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X-Factor 2010


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Anyone watching it this year?

It's the first year I've really got into it. And, for once, the competition actually seems really strong. There's a lot of good talent kicking about this year, which could make for something interesting. Either way, it's already ten times more interesting than last year - which was a borefest.

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The Gamu stuff has been annoying as hell, been plastered over everything for the last week. Thought the show itself was pretty good tonight, probably the best lineup they've ever had (although almost spoiled by the crazy inductions of Diva Fever and Wagner).

Katie is my clear favorite, though she's certainly somebody you'll either love or detest. Think it's the first time I can see any category winning though. A few notes on the first show are that Belle Amie (sp?) flopped, Nikolo is just madness, Wagner is horrendous yet awesome at the same time and Cher has major potential. Two to go tomorrow, I want Diva Fever and Nikolo to go really, although I expect someone half decent to get the boot instead.

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I like Nicolo. He's different. Though, I don't think the GaGa song was right for him. I liked that they cut out Cher's creepy facial expressions in the performance. Her facial expressions usually put me off her performances and make her look outright ugly.

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I thought it was a little weak tonight to be honest. I thought Aiden was the best, the fact that I love Mad World has a lot to do with it but it seemed like he was the only one to really go for it... apart from that black girl just after him. Forgot her name. You woulda thought they'd have learnt by now that fast songs don't really help anybody and concentrate on the stuff that actually showcases the voice. I can't see Cher or Katie winning because a lot of people who liked them at first are already sick of them, that's what happens with zany people, girls in particular. I just hope the "awww look she's different to everybody else and my god she can actually sing!" thing doesn't give Mary the win. Sure she's a good singer but she's only gonna sing boring dross if she wins.

It's early days yet but my favourites are Wagner (because he's awesome, shit singing aside), Belle Amie (because I can't remember the last time they had a somewhat-naturally hot girl band - it's usually just trashy tarts who get voted out in the first couple of weeks) and I don't mind One Direction either. Diva Fever are alright too but they'll verge into Wham-esque "what's the other one called again?" territory if they just have the one guy singing the whole time.

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Everything about One Direction makes me want to hate them, but their Torn and Viva La Vida are listenable so far. :(

EDIT: There's far too many people there who are all "I dance quirkily! I dress quirkily! I am original!" No, you obviously just saw Lady Gaga perform live and decided to be exactly like her. Fuck off Katie. Fuck off Storm.

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Yeah, their look makes it hard not to hate them but I've liked their songs so far and I'm actually quite fond of cheesy boy band shit so if they win I'll no doubt like a few of their songs. And it's about time a band won. Though if JLS didn't I don't see it happening any time soon.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Storm! Forgot about him. I hate everything about him but quite like his voice. He'll be found out if they do shit like Big Band but at least he can belt it out there.

Edited by Pesci
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I genuinely can't remember a first live show which set such a high standard. Brilliant performances all around...

... unless your name was Belle Amie (which, if you lop off the feminine endings, is the name of a gay porn company, lolz), 1 Direction, Katie (which is a shame, because I actually really like her), or Nicolo (see Katie).

The real standouts for me were Treyc, Diva Fever (cycling shorts, people. Cycling shorts. Amazing), Matt Cardle and Paije. But, to be fair, all of the rest were either alright or brilliant too, so it's hard to pick. Except to say that if Wagner goes, I will actually riot.

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See I thought Paige was average, Cher was pretty bad, Katie was awful, the first boy band seemed sub-par, Matt did what he could but the song choice wasn't right at all, Belle Amie were shite, I can't even remember Nicolo that well, and if we're judging him purely by singing, Wager was atrocious. The only good singers for me were Aiden, Treyc, Matt (but the performance wasn't great), Mary (who should fuck off and wait for Britains Got Talent or something), Diva Fever and I'm even gonna say One Direction. Oh and I forgot the other older guy. He wasn't too bad I suppose. Ooh, also Rebecca wasn't too bad. I can't believe I've forgot to mention her so far, I think I love her a little bit.

But then judging by Facebook people either seem to think everyone's amazing or everyone's shite. I'm leaning towards the latter at the moment.

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What annoys me about Matt is how they pretend he's very original, and makes each song his own....

But http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L5ZSCVGviU. I'd happily put money on What's Goin' On and Beggin' being Matt Cardle's next 'original' covers.

And the best thing was putting £10 on Treyc at 150/1 to win after she was booted out. (Her Facebook said she was through)

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Pesci, how dare you even say anything nice rearding Diva Fever. Anybody who even slightly praises them or attempts to vote for them deserves to be shot at point blank range :angry:

I'd like to see them and Wagner to go tonight, just because if we're being honest, they're both shit and shouldn't be there. I still think Katie should/will do more than anybody that comes out of the show after it finishes too, she's got the look, the style and a good enough voice and prescence to make it. I've certainly got a man crush on her.

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I called Nicolo and Belle Amie to get the least votes with Katie in the bottom three if they still did that tonight, so I'm glad I wasn't far off. I'm glad FYD went, they don't interest me as much as One Direction and that cover of Don't Stop The Music was pretty woeful. I think Katie's shown she can't sing unless she's shouting either, which could be a problem. Nicolo should've stayed if only for the awesomeness of them trying to categorise him and failing miserably. "Are you a diva?" ":/ no... I'm normal". Glad Belle Amie are through if only it provides a bit of eye candy for another week. Ideally I would've liked Mary and FYD to go so halfway isn't bad.

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It was just fun to have someone who wasn't saying "I'm just so glad for the oppertunity, I'm living the dream -- I just love to sing. Just so thankful for all of this."

Ah, well. FYD were always going to lose out. Anyone who's voting for a boy band will be focused on One Direction.

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Most of tonight was spent coming up with what F.Y.D stands for (Fiendishly Yiddish Douchebags, Funny Yellow Discharge, Fisting Your Daughter, etc). Unfortunately we exhausted the joke so I'm glad they are gone. They were shite anyway. So was Nicolo.

One Direction, Katie, Belle End and Storm Lee are also awful. Cher and Aiden aren't awful but they annoy the fuck out of me.

Everyone else I am okay with. Paije and Wagner are awesome.

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Definitely voting Wagner for a piss-take until he gets the boot. Then Mary to win. just because she's so different and not clean-cut like the others are, would be a refreshing change. Plus her voice is fantastic.

Dermot: "Nicolo, how are you feeling?"

Nicolo: ".....crap."


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