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For serious, guys, if you don't have a tree farm, this is the time. I don't know if Notch is going to nerf the rate of sapling spawning, but it is absolutely tremendous right now to the point that I had not only replenished my stock of saplings just through leaf decay (after cutting down 62 trees), but I have enough left over to make a concerted effort toward reseeding the forest I cut down around my giant tree. It's incredible. A golden age of trees and stuff.

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Minecraft - Play on Alpha Servers while we wait for hMod Update

Dec 21 2010 02:19:42 by Killing

Producer, one of our forum members, has figured out how you can all play on your alpha servers while we wait for hMod to be updated, and has been kind enough to share it with us.

So if you want your Minecraft fix NOW! Checkout the Fileplay Download and the Forums Post ;-)



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So, I loaded up my game and couldn't find my shelter. I wandered around for a while but still no luck. Then I took a misstep in the night and fell down a hole. I fell further still and eventually fell into some water. Now all I can see is darkness. :(

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That will be fun to try and get out of.

Most of the time I'd just dig a staircase to the surface and hope for the best.

I wish you luck against all the mobs you may come across because if you are unarmed without torches and tools, you may be better off just going kamikaze.

In my save I found a dungeon, fought my way in, secured it cleaned it up etc

dug coal and iron out of the wall around the corner from the doorway and another little cave with another dungeon within site.

Cleared that one out, cleared out some stone and you can see both dungeons in the same screen. Never knew they could just pop-up like that.

Thankfully they were seperated by that stone as it's hard enough trying to secure 1 dungeon, let alone 2 simultaneously.

Sad about the server... But I have 4 days off over the Xmas weekend so I'll be on it eventually.

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I'm playing on peaceful caus the mobs were hamping my ascent on the learning curve. <_<

In the end I managed to climb out and gave up on finding 'home' and made a new one. Built a little house in a hill and just above an opening. I went in and set about digging as far down as I could, partly hoping for some lava so I could make a floor pit and partly for the sake of it. Ended up hitting bedrock and no sign of lava.

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Minecraft - hMod the Current Situation

Dec 22 2010 00:33:04 by Killing

We know everyone's waiting on this so wanted to give you the latest word from the developers:-

"it's nearly done, we just have to update some hooks which is proving a little tricky"

So fingers crossed we should see an update relatively soon :)

So maybe we´ll get it earlyer.

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