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So I went back to World 1 since leaf decay is causing lag, which is making the Deku Tree a total hassle given the size of my tree farm and the proximity of the enormous fuck-off forest. Went back into my mines under stately Sousa Manor and made the right turns. Remember how I was complaining about how little lava there was? I was wrong. Ho-ho-ho, was I wrong.

Came back up with enough diamond and iron to replenish most of the supplies I lost after the Halloween Update bugged out. I still need more iron, but I did manage to eke out enough obsidian to dump a portal in the underwater base. So it now has a purpose!

Trekked out a bit and finally found some soul sand, which has been by all accounts absent in World 2 (sand castle/tree world). Blocked myself off from ghasts and gathered a ton of the stuff. When it rains, it pours.

So now I actually have nethergoods in stately Sousa Manor. I might get back to work on the manor house later on, since working on the Deku Tree in World 2 has become such a pain in the ass. I might start an entirely new game and drop a diary in the Cube, though. Who knows? I suddenly have free time.

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Updated Client and Server to Beta 1.1

The server update isn’t mandatory, but it’s HIGHLY recommended

* Rewrote Leaf Decay for the seventeenth time, and as a result..

* .. fixed HUGE fps drops in single player

* .. fixed players getting spammed with data and getting disconnected in SMP

* .. felt like a sexy programming god

* Fixed the item dupe bug in SMP

Updated Client and Server to Beta 1.1_01

1.1 contained an additional bug fix I forgot about:

* Fixed “fancy” characters not working in the game by detaching font resources from the code.

1.1 contained a bug where no text worked anywhere in the game because the newly made font.txt didn’t make it into package when building..

This has been fixed in 1.1_01, and it affects both client and server.


Groan, hang on..

Let´s hope this dos not delay EWB Land it further.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Some thoughts about release schedule during beta

Here’s an idea!

* All commit comments are public to everyone. Possibly even tweeted out

* Everyone who has bought the game can download the latest nightly build. These will almost certainly be quite buggy.

* Before doing a release, we make a special Release Candidate build. You can download these as well, and they’re supposed to be not buggy. (But they will be. ;))

* Once the release candidate works fine, it will be released as the new official version. This will probably be once or twice per month.

Perhaps something like that might work!

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I just started a new SP game on my father Computer. I ended up in heaven, seriusly. Behind me, water, before me, a gignt mountain, with a cave ready to live in and lots of coal. You can walk right through the mountain, on the other side tehre is a waterfall closing part of the cave and lots of extra coal, animals fall from the sky so no need to hunt for food. (seriusly) more waterfalls from other mountains. Some of the water is floating down into several caves that want to be explored. :blush:

On the first morning i forgot that monsters don´t die as soon as the there is daylight, ran from a creeper and made it out alive. Phew... went to explore the next day... found a burning tree ara with lots of mobs that don´t seem to die during the day... what happend to my paradise?!?!?!

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Little preview of the Deku Tree, which is almost finished structurally. Screenie was taken from one of the actual wooden walls, which isn't built to as tall as it will be--I'm waiting for my trees to regrow. Branches are turning out to be an enormous pain, so it's going to look more like a stump with branches. But it will be an impressive stump. Oh yes.

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Minecarts are working better now... Yaay

My tree house/lookout still has it's leaf roof so the decay hassn't affected it yet.

The discard/refresh tool glitch has been fixed :( So make sure you stock up on tools before venturing to the mines

I've built a log cabin of sorts atop a mountain with one of them water elevators coming up the middle.

I burnt down the cabin accidentally because I didn't put my roof high enough. Lesson Learnt!

I have a minecart leading to my Tunnel and one leading back... Almost. I need more iron.

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But! We (especially Jens) have added a bunch of new content to Minecraft that we want to get out asap, so there will be a content patch update next week with a whole pile of fun new toys, including a water mob and quite possibly paint if we can figure out how exactly it should work.

God damn it you guys, I just started school for fuck's sake. :angry:

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OoOoOoOoh... Paint..

This is going to be interesting to say the least..

I spent a good few hours on my save yesterday and done some changes and additions.

Just got my mine underway and has been rather successful. I just have to stop getting lost down there :shifty:

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