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How angry do you get?


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When I was younger I'd lose my shit and take my frustration out on anything that moved. Now that I'm older I think I mostly just sigh loudly and frustratedly, grip the controller super-tight, and/or maybe get up and sort of pace in frustration for a moment. I think the worst I'd do/I've done in recent memory is maybe throw the controller into a couch cushion or something.

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I tend to get REALLY mad if a platforming section has been bugging me for the past hour or so, probably because I know that I've just wasted money on something way out of my skill range >_< Super Meat Boy is probably going to join the ranks of N+ soon enough >_>

Team games don't necessarily bother me because I like to turn into Blackburn when losing 3-0, often striking lucky, breaking the opposition striker and causing their confidence and gameplan to fall apart :D

Team Fortress 2 used to cause me to rage like a madman in large quantities, after a certain amount of aggravation I'd find myself QQing <_< Then I realised that I was taking the game far too seriously and started having fun with it, usually through griefing aggressively competitive premium players :D

Although, funnily enough the only time I've broken a controller was throwing it after playing Monday Night Combat... and that game isn't even that frustrating :/

So yeah, looking through what I've just said... I'm a bad loser, who probably ruins more online games than I'd like to admit... but at the end of the day it's personal fulfilment that matters, if you're not having fun playing a game then there isn't a point in playing a game. Grinding for the sake of grinding isn't fun, neither is being spawnkilled in COD, but taking out that player just before they win the game is glorious. That's why the blue shell is both amazing and obscenity inducing.

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I don't throw or hit things, but I've been known to make up a stupid swear word or two. If I lose in a game, fairly, I'm perfectly fine with that. It's when a game goes out of it's way to screw you over (particularly in sports games when no matter what you do, the computer just constantly one-ups you) can get me going.

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I don't because I'm not a dickhead. If I get pissed off at the game the most I'll do is not play it for a couple of days.

Although I do remember hitting a friend on the head with a controller while playing timesplitters 2 back in the day. >_>

That's perfectly acceptable. Possibly the best multiplayer game of all time.

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The only time I get "mad" or "angry" is when I'm playing an online multiplayer game and someone makes a ridiculous racist/sexist/etcist comment AND I'm a little on edge with some other problem subconsciously to begin with. Otherwise I'll just say "sheesh, damn, lame" and maybe some expletives on online multiplayer, and that's that. I actually enjoy competitive fighting games, even if I'm losing, just fun to play in a social context(never was a sore loser.)

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I try to stay away from games that are multiplayer and I know theres hackers playing, or could have the chance to play. So I guess that what makes me more mellow about things, I play single player a lot. I tried to do some online GTA and others, and watching a guy take a missile to the head and shoot you to death with a pistol is enough to piss anyone off.

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All of my anger gets taken out on games. I get beyond catatonic when I get pissed off at them, and I do frequently. I've gone through about 7-8 controllers for my Xbox over the years, mainly because of Fifa thinking about it. I shout and swear loudly and I do throw things and hit things in frustration. I've actually given up playing Football Manager for the sheer sake of not breaking my laptop, since my PC no longer works and that is mainly because of punching the tower because of FM.

Yeah. Good job I don't get like that with people!

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All of my anger gets taken out on games. I get beyond catatonic when I get pissed off at them, and I do frequently. I've gone through about 7-8 controllers for my Xbox over the years, mainly because of Fifa thinking about it. I shout and swear loudly and I do throw things and hit things in frustration. I've actually given up playing Football Manager for the sheer sake of not breaking my laptop, since my PC no longer works and that is mainly because of punching the tower because of FM.

Yeah. Good job I don't get like that with people!

You seen a shrink for that? Cos it sounds like you've got some serious emotional immaturity issues.

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I have to use a wire adapter for one of my wireless 360 controllers because I got frustrated with lagswitchers on Halo and slammed the back of it against my fist, but that's the furthest it's ever gone. I've yelled some morons over live before as well, but I'm not going to start breaking stuff over a game. I will get very annoyed and curse, but I keep it there.

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Very pissed off, usually by Pro Evo. A few controllers have bitten the dust due that game over the years, but never in one act of anger, it's cumulative fatigue... I used to get pissed off in FM games, but no so much anymore.

I did get very pissed off during one fight on Mass Effect 2 and broke my TV remote throwing it against the wall. Luckily, I was able to put it back together again.

Overall, I swear a bit, but rarely get mad enough to throw/break anything.

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Number of angry parents we get in having to replace controllers and headsets for their spoilt offspring who've had tantrums over Cod is staggering. Easiest solution would be to not let your beloved brat play a game he's clearly too mentally immature to play (nevermind legally too young to purchase 9 times out of 10).

Personally, I've developed a habit of flicking my pad in the air and catching it again, no wanton destruction for me. Cursing out and down-repping cheesers on NHL though, all the time.

This, Also bouncing the controller off the couch and nabbing it mid flight.

I tend to be very abusive to my PC headset - But even that's been not so bad lately.

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All of my anger gets taken out on games. I get beyond catatonic when I get pissed off at them, and I do frequently. I've gone through about 7-8 controllers for my Xbox over the years, mainly because of Fifa thinking about it. I shout and swear loudly and I do throw things and hit things in frustration. I've actually given up playing Football Manager for the sheer sake of not breaking my laptop, since my PC no longer works and that is mainly because of punching the tower because of FM.

Yeah. Good job I don't get like that with people!

You seen a shrink for that? Cos it sounds like you've got some serious emotional immaturity issues.

He's from Donny, they're all like that.

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The only time I get angry is when I'm playing FIFA online against someone shit who uses Barca or Real Madris, yet wins anyway by running through my defence by just holding R2 with Messi/Ronaldo. It happened yesterday and I'm cooling off from online FIFA for a few days due to pure frustration. If I get beat fairly, I couldn't give a toss generally, in FIFA or any other game, it's just people who cheat to win a video game piss me off.

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Considering I dont exactly play a lot of games (I really only play Reach now, and only have that and SD 2011 for games), I dont really tend to get all that upset. If I get killed in Reach, I'll say "fuck!" I never really play in matches where I just get flatout annoyed with the types of people in the game (the only types I get annoyed with are those that spam hammers and swords), or annoyed/upset with losing. I have that competitive type of anger with playing, but I never cross the line with it, especially to the point where I feel the need to throw or break something. I play games to give me something fun to do, and even when I lose (which happens 90% of the time since I suck), I still have fun. It is also something that pulls me away from reality.

I just dont understand why people do that. I have a friend who tends to get really upset, and one time threw his controller to the ground just because he didnt win a friendly game of Grifball in Reach that was just between him, two other friends there, and I (meaning we were not playing online with strangers), and he sulked about it for a good amount of time. It sucks playing with people like that, because if I start beating them and I can tell they are getting annoyed, I just let them win to shut them up and prevent them from throwing a hissy fit.

Edited by Vitamin E
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Meh, no idea really. I've not gotten stupidly mad at a game for a good while now actually, but then I don't play games which easily frustrate me much anymore. And I've not seen a shrink because like I say, I don't get anywhere near that level of anger or frustration any other time. Even if I'm playing a game with friends instead of alone I'm nowhere near as bad, it's odd.

You're just a silly, stupid person :P

This is probably true. :P

Edited by AdamDRFC
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All of my anger gets taken out on games. I get beyond catatonic when I get pissed off at them, and I do frequently. I've gone through about 7-8 controllers for my Xbox over the years, mainly because of Fifa thinking about it. I shout and swear loudly and I do throw things and hit things in frustration. I've actually given up playing Football Manager for the sheer sake of not breaking my laptop, since my PC no longer works and that is mainly because of punching the tower because of FM.

Yeah. Good job I don't get like that with people!

People in a catatonic state are generally immobile just so you know. It's the opposite of what you intended to say.

Sorry, it just annoys me. It's like when people say 'I get hypo' but mean hyper (could be an Australian only thing).

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