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I can barely survive the actual game on the hardest difficulty, why would I ever need that silly creatures mod? :shifty: Also, in my last world I was spawned right unto a desert with millions of cacti! I gathered and gathered and gathered... and then there were no mountains in eyesight. Then I ran. Then I found mountains. Then there was no coal. Then I digged. Cave. Skeleton. Dead. I really suck at this game.

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Is there a good way to build a good rail system to take me up the stairwell that descends below my base? I laid the track down and everything before soon coming to realise that a minecart wont go up the rails. <_<

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I tried a powered one but didn't have much luck. I had a 2 wide staircase in the normal stone, half block, normal stone, half block etc setup. I couldn't be bothered digging a whole new third gap for the rails so I just dug up the half blocks. Thus my track goes flat for one block and then diagonally down. Would I be any better off just making that 3rd space so everything goes diagonally down?

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If you want a powered minecart to work for you, you need to make it less steep, not more steep. Only way to do that is to lengthen your staircase so it's two across for every one down. Alternatively, build a different staircase altogether.

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IN OTHER NON-MOD NEWS ( <_< ), this Tuesday another update is supposed to drop. Beds are included. You can sleep in them at night. I suspect I won't. Down the road, though, it's being tossed around that the bed will replace your regular spawn point, which is actually fantastic.

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That is actually better news than a mod :D I hope you'd be able to use them as save points.

I'd love to be able to make a mini hutch down a cave and save it before heading into the depths.

I've also decided to have a re-run on the vanilla version... I'd rather shit my pants because of a creeper rather than a werewolf I can't kill.

Edited by Pimpin' Feller
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I hesitate to say this because I'm not playing Mo Creatures ever since nothing in the mod interests me outside of maybe pegasi and even those seem like a buggy pain in the ass, but I saw a video that suggested that werewolves were vulnerable to gold weapons.

You're welcome.

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I hesitate to say this because I'm not playing Mo Creatures ever since nothing in the mod interests me outside of maybe pegasi and even those seem like a buggy pain in the ass, but I saw a video that suggested that werewolves were vulnerable to gold weapons.

You're welcome.

Thank You... I have seen that video (Or possibly a different one) though, but I never remember to carry a gold anything.

I've added a new texture to my game...


It's a lot of effort to put together completely... I ended up just using the 128X128 texture it looks really good.

But it takes a lot of adapting to the ground covering. Having trouble spotting caves too... but then there may be none in my area

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I belive it wen i see it. Java and iOS don´t go hand in hand, there might be a need for a very big rewrite.

Minecraft for iOS confirmed, the hunt resumes for free time to squander

By Darren Murph posted Feb 22nd 2011 1:05AM

You know all of that time you've been wasting on Angry Birds HD? Looks like your flying friends may have company when it comes time to, um... kill time, as Markus Persson has confirmed to Gamasutra that an iOS port is "in the works." That means that an official Minecraft build will soon pop up in Apple's App Store, with iPhone and iPad versions hinted at. Aron Neiminen, a new recruit to the Mojang team, is responsible for the port, and if all goes well, it'll be let loose later in the year. Persson also confirmed that the iOS version won't receive every update that the original browser / download versions get, but that it'll be "granted features that make sense for the touchscreen platform." Raise your hand below if you're giddy beyond control.



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Wonderful. I have no idea how they did it, but it's wonderful. :P

that is the greatest thing ever

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