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2011 MLB Season


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Going by the numbers, I'd say the Pirates.

That reminds of an article I read a couple of years ago ripping Mark Cuban's wife because Cuban had said something about him wanting to buy them because he was a fan but his wife wouldn't let him.

Cuban's full of shit.

He brings that up every couple of years to stay in the headlines in his hometown. It was the same thing when the Pens were for sale. He was rumored to have an interest in buying them (this was around the time Jim Balsille tried to buy the team and move them to Hamilton.) and then when they came up for sale the second time, this time after Balsille backed out Cuban had his chance to step in and buy the team but decided not to for a second time.

He doesn't want to own any Pittsburgh teams and I wouldn't want him to either.


Also, yeah I don't know that the Pirates have had more than 10 PED users on their roster at any one time since the early 90s. I mean if they had, the drugs certainly didn't help anyone's performance.

Edited by Evil Chase K
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Also, yeah I don't know that the Pirates have had more than 10 PED users on their roster at any one time since the early 90s. I mean if they had, the drugs certainly didn't help anyone's performance.

Proof positive that it takes a bit more than just 'using' steroids for the PEDS to be effective. I think that's why there is a large camp of fans that just don't give a shit about Bonds juicing up. He did a hell of a lot more than just pump the needle in his ass. He was the hardest working guy on the team, completely revamped his swing (twice), changed the positioning of his hands on the bat (twice), learned to be more disciplined at the plate, and learned to become a situational hitter ... all during the time he juiced and exploded with the numbers.

Simply slapping some 'super cream' on your ass isn't going to do any of those things for you. I've asked several times when having this discussion, what (outside of recovery) did steroids actually do for Bonds ? And please, don't say hit HRs because that will only show that you don't understand the first thing about steroids. The effect they had on his HR total are no more than the effect of him becoming a smarter/better hitter had, if even that much.

This is a part of the debate I enjoy about the whole PED thing because PEDs are much like equipment really. I mean, you can hand me the greatest set of golf clubs and best balls and my immediate game is going to be the same +/- a random few shots that the equipment might help me on. However, the equipment isn't going to inherently make my game better. I've still got to work my game to the point that the equipment is useful compared to what I used to have in the bag.

He brings that up every couple of years to stay in the headlines in his hometown

LOL, no ... no he doesn't. Cuban is in the headlines front and center in Dallas because Dallas tries as hard as it can to be a big city with big issues and big personalities. Cuban doesn't have to do anything to stay in the headlines in Dallas. He was rumored to have interest in the Pens .... yeah when he, Marino, and the group headed by Murstein. Gov Randell had set up a plan between the new ownership group and the Penguins for a new arena but the Pens didn't sign off on it, not Cuban and the ownership group. Hell, he wanted into Lemuix's group in 1999 but said no because they wouldn't give him a role that had involvement in day-to-day operation of the team.

Cuban has been serious about the Penguins. He isn't just fluffing shit up to stay in the headlines.

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The fact that only 15% of people said they'd remember him as a HoF worthy player makes one think that a good part of that 66% who chose "Manny Being Manny" remember and hold the steroids against him.

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The fact that only 15% of people said they'd remember him as a HoF worthy player makes one think that a good part of that 66% who chose "Manny Being Manny" remember and hold the steroids against him.

I would also say that a good chunk of that 66% don't realize how great of a hitter Manny was because he became a parody of himself in the last few years of his career. Take all of the things we just said about Edgar Martinez yesterday and puff up those numbers even more and that's the stratosphere Manny ended up in. When it comes to my lifetime the only superior all around hitters I can name are Bonds, Pujols and A-Rod.

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The fact that only 15% of people said they'd remember him as a HoF worthy player makes one think that a good part of that 66% who chose "Manny Being Manny" remember and hold the steroids against him.

I would also say that a good chunk of that 66% don't realize how great of a hitter Manny was because he became a parody of himself in the last few years of his career. Take all of the things we just said about Edgar Martinez yesterday and puff up those numbers even more and that's the stratosphere Manny ended up in. When it comes to my lifetime the only superior all around hitters I can name are Bonds, Pujols and A-Rod.

A-Rod will end up with far superior stats but day in and day out I think he was the most feared right handed hitter of his era. There aren't many stretches in baseball history where someone put up better numbers then Manny Ramirez circa 1998-2008. What a shame. I'd still put him in the hall of fame though.

Edit: I also can't figure out why the hell ECK wouldn't want Cuban to own the Pirates. He'd come in and spend money right away.

Edited by sahyder1
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The only interesting thing I've seen between Sox/Yankees since the 2004 ALCS. Love the cheap shot at Philly too.

Saw this on the NESN broadcast yesterday. Agree, funny stuff. Far superior to the stupid Avis commercials that air in the NYC market.

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I would also say that a good chunk of that 66% don't realize how great of a hitter Manny was because he became a parody of himself in the last few years of his career.

That is most likely going to be the best summation of Manny.

Only person (off the top of my head) I'd add to that list is Vlad. People highly underestimate just how much nobody wanted to face him. If it weren't for those first few years in Montreal he'd easily have much better numbers due to help from his team.

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Its been a couple of years for sure. I would say all the way back to their second World Series run. And for me, I think Beckett's success is CRITICAL for Boston long term...meaning post season. He is the one pitcher they have, that when he is on is an intimating pitcher. The quality of their pitchers are top notch, 1-5. No doubt about it. But in my opinion, he is the one guy in that rotation that when he is on...no one wants to face.

It was nice to see him have a good showing tonight.

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From the baseball is cruel department, Cheeseburger Cheeseburger's ERA is 1.45 and he's 0-1 through 3 quality starts, while AJ Burnett is 2-0 with a 4.09 ERA.

In fairness he got lucky last night. 9 hits and 4 walks in 5.2 innings and only gave up 1 run?

Beckett looked absolutely fantastic though.

And I am in mourning for my Tigers. Losing a series at home to the Royals? Shameful.

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Just to touch on something going back, best hitter of my lifetime? Junior. Hands down. Sweetest swing. Coolest motherfucker. Griffey was the man, fuck everyone else, and I'll believe he was clean until proven otherwise. Dude doesn't even have a whiff of steroids around him.

Also, man, I wish the Dodgers were GOOD again. I mean like, 80s good. Hell, I'll take 90s, Rookie of the Year EVERY YEAR, again.

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