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You guys successfully make me want Hardline Pro. Off to work, I say.

EDIT: Hardline Pro is fucking sick. I also echo whoever said team-mates are idiots when it comes to share packages. I luckily had a friend on who helped me out a bit.

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The only problem with Hardline Pro is that if someone from your team decides they want to steal your care package, you can't do the double tap whilst it's being taken. So instead of getting a possible awesome killstreak, you end up losing out on a Spy Plane or something.

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Looks like the patch that came out has a change to Hardline Pro. Now you can only re-roll the care packages only and not the SAM Turret/Sentry Gun ones. :(

It finally added the NAT type to the lobby though which is good.

Issues Addressed:

* Resolved several issues with parties getting disbanded unexpectedly.

* Additional measures to prevent the “Transmission error” and other disconnects. This was most likely to occur with large parties where party members had mixed NAT types. (PS3 only)

* Addressed an issue with VOIP icons not appearing when USB headsets were plugged in prior to game launch. (PS3 only)

* Updated handling for UPnP-enabled routers to improve matchmaking conditions where users had strict or moderate NAT types. Also added in-game communications so that all players are aware of their NAT type in the Player Match party lobby.

* Addressed issue that prevented the “Load MP by Default” option from saving when other specific option combinations were set. (Xbox 360 only)

* Prevention of exploit that allowed players to keep custom classes and killstreaks after prestige.

* Addressed an issue where Flak Jacket Pro would not always protect against ground fires left by Napalm Strikes.

* Prevention of users losing their killstreak reward when switching classes at the start of a new round in round-based game modes.

* Addressed an issue where the incorrect perks would appear when spectating another player under certain circumstances.

* Added round start explosive delay to China Lake grenade launcher to give it the same round start limitations as other explosives.

* Contracts will now reset when the player Prestiges.

* Prevention of Valkyrie rocket exploding upon release under rare conditions.

* Prevention of Gunship failing to give player full control under rare conditions.

* Prevention of an issue where a player will get teleported outside the map boundaries under very specific circumstances.

* Additional security measures to enhance detection and banning capabilities.

Gameplay Tuning:

* Limit the ability to re-roll supply drops using Hardline Pro to Care Packages only, no other killstreak drops.

* Added a negative influencer to all spawn points to decrease the chances of spawning near an enemy. This will further improve spawning protection on top of previous updates.

* Additional sound mix tuning for Ninja Pro users – increased ranges and volume of enemy footsteps, and removed player footstep sounds on concrete material types.

* Increased headshot multipliers for sniper rifles. Sniper rifles with suppressors equipped will now always be ensured one-shot kill headshots.

* Subtle increase in sniper rifle accuracy when scoping in.

* Added a render delay to the red diamond player indicators that appear when controlling the Gunship, Valkyrie Rocket and Chopper Gunner.

* When a player first spawns, this will not appear for a period of time.

* Additional minor reductions in knife lunge.

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Some pretty good fixes there, though the "beast" in me is kinda peeved about red diamond fixes when you're using a Gunner or Gunship. Still I understand why, because even though it's fun for the person doing it, it sucks to just spawn and die when the other team has one.

Glad to see the NAT is going to be shown, and sucks for Fitzy and Ruki that they took away hardline pro. You guys still going to use it?

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