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The Dark Knight Rises


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Coming from a board of wrestling fans, our inability to suspend our disbelief for a 3 hour movie is bordering on the surreal.

I suspended my disbelief enough to accept that a socially maladjusted orphan with a justice complex is able to live a double life as a billonaire philantrophist and a crime-fighting super-strong expert martial artist with loads of cool gadgets, while dressed up as a bat, without anyone knowing it's him, and that it's possible to convert a hitherto unknown fusion reactor into a functional nuclear bomb with a couple of minutes of tinkering, and that an inexplicably superhuman, super-intelligent mercenary with an ill-defined life support system contained in a face mask would be able to occupy a major American city.

In other words, it's a Batman movie. I suspended my disbelief plenty. Suspension of disbelief does not automatically mean you can forgive jumps of logic and plot holes you could drive the Batmobile through, had it actually showed up in this movie.

Well if you can make those jumps, well then is it a massive jump to go... The guy is Bruce Wayne and Batman, he has gone under the radar in one way or another since he left Gotham after wanting to kill Joe Chill, he finds a way, no matter what, to get what and to where he wants, I think he probably could get from the Middle East to The USA in 20 days in this day and age.

And there were three batmobiles I spotted, at least <_<

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at that point Bane's main focus was on Batman, so it made sense that the bomb-focus was elsewhere. adding backstory doesn't need to effect the future, because it can change everything you've just seen. one extra piece of information near the end of a show/film/book can completely change perceptions and feelings on what you've just witnessed.

You're right, I can definitely see that, and I can see how it casts Bane in a completely different light, too. I'd never really looked at in terms of Bane being more focused on Batman than his previous objective, and that makes a lot of sense. To me, though, it was all kind of overshadowed by a plot twist that felt pretty forced and un-necessary, and relied an awful lot on the audience caring about the motivations of a character who, I felt, we hadn't been given nearly enough reason to care about.

Giving a character the motivation of 'love' right at the end of his life could work if he wasn't trying to blow up a city for...wait, what was his actual reason? Just Ra Al Ghul's destiny?

Oh God, this. One scene in which I actually laughed out loud was when Talia said "his only crime was to love", or something equally asinine. He's murdered thousands, crashed a plane, been a notorious mercenary for (presumably) some years, has been responsible for the deaths of thousands of citizens of Gotham, has caused billions of dollars worth of property damage, illegally obtained a nuclear bomb, forced a prison break, and is holding what is presumably one of the largest city's in the country hostage, plus whatever he did to get him thrown into the "hell" prison in the first place. HIS ONLY CRIME WAS LOVE! IT'S SOCIETY'S CRIME, NOT BANE'S!

Everyone's motivation in this thing was all out of wack.

While I think you're basically fair in your criticisms, that line wasn't a reference to Bane's actions in Gotham - she was telling Batman that Bane was exiled from the League when loving her was his only crime i.e. the only reason Ra's could possibly have to exile him.

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Bane destroyed most of Bruce Wayne's assets with the stock market heist - I don't think Bruce would be anywhere near as broke as most people are letting on. You'd have to think that someone who lives a double life as Batman has thousands upon thousands of dollars squirreled away somewhere. But that's beside the point when it comes to how Bruce would've gotten back.

1) He wouldn't of been dressed like Batman. He could've only gotten back into the suit at a location close to Gotham. All evidence points to the cave that he led Blake to at the very end of the movie.

Well as it was brought up before, couldn't pay the lights.

And my point of him being dressed as batman is that he WAS dressed as him when bane kicked his ass. I just never thought of the batman carrying a wallet with Waynes passport is all.

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But then I'm not Batman. :shifty:

Or am.....no, of course I'm not.

Im actually saddened by that revelation.

Pssh, don't believe him. That's exactly what Batman would say!

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The worst part of the movie for me was Bane's goddamn voice. He sounded like a muffled Sean Connery, and I'll be damned if I could hear anything he said for the first 15 minutes. I still have no idea what the initial hijacking scene was about.

Sounds like someone got a bad bootleg.

If Regal Cinemas plays bad bootlegs then something is wrong :unsure: Seriously, many, many others have complained about the voice being terribly hard to understand. Maybe it is the sound systems in certain theaters - but no one else's voice was a problem at all.

Article on Bane's Voice being Unintelligible

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Bane destroyed most of Bruce Wayne's assets with the stock market heist - I don't think Bruce would be anywhere near as broke as most people are letting on. You'd have to think that someone who lives a double life as Batman has thousands upon thousands of dollars squirreled away somewhere. But that's beside the point when it comes to how Bruce would've gotten back.

1) He wouldn't of been dressed like Batman. He could've only gotten back into the suit at a location close to Gotham. All evidence points to the cave that he led Blake to at the very end of the movie.

Well as it was brought up before, couldn't pay the lights.

And my point of him being dressed as batman is that he WAS dressed as him when bane kicked his ass. I just never thought of the batman carrying a wallet with Waynes passport is all.

Wayne's accounts were likely frozen - after all, he was sort of in a huge "whatever" mood around this time, nevermind the fact that Alfred probably dealt with everything and had left him at that point. Although he never had any money in the banks at Gotham I assume he would've had cash somewhere or perhaps money in other banks around the world. But that's neither here nor there really.

I still don't see your point about him being dressed as Batman when Bane kicked his ass. He went to the tunnels in the Batman outfit to meet Selina, was betrayed and had his ass kicked and then he was stripped and transported to the Pit. After this he would've escaped the pit, made it back to Gotham, infiltrated the city and gotten into one of his backup suits.

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It's a movie. Christ people, write your own fan fiction at this point. Must ever single minor detail of the film be dissected and analyzed 1000x over?

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It's a movie. Christ people, write your own fan fiction at this point. Must ever single minor detail of the film be dissected and analyzed 1000x over?

Fuck you people for discussing things on a place where people discuss things!

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Of course they could have explained how he got back to Gotham. They didn't because it wasn't crucial to the plot, would've been boring, and would've taken up time. As Hammy says, it's not hard to hitchhike your way across countries when you're a normal guy, let alone when you possess Batman's skill set. Most of the other criticisms are valid, I just find that one pretty dumb.

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