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Ugh. I've now been lost for two real-life days >_< even using bloody Cartographer I've managed to end up going 2MB in the wrong direction and then somehow ended up back at my original base...where I started off at having come out of the Nether - instead of my current better one that I got lost trying to find.

Mo' Creatures is pretty fun though I think. The extra birds are a bit pointless overall but you can turn them off which is pretty helpful.

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I went on a game hunt yesterday... I got me a couple of lions, a bear and 3 wild pigs.

Then ran away when dusk came and I got chased by a pack of wolves...

It's good that they have a pack mentality.. Hopefully the AI doesn't get too smart :shifty:

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I just installed it and so far i've seen Lions,bears,horses,a unicorn and a shit ton of sheep. Do the regular monsters(Skelly,Zombie,Creeper,etc) still come out at night with this?

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Finally jumped on the bandwagon after seeing fuck loads of Yogscast videos and messing about on the Classic version.

Brb, off to get bumrushed by creepers.

EDIT: Third day in and a creeper has made permanant residence just outside my front door. The ledge it's perched on is only one block thick, so I don't want to attack it in case it falls, gets bored and blows the fuck up. So yeah, am basically stuck in my little shitty dirt cabin until I can find enough iron ore to make flint and steel and burn the green bastard. <_<

EDITX2: Went to check if dawn had broke and he decided to blow up, dealing no damage to me in the process - crisis averted. :lol:

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I recommend to those who have yet not done so... Build a mob trap!

There a plenty of variations available on YouTube. Currently I'm just using a small version which is 4x2 blocks

But I might expand it to more like 4x16 or something because right now they have to chase me to get into mine which is right next to my front door.

And those growing underground tree farms with the Mo'Creatures mod, Bears may spawn in there with the pigs :shifty:

And yes Kirkland the original creatures still come out at night

And for Bado. I hope you're enjoying it... I also recommend their "Survival Series"

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So any advice on what to do when your totally lost? I died in lava and lost my compass..and ventured out before making a new one. Now I have no idea where the fuck to go to get back to my base..

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Did you notice any landmarks on your journey? Some sort of hovering landmass over a lake etc?

If not, build a gigantic ass marker where you are then die...

Spawn. create another beacon of sorts (Or compass) and look for the mark you made before the suicide.

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Has anyone else built a shelter around their spawn point? Mine was on the beach and I wanted to build a beach house so I built it there.

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I love this Mo'Creatures mod, mostly for including the horses that you can tame and ride.

I just finished setting up my wheat garden and gathering a couple crops when I look up through my glass ceiling to see a Unicorn standing on it. :w00t::wub:

I quickly grab what little wheat I have, make that shit into bread quick and grab a horse saddle.

I am now the proud owner of a Unicorn, which resides in the shittiest, quickest stall I could make it. I plan to build a barn soon and round me up some more horses and become a RanchCrafter :shifty:

I also love how my spawn is on a decent sized island, allowing me to take over and (soon) make it my own.

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I am yet to come across a unicorn :(

I have tonnes of wheat and a few saddles... I have the perfect spot for a stable too. Must find Unicorns... AND A PEGASUS!!

Don't the horse breed little baby ones too? Or did I imagine seeing that somewhere? o_O

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Your spawn was on a decent sized island? Mine was on a peninsula that-- after traveling to the edge of it-- I terraformed into an island... definitely preferable to have a little island foothold to say the least!

Right now I'm debating what to do with it though. I have my wooden house with red wool carpeting right outside my mine and lookout tower, but I've been debating converting the whole island into a giant fortress and just opening up the underground mine to fill the island/fortress itself. Tough call at the moment because doing that's gonna mean taking out my house, and I love my pimp red carpet.

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Short reminder that our EWB server will run out in sometime betwen 1 and two weeks. I stoped playing minecraft all together at the moment because i don´t have the time. So i am not in on paying myself for now, but if you guys send me the money i will renew. If you guys switch to another host i´ll try my best to provide a backup of our current world.

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I am yet to come across a unicorn :(

I have tonnes of wheat and a few saddles... I have the perfect spot for a stable too. Must find Unicorns... AND A PEGASUS!!

Don't the horse breed little baby ones too? Or did I imagine seeing that somewhere? o_O

Yep, horses indeed breed. I actually came across a baby horse in the wild too, so it seems it may happen out there even. Pretty cool.

EDIT: Just found a baby unicorn out behind my makeshift stalls. Apparently you can watch them grow to a full horse pretty quick, and them tame them. I now own two Unicorns and a Black Horse. The Uni's share a stall together, I'm hoping for another baby. :shifty:

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It took me 7 loaves of bread to tame a horse :shifty: And I have 4 stalls of 3X3 with a water tough but only 1 horse.

@Matzat... I'm not sure if anyone is playing on the server at the moment. might pay to let it phase out and maybe pick it up again when it's all running smoothly

With Nether Access!!

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