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Had some wonderful games tonight. Finally got around to getting Hardline Pro and it's lovely. Chopper Gunner on Nuketown? That's what we like. SAM Turret and an Ammo Care Package becoming Napalm & Mortar Team? That'll do nicely. And to end it all, I managed to go 30-17 on Free For All. And I hate Free For All!

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I went 28-3 on Villa the other day. I had a Chopper Gunner, but it wasn't that. I called in a bunch of care packages at once, and the first one was a sentry gun. I deployed it to protect the rest of my stuff, and it seemed like the entire enemy team appeared just as I did that. I think I got 6 or 7 kills from that, and 4 or 5 shooting people trying to flank the gun.

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I just need one more teammate to pick up a crate on Hardline Pro but noooo. Urgh, honest assholes.

Simple tactic is to stand distant from it and just kill any enemies, if I see someone looking directly at it when they're doing that then I know they want someone to take it.

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