring by lots of people. Doesn't make it any less of a great film. I enjoyed Inception quite a bit. The idea of lucid dreaming has always interested me, and that could have played a factor in my overall enjoyment. But I thought the performances by the entire cast was quite impressive and it entertained me the entire two-and-a-half hours. Obviously, everyone is going to have their own opinions about what makes a great movie. I saw Scott Pilgrim and thought it blew. After all the jerking off EWB did for it, I was expecting much better. But I'm not a comic book guy, so maybe that played a part in my dislike of it.

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The worst injustice ever was how Pilgrim tanked. Irregardless of that, it's still a goddamned awesome-as-hell film that I'll love forever. Maybe even for a thousand years, a thousand years. (Obscure references FTW.)

Toy Story 3 was fantastic, as was Inception.

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Every movie has its detractors. Citizen Kane is called boring by lots of people. Doesn't make it any less of a great film. I enjoyed Inception quite a bit. The idea of lucid dreaming has always interested me, and that could have played a factor in my overall enjoyment. But I thought the performances by the entire cast was quite impressive and it entertained me the entire two-and-a-half hours. Obviously, everyone is going to have their own opinions about what makes a great movie. I saw Scott Pilgrim and thought it blew. After all the jerking off EWB did for it, I was expecting much better. But I'm not a comic book guy, so maybe that played a part in my dislike of it.

Same for me and probably the main reason why I don't like the movie. With lucid dreaming anything is possible and the best they could come up with was "Well, let's do a heist movie!"

Introducing the penrose stairs as an example for impossible things in dreams was great - they just should have done a lot more stuff like it in my opinion.

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Right, but the idea was they needed the victim to think it was reality. It'd be hard to do that with a whale flying across the sky.

And because of this the whole heist scenario is limiting what the movie could have been.

Also I may not remember this correctly (it's been a while), but doesn't Cobb tell Fisher that they are in a dream? So there is no need to act like it's reality after that.

Anyways, if you or anyone likes it, more power to you. I don't want to talk anyone out of liking a movie.

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It was okay. I just expected to be more entertained by Nolan, but it was just kind of a miss for me. I liked most of the performances (still don't really enjoy DiCaprio) and the story was entertaining, but I doubt I'll ever watch it again.

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I'm fairly easy to please as a movie goer. It's why I don't tend to read reviews/EWB's opinions before I go, because I don't want to be built up into thinking something's the best film ever and come out disappointed at the end of it. That said, I thought Inception was awesome at the time and still think it was a great film, but on repeated viewings it might fall a bit flat. The Dark Knight did that when I watched it for the second time, actually. Held off a couple of years before I saw it again and then I still liked it a lot, it just wasn't as zOMG AWESOME as I thought it was the first time. I expect a lot of these films will do that too, to be honest.

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I've watched Scott Pilgrim twice in theatres and then multiple times on DVD/blu-ray - but I have only been able to watch Inception that one time in theatres. A great movie but it just doesn't have any real lasting effect on me.

This. I liked Inception a lot when I saw it in theatres, but if I never see it again that's fine. That's why it only finished like seventh or eighth on my top ten.

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Am I the only one who thought Toy Story was kinda so-so? Don't get me wrong, it was a great film, but I don't think it'd crack my top 20 of 2010, let alone 10. To me the story was just a bit too similar to Toy Story 2, and it didn't reinvent the wheel like I'd been promised it would. It's a clear indication of overhype, because I only got a chance to sit down and watch it on Sunday, after the world and their collective mother's had pimped it out to me since last Summer. It was funny, it was moving, it was smart, but that was it.

Regardless, great list, and I'm surprised that I've seen as many as I have. I'm sorry to say that if I'd had voted, Inception still would have won, it was just the best movie of the year, plain and simple.

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I was really hyped before watching Inception. I went in, it completley blew my expectations out of the water and I was completley absorbed into the story. It wasn't the confusing movie some people made it out to be, but I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, all the performances and how epic the movie felt. I was impressed with its ability to combine being an intelligent movie and a blockbuster. The film doesn't crack my top ten films ever made, but it was my number one for the year because no other film replicated the feeling I had coming out of that film. I felt like I'd seen something special and the film stayed with me for days afterwards. I watched it for a second time in the cinema and still thought it was excellent.

I can understand someone being let down by the hype, because that's always a danger when a movie has such a buzz surrounding it.

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I like Inception and voted for it, but it is still far and away the most overrated movie of the year. It isn't that good in the grand scheme of things, yet I had a tonne of friends coming out of the cinema calling it the greatest film they have ever seen. It is these friends that make me really want to dislike the movie because it has just seemed to become a way they can score points by talking about how complicated it is, but they still understood it. I remember I was talking to someone about it and just because I said I didn't think it was as good as people are making it out to be he assumed I didn't get, when the concept really wasn't that complicated. It is Memento with a huge budget, not Nolan's best film by a mile.

Scott Pilgrim was fun and all, but it would have only just scratched my top 20 I think. Way too niche for my liking, everything in between the fight scenes got quite boring, and Michael Cera is terrible.

And as for the true winner in my heart, Toy Story 3. Fantastic film from top to bottom, it came really close to topping Toy Story, which is one of my favourite films of all time.

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