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X-Factor 2010


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We are at the stage of the competition when we trim the fat, getting rid of the acts that while talented are just plain too boring to consider for the final. Trayc, Aiden, Bell Amie and unfortunately Paije will follow. Wagner as the resident comedy act will leave soon too, which will be when my interest will die out.

For the final it is looking like One Direction, Rebecca, Matt. Generic Group, Generic Single, "Different".

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The only thing Cher offers is a suitable toilet break. Waste of space. Bell Amie are dreadful too. Can't believe Wagner is still going - the people who vote for him are the same ones who voted Rage to #1 next year. He's a legend but getting pretty boring pretty quickly. Would like to see Mary sing some modern sutff as she is great.

Matt to win.

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Who is voting for Katie? I can't imagine how she appeals to anyone when everyone else has an obvious favoured demographic (except for Paije too, probably). Wagner is for the ironic types like me. Mary is for the older generation. Cher is for the N-Dubz audience that doesn't exist outside of London. Belle Amie is for the young girl audience. Matt is for the X-Factor purists that legitimately vote for the best act... But what about Katie? She desperately changes her image every week that she can't build an audience.

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Her problem is that she wants to be like everybody (Madonna, Gwen Steffani, Marilyn Monroe, etc...) instead of just being herself (Cliche, I know).

My girlfriend likes Katie, although she isn't voting, I don't think she has a broad enough audience to get to the later rounds but enough support to get through the next couple of earlier rounds that consist of trimming the fat as previously said.

Rebecca's "Im coming out my shell" routine is wearing thin with me. She's a great singer but she needs to cheer the fuck up and get on with it.

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Who is voting for Katie? I can't imagine how she appeals to anyone when everyone else has an obvious favoured demographic (except for Paije too, probably). Wagner is for the ironic types like me. Mary is for the older generation. Cher is for the N-Dubz audience that doesn't exist outside of London. Belle Amie is for the young girl audience. Matt is for the X-Factor purists that legitimately vote for the best act... But what about Katie? She desperately changes her image every week that she can't build an audience.

People with good taste (Y)

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Cher sang and was fantastic, hopefully at least shutting up a few people who have slated her. Thought it was a really good night, bar them again ignoring the theme and a few of them just choosing a random`song.

No clue who's going tomorrow. Wouldn't mind any out of Wagner, Belle Amie, Treyc or Paije in the bottom two. Didn't think much of Mary this week either.

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I hate Cher. But credit where credit is due, she was one of the, if not the best performer of the night. Disagree with Simon that it was the performance of the season though.

Matt Cardle disappointing - he sung fine but I don't think the song worked. Wagner was utterly o_O but brilliant for its sheer wtf-ness.

Think Paije and Katie could both be in a spot of bother this week (although I liked both). Aiden to go, that was utter balls.

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I always knew Cher could sing and I loved her audition, but it was at boot camp she lost me and ever since she's been a cunt. But tonight she was fucking awesome, and she needs to stop trying to be quirky and just do that if she wants to get anywhere.

Also, Wagner was terrible. Not even funny bad. This was his chance to go from comedy act to comedy act with a chance of going quite far and he botched it :(

Speaking of botching - lol, Aiden. That was shocking.

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