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I fell down perhaps the biggest hole I've ever encountered earlier, but managed to just fall in to a waterfall and saved myself somehow. I did get a bit worried, although at least I knew where it was since it was just around the corner from my ever increasingly annoying "home where you dig through two rows of stone then realise you're in another cave you've been in to before". At least it has a swimming pool now.

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Might as well do a pictorial of my little "area"


The layout view from high enough on a tower so spiders wouldn't see me, but low enough I could shoot them.

From Left-Right:

Red Brick House - MineShaft RKY001 5 levels.

Glass Section Centre-Left - more of an enclosed doorway so I can see what's there before exiting.

Swim through the water there to access the boat ramp.

Glass Section Centre-Right - Library/Lookkout.

Wood Building on Right - Garden Shed. Holds Axes & Hoes. Saplins, wheat, seeds & Reeds Sugar Cane.

And on the right is obviously the garden. Currently only Sugar Cane growing as the animals always destroy the wheat patches.


First room through glass section. Keep all building materials etc in these boxes.

Door on left is the refrigerator (Room made of snow blocks)> Used for storing Porkchops, Fish, Cake & Snow Balls.


The Gallery: Store all my mining tools & weapons in this room along with a bit of art... Or is it???

If I walk through the 2x2 pic on left it will follow a tunnel do a rear emergency exit.

The 2x2 pic on the right leads in to the...


A room made of steel and gold (I haven't got a name for it)

Each box hold either steel, gold or diamond.

Leave the room and go through the steel door to your left and...


My Portal Room. I'm going to make the room out of the same material but I ran out. Trying to keep a nether theme with it.

Go back to the glass section, through the water...


The Boat Shed. Both dispensers have boats. Only problem is that I haven't found an ocean yet.

My tunnel leads to a lake which I managed to connect to a larger lake, of which is half covered with ice.

And finally


The Mineshaft at level 5. I've only completely mine levels 5 & 4 and I'll get to the rest later.

Mainly started at the bottom so I could get Diamond. Found about 20 in the bottom 2 levels.

Each door way goes about 25 blocks deep and joins onto a passageway that runs along the end of each tunnel.

Each Tunnel also has a Minecart system because I'm too lazy to hold 'w'.

I'm about to go venture into the wild and search for a new cave... Maybe I should find an ocean and find a new island and join them together!

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So remember when I told you guys about that hovering portal, and I was thinking about making a UFO around it?

After all of the talk of underwater domes and things like that today, I decided to see how difficult it would be to create an actual dome.

In the process of doing so, I changed my mind about what I wanted to do with the hover portal.





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More information on the current minecraft situation can be found on the forums, but here is the latest update from our lead developer and Technical Director (CTO) K.

"Just wanted to update people so you know what's going on.

We've been making good progress on tools to help maintain a version of hMod for you guys as long as its needed. These tools once complete should enable us to rollout updates in a matter of hours, but obviously this is a significant undertaking so is taking some time to create.

Notch has stated that he was going to make upgrades optional but clearly this hasn't happened yet which is a shame.

We hope to have something for you to play with by the end of the weekend, even if this is very basic version with no plugin support, but as any developer will tell you it all depends on how quickly we can get the tools completed.

Its a real shame that the server code is obfuscated and hence takes so much effort for all the cool 3rd party tools and projects to maintain when updates are released, it could be so simple and hence updates would usually be relatively quick. Not as quick as when there is a core API in the server itself of course. Looking forward to that day

Anyway 6 nights on the trot with post 4am finishes, so gonna have to grab an early one, if you can call 01:30 early "

Back to it tomorrow."

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Our Server is up and running again. We no run a "Vanilla" (unaltered) Version of Minecraft. There are no Mods and no nothing (not that we used em before) but updating should be a lot quicker from this point forward.

I think Mobs are now active, i can turn them of somehow (since creepers are said to be invisible, wich is kinda unfair) but i don´t realy have the time to get into it right now.

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So I'm trying out Cartograph after Sousa wrote about it in his diary and man, my world is fun in some respects and awful in others. This is a list of the hardest to come by items:

Pumpkins: 11

Reed: 14

Cactus: 190

Clay: 368

Yet you compare this too...

Gold Ore: 13793

Diamond Ore: 5676

Redstone: 45381

So my world features more Diamonds than it does Clay, Reeds or Pumpkins. :P

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Ah, yes. I always just assumed that was some kind of formatting notepad document and it didn't mean anything.

Also, fuck off:

Cactus: 0

Pumpkin: 19

Clay: 71

Reed: 3

Gold Ore: 15336

Iron Ore: 149200

Coal Ore: 323965

Diamond Ore: 6341


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Cartograph is awesome. I refuse to use it for my challenge because it sort of defeats the purpose, but it's how I tracked down all of my pumpkin in World 2. And a small quantity of reeds is very easily fixed. Just grow more.

Best thing about Cartograph is that it makes finding dungeons easy. I used it to track moss stone to make the floor of the inside of the Deku Tree, which required a ton of the stuff. Make a standard map of your world, then a second one that only shows moss stone (value 48) and heightgray on. Now take the second and paste it on top of the first. Voila! Wherever you see a square of gray, there's a dungeon--the darker, the deeper.

EDIT: Kats, how much exploring have you done? Once you find a desert biome you'll be up to your ears in cacti, and since you can grow them yourself, you can take as many as you need. Cactus is, I believe, the only sustaining dye, since you can grow more.

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