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X-Factor 2010


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Lol, I fucking despise those crazy fans. Absolute poison. Should have been drowned at birth. The same fans that travelled from England to stand outside the house of Jedward in Dublin last year. Get a life you rat faced tart.

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Coming from the journalistic integrity that is the Daily Star and The Sun, Wagner is now going to be singing a mash-up of Spice Up Your Life and Livin' La Vida Loca.

He's had shit loads of negative press, so he's doomed this week. (Cannabis smoking, those tapes The Sun got hold of)

Matt's singing Hit Me Baby One More Time too apparently.

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Katie was one of the best last night you insane man.

Without a doubt John, Belle Amie and Wagner. It's not even close, those three are just miles behind the others. Belle Amie have done the same terrible shit every week and Wagner somehow has got even worst than what he once was, which I thought wasn't possible.

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Matt stood out last night. He was quality and oozed potential.

I still can't see what the judges see in Cher. I mean, I get she's modern; but she's no where near as good as they're making her out to be. At least she's cut down on some of the facial expressions.

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Katie in the bottom 3? She was brilliant last night, very fun performance. I really don't get the hate on her, she has a really unique voice and is cute as a button. I hope she stays for a long time. No doubt people wiil keep Simon's average generic Boyband #427 in longer though.

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Last night was Guilty Pleasures night and only Matt, Wagner and Katie came through with that. Terrible show.

I fear Paije may be in danger. He didn't blow me away at all, which considering his position on the show is something he NEEDS to do to stay in. Simon's criticism of "you need to act like a popstar" is such an idiot thing to say, he may as well have admitted this show is only for churning out generic pop acts, but it is correct. People aren't going to vote for Paije over the likes of Rebecca, Katie, Cher, and other yawn/rage inducing acts.

And yes, Katie and Cher are the drizzling shits. Awful, awful stuff. Notice how Katie is exactly like the other 50 or so other "unique" talents in X Factor history? I really don't get it, she isn't filling any gap or niche currently in the music industry, so how is she unique? Moreover, there are many acts currently out there that does it better than her, I don't even need to mention GaGa or Madonna in the list. Cher though shouldn't even need justifying, there is nothing about her that even tells me she is average.

Matt is the only guy so far that looks like he might win and I wouldn't object to it, as long as he keeps the acoustic thing going. He has a voice that doesn't need to be produced.

Wagner remains the only slice of joy in this show, when he goes I'll probably stop watching the Saturday shows altogether, unless Paije stays in.

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It's a single.

He's been mostly right from what I've seen, although it's cuntish if Katie ends up in the bottom two when she was nowhere near as shit as Paije, Wagner, John or Belle Amie last night. Of course if she goes through, the media will quickly think of a way to slander her in the papers again this coming week, cant have her doing well now can we <_<

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Katie is shit, she can't sing, she's boring, being 10th out of 12 is too high, John's a much better singer, why the hell he'd be bottom, fuck knows. To say she was nowhere near as shit as Paije or John is full of shit, they were both about 200 times better than her. Her and Cher both need to get the f out.

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Katie is shit, she can't sing, she's boring, being 10th out of 12 is too high, John's a much better singer, why the hell he'd be bottom, fuck knows. To say she was nowhere near as shit as Paije or John is full of shit, they were both about 200 times better than her. Her and Cher both need to get the f out.

Load of bollocks. Just because she doesn't do major ballads or sing in a hugely powerful voice doesn't mean she's a shit singer. She's got a great tone to her voice. Of course she's a love or hate person though. It's fine to dislikeher, but saying she cant sing is fucking ridiculous. John had a shocking song last night, shocking background routine and sang about as average as you possibly can. People say there's many Katie's out there, but there's a fucking million John's out there doing what he does but even better. And Paije has been shocking almost every week. They give him quite good backing tracks, but he's just lacking something. He's good in parts, but the majority of it is just so god damn average.

Either fucking way, if you're judging it on singing, then Katie shouldn't be going.

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If it was judged on singing Katie would be screwed along with Wagner, but they don't, they judge it on likeability and entertainment value with singing being a plus. Paije and John were both boring as shit last night, no two ways about it, which puts them both in the firing line because they don't sound like Michael Buble or Tina Turner. Paije in particular is at a disadvantage because he has a soul voice which isn't very poppy, which is never really going to go down well on X Factor.

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