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Dead Island

DJ Ice

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Having played a bit more, it isn't a total waste of time, but eh. The controls are clunky as hell, combat is worse than L4D, weapons seem to degrade in no time at all, moving about is cumbersome, the radar seems to either work only part of the time or is completely useless, and the micromanaging stuff is annoying. I spend more time kicking zombies in the head so I don't waste my weapons durability, using all my cash to upgrade some shitty weapons and collecting a ridiculous amount of stuff that I could sell but teasingly could also use to upgrade other stuff, but without knowing which ones are usefull etc it's all rather bleh.

I can see it being a lot more fun with friends, but even Borderlands managed to be competent on single player, this really isn't. The map is massive which is a good thing, but so far I haven't found any boundaries, or indications where I am besides a momentary flash on the corner of my screen, which makes exploring a pain in the ass. I heard someone mention about needing his insulin shot in bungalow 20 over the radio so I say good stuff, lets go get this guy his shot, but I find one level of bungalows, half of which aren't even numbered, below another tier of bungalows similarly untitled, and then I drive up a road and find out theres an entirely different area of identical bungalows and I no longer have any fucking clue where I'm expected to go because the only thing on the radar, literally, is the arrow indicating my position. No outline of buildings, no enemy dots, no quest waypoint or anything. Even when I track quests from the menu it only seems to give you a waypoint whenever it feels like it.

I'm not entirely hating the game, but I spent the last few weeks dying to get home from work to play Deus Ex. I have had to force myself to play this. Someone tell me why I'm wrong not to love this.

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What is the penalty for dying? From the vids I've seen it looks like you just spawn back with all your shit.

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