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Pokéfest 2010


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Just arrived in Cerulean City and beaten that run of five/six trainers up on Route 24. Current team is:

Lv.20 Squirtle

Lv.20 Paras

Lv.19 Butterfree

Lv.19 Beedrill

I don't think any of them have, or will ever have, any moves that would be super effective against Water, so I'm not sure what my strategy against Misty will be. :/ Oh well, I can at least potter around up to Bill's house and back, and get them all up to Lv.25 at least.

Abuse Butterfree's status moves to cripple Misty's Pokemon, then use Squirtle and Paras' neutral-against-Water moves to take them down (they both resist Water).

Also any particular reason your Squirtle is on L20 and still a Squirtle?

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I prefer to hold evolution back for as long as possible in order to level up and/or acquire moves more quickly.

Allowing him to become Wartortle would be an admission of failure. :shifty:

Ah. I see.

I was thinking perhaps you were going to try and keep it as a Squirtle the whole game.

...in fact that's exactly what you should do. I hereby challenge you to beat the game without ever evolving Squirtle.

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Hey. HEY.

I'm already limited to Bug and Water pokemon. In fact, besides Gyarados, I'm not even sure I can think of any new Bug or Water pokemon that become available for me to add to that party for at least the next three Gyms. :/

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Hey. HEY.

I'm already limited to Bug and Water pokemon. In fact, besides Gyarados, I'm not even sure I can think of any new Bug or Water pokemon that become available for me to add to that party for at least the next three Gyms. :/

Venonat? Poliwag?

Other than that...yeah. I see what you mean.

Still. You should so do it.

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Oh it's not like I wasn't going to try to keep him as Squirtle anyway. I mean, at least until when he learns Hydro Pump at Level 47... I just assumed I would eventually reach a point where that heightened stats from his evolution would be make or break. :P

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Forgot to update on my own progress. Went for SoulSilver in the end, current team in order of capture:

Toto the Totodile

Level 39




Ice Fang

Rara the Raticate

Level 40

Double Edge


Quick Attack

Super Fang

Hehe the Heracross

Level 26

Brick Break

Aerial Ace

Horn Attack


Mama the Magnemite

Level 18

Thunder Wave




Still trying to decide on the last two but they'll likely be special attackers, can't decide who though. Most likely going with a Houndoom for a fire type since I've never raised one before. Just got to Mahogany Town and am invading the Team Rocket base there.

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...And now I never have to level up Magikarp again! :shifty:

Haven't gone on board the S.S. Anne yet, but will do so shortly. My current (not very different) team is as thus:

Lv.24 Squirtle

Lv.24 Paras

Lv.24 Beedrill

Lv.24 Butterfree

Lv.20 Gyarados

Surge is going to rape that team so, so badly. Even random trainers with Magnemites cause me a ridiculous amount of trouble, since all of Paras' moves are 'not very effective' against Electric types. At the moment my planned strategy is to Sleep Powder him with Butterfree and then Confusion him to death...however long that might take...

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Catch a Diglett in Diglett's cave?

I'm pretty sure that Diglett isn't Water or Bug type.

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