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EWB's Top 32 Movies of 2010

GoGo Yubari

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Blue Valentine was okay. I'm not the target audience though so ...

Four Lions is the funniest film in years. It was my #1 for a reason.

The A-Team was a lot of fun and all, but The Expendables was fucking awesome. My penis got bigger just by watching it.

Easy A was fun too.

127 Hours was great. Loved every minute of it. It didn't tread water until it got to the amputation scene, which is what it would have done if anyone but Danny Boyle directed it.

Haven't seen: She's Out Of My League, The Runaways, The Kids Are All Right and Machete, though I should really get around to watching Machete.

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Not shocked in the slightest about Machete; it didn't have the hugest release. I do admit to being surprised Expendables didn't crack the top twenty, though. Next section of the list coming up later tonight, probably after the Sounders game.

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The Kids Are All Right would probably be in my Top 15 movies of 2010, so it's just a few notches down on where it'd actually be on my list. No harm, no foul. It was a fun movies with an interesting dynamic.

127 Hours being this low, however, is such a tragedy given how it was my favorite movie of the year. Everything about it from the visuals, to the directing style, to little details, to the arm cutting scene, to James Franco's performance were extraordinary. If you haven't seen this movie, shame on you.

I haven't seen Easy A, but I've heard mostly good things. Maybe one day.

The Expendables disappointed the shit out of me. I know that's an unpopular opinion around here, but I felt Stallone took the movie too seriously when he should've gone even more balls to the walls with it. Whatever.

I never saw Machete and I'll probably watch it when it comes out on Netflix Instant View and I'm in the right mood.

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15. The Town (33 pts, appeared on 8 ballots)


14. Tron: Legacy (34 pts, appeared on 5 ballots)


13. Paranormal Activity 2 (35 pts, appeared on 6 ballots)


12. Hot Tub Time Machine (38 pts, appeared on 9 ballots)


11. Get Him to the Greek (38 pts, appeared on 10 ballots)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 32 Movies of 2010: The situation did not develop as intended.

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Loved The Town and Paranormal Activity 2, but really EWB, Get Him to the Greek? Really? The 11th best movie of the year? Really? I want to stand on Russell Brand's face until his teeth break.

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Apart from Get Him To The Greek and The Town which the former didn't do anything for me and the latter I haven't seen, that's a pretty good list.

Tron Legacy was wonderful and I won't hear a word against it. All complaints I've heard so far for why it wasn't a 'good' film have just been shit. I honestly thought it was amazing and can't wait to see the second one, if it gets around to being made. Double the Bridges, double the fun!

Paranormal Activity 2 was good. It probably wasn't as good as the first, but that might have more to do with the fact I saw this one at home and not at the cinema. I liked the ending and the explanation as to why what happened in the first film happened. The TWIST at the end I wasn't SO keen on, but then it's a horror film. No one's ever really supposed to get away.

I don't care what anyone says, Hot Tub Time Machine was great fun. I really enjoyed it, it was the same kind of comedy that I loved when I was younger (read: Adam Sandler films) and for whatever reason, it translated well.

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GHTTG and Tron were both on my list but got bumped down when I saw Black Swan and The Fighter. Tron in particular was fantastic, really well done stylistically and fuck, it had Olivia Wilde looking hot. And Daft Punk! Thinking about it, I should've bumped The Expendables instead. GHTTG was... alright, and only ever made my list originally out of necessity. Again, haven't seen any of the others, but outside of Paranormal Activity 2 I'd be interested in all of them.

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The Town was fan-fucking-tastic, loved that that was on there. Can't believe it's lower than fucking Tron, however. That show was absolute crap.

I laughed at a lot of jokes in Get Him To The Greek, I am ashamed to admit.

Yeah, so far this list sucks. Top Ten better be good.

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Tron Legacy was just glorious. Olivia Wilde in that movie is probably my number one ever film-related crush.

Daft Punk's soundtrack was so so so good.

The 3D was perfect - it had exactly the right amount of depth to add to the in-a-computer feel without being overpowering and giving people headaches. It was fantastically subtle.

Bridges was great and it even had Cillian Murphy in a minor role and I'd have his children.

The only downer? Some scripting and plot troubles as well as the meandering trip on the sky train but honestly I left it feeling so so so happy I'd seen it. Definitely one of my top 2 or 3 of the year.

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And now, the home stretch. I think very likely a stronger top ten than last year's was.


10. The Fighter (43 pts, appeared on 8 ballots)


9. The King's Speech (47 pts, appeared on 7 ballots)


8. True Grit (60 pts, appeared on 11 ballots)


7. Shutter Island (78 pts, appeared on 13 ballots)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 32 Movies of 2010: Wait, did you have some sort of lezzy wet dream about me? Oh my God. Oh my God! You did! You fantasized about me! Was I good?

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That's quite the list of for there.

I really enjoyed all four of those films, but The Fighter was my favourite of the four. I thought the performances were really something to write about and I was absorbed for the two hours. It might've had something to do with my love for Christian Bale, but I thought this movie was one of the year's best.

I felt overwhelmed when I first saw The King's Speech because I thought it was a fantastic movie and I didn't know I was going to come away from the film having felt so much emotion while watching. However, the awards season has somewhat soured the experience for me somewhat because I didn't think it deserved to sweep the awards like I did. But it still deserves a nice high spot on the list.

True Grit would've made my list had I watched it a week earlier. It funny, well acted and engaging. I didn't like it as much as other members but I really appreciated how good it was.

Shutter Island was a lot of fun and turned me onto DiCaprio as an actor. Probably wouldn't have personally placed it as high as it is, but it was still a really good flick.

Going back a bit, I'm glad to see Hot Tub Time Machine make the list. It was a comedy I expected little things from and it turned out to be wonderful, my friends and I were laughing hard in the cinema. So I think it's place on the list is well deserved.

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Didn't like The Town. The boring bits were boring, and the not boring bits were still boring.

Tron: Legacy was fun, but not fun enough to give me any desire for an immediate rewatch.

I despite Paranormal Activity and all of that kind of film.

Haven't seen Hot Tub Time Machine, but as far as comedy movies go, screw you guys, because Get Him To The Greek was hilarious.

The Fighter was no good. Everything that wasn't Christian Bale was so very lacklustre.

The King's Speech was good. There is a reason it cleaned up at the Oscars and BAFTAs. It isn't my favourite kind of film though, which is why it didn't make my list.

True Grit was excellent.

Shutter Island was okay. I don't think it is as good as the consensus is dictating, but I'm just one man.

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