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Rocky, how big exactly is your tree farm? atm mine is 5 by 8 and i'm wondering how many I can get in there, i'd like to have mine like yours but I need the size of the place.

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My tree farm is currently 12X9X9 (L/W/H)

There's a forest just above/behind it so it's not like I really need it.

Also my tree growth could also be caused by having direct sunlight on the saplings.

I'll try it undeground on my other save and see if I get different results

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I just finished up my tree room, I used bone meal on some of the trees to make sure they could grow and now that i know they can I just have to wait on most of them to naturally grow, I need their wood to finish my tower so I can 't work on that, guess I'll cross the water to the next island over(covered in snow!) and build a station there.



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You're playing minecraft at 2:25AM :shifty:

I can't even remember if the world still works at that time of day...

You're fort looks good. Not too sure on its functionality but I am assuming that is a walkway of sorts halfway up, so you can shoot enemies.

But this makes me want to build a lighthouse. I just need to find somewhere that it could serve its purp... Oohhh I think I have just thought of a spot :pervert:

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That clock is an hour late but yeah, anyway, that middle part ws for shooting things but since I kept having to jump on the ledge to shoot it wasn;t working good so when I built up I didn't put one on top, i just left it open so I can shoot, that middle part with the way it's arranged keeps spiders from climbing up there with me, the only way something can get me up there is if it gets inside either door and climbs 2 or 3 sets of ladders. I might take some inside shots in a sec.

The main room when you go in at the bottom


Go beside the skull and there is a ladder,climb it and you end up on the 1st floor of the tower


Climb the ladder in there and you find yourself on the 2nd floor


Go out the door and you end up on the balcony


Look up from there


Go back in and climb out to the top


Back on the main floor,looking at the door to the mine


Look down into the mine


Before you go all the way down you can turn and see......


Go in, make 2-3 turns and you come across the lava fall, which is now contained


Make a few jumps and turns and you find the tree farm


Inside the tree farm


Farther into the cave you find my attempt at a man made fishing hole/lake.


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I had to and I did just install that mod and it freaking insane!!

There this huge fuck-off thing that turned out to be an Ogre... I think my balls may have decided not to grow and remain inside before going hunting...

Which is a pro. DAY TIME HUNT!! Wild boars, lions, bears all game animals :shifty:

Apparently there are sharks but I'm too scared to go into the water.

So Day time isn't safe with this mod, and I haven't tried it on peaceful yet.

I recommend it for fun.

And there always seems to be a shitload of Feathers/Porkchops floating around during the day.

You can find all information here:


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My strip mine...yielded me a hell of a lot of coal (6 stacks of 64 thus far), 100+ iron ores, plus now I'm finding gold, diamond, redstone dust and lapis lazuli as I started to branch off the main shaft. I kinda wanna build a glass base and fill the mine with water..any suggestions? I'm waiting to hit bedrock before I do that

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Just played my first full night with the Mo Creatures Mod...

So many freakin' noises... So many damn killers.

Somehow I had a werewolf in my house. Killed me 3 times before I killed it with an Iron Sword

They're tricky devils. I should have hid until day and killed him as a man :shifty:

I'm going to get my Bow & some arrows and go hunting from my "LightHouse"

**EDIT** I just saw a fox eat a bunny then a duck :mellow:

Would explain all the random feathers/wool/leather/porkchops scattered around outside during the day.

The predators actually kill the other animals.

**EDIT #2** It takes over 30 arrows to kill a werewolf and all you get is a stone sword and a stone hoe.

At least an Ogre gives you obsidian after 5 sword swipes.

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Yes & No.

I adds more into going out during the day and more danger at night.

It does seem to make the world more clustered and a lot noisier So it'll be more of a personal choice...

Watch the videos Kirkland posted and you can decide from that.

But there is a lot more stuff to collect come day time. Though most isn't really needed (feathers/Porkchops etc)

I haven't tried to uninstall this mod yet so I don't know if it's possible (assuming you can) So you could do a trial & error thing.

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