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I never shy away from fire. Here, lemme show you!


So this is a nice little tree farm I built next to the Deku Tree, and I think it's worth sharing; after all, wood is probably the most important resource in the game--it's renewable, but it can be a pain in the ass harvesting those huge trees that grow sometimes. This setup keeps your trees enclosed so you can harvest them any time of the day, it keeps it safely away from growing into your wood structures, and it keeps tree height under control so you're not constantly putting sand towers under you so you can harvest those hard-to-reach branches.

The wall is enclosed by glass three blocks high--keeps monsters out, but gives you a bit of a gap that both seems to allow trees to grow better and gives you a "fuse" for clearing brush. The glass ceiling is exactly seven blocks up from the ground; that's the minimum height that you can't hit with your hand, so if you're farming for saplings, you don't need to worry about accidentally knocking a hole in the ceiling.

Saplings are planted with two squares between each, which assures that plenty of them will grow. Not all of them will, but I spent about one full day down in the mines, came back, and managed to score about 120 logs (480 wood or 960 sticks if you process them, which I don't all the time because of the structure I'm working on. Put torches next to your saplings; with that much light, they'll grow much more quickly.

So you go through (mine has an underground entrance from the Deku Tree) and hack up the wood, replanting as you go. Then, when you're finished, you can clear out the whole thing with fire.





The endgame here is that your brush will be cleared, and you'll be left with neat little rows of saplings ready to regrow and start the process over again as needed. They look mighty nice, too.


I don't recommend that you build your supports on the corners out of wood, though, as I learned. Only one of them burnt down, but yeah, I replaced them with cobblestone. :shifty:


Oh yeah, friendly mobs do spawn inside the greenhouse. This duck survived the fire. Somehow.


The greenhouse connects underground, as I said, to the inside of the Deku Tree's lower floor. At this point, this floor is huge, and I might just leave it like this; there's something oddly cool about the structure being this vast.


Here he is in profile. Still no eyes because I'm afraid to go back into Hell and look for lightstone. Hello, Deku Tree!


Oh, and did I mention ducks also spawn inside the enclosed tree? There's no door. The only way in is through a ladder from the ceiling, which is connected to the floor with the portal, which is connected to the outside via a honey hole with a ladder leading to it. These ducks should not be here. It's creepy.

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I'm in the EWB world and shit just got serious.... I DIED!!!! :shifty:

I knew it was coming and am pretty sure I knew it was in the last update. but still...

I have managed to kill a pig but it was with a pick axe.

I'm waiting for night fall to see if I can kill the Night Stalkers

OK... I didn't see any creatures of the night. But I saw a pig in my fort. So I shot it with an arrow

and it just deflected <_< I thought I'd go pick up the arrow and try again...



Anybody want arrows? I have a couple of bows lying around :unsure:

Also I'll be back in about 8hrs if anyone is keen on some Raping & Pillaging the EWB Worlds resources.

@Sousa... I added another sapling to the freak tree ^_^

Edited by Rocky Feller
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I'm in the EWB world and shit just got serious.... I DIED!!!! :shifty:

I knew it was coming and am pretty sure I knew it was in the last update. but still...

I have managed to kill a pig but it was with a pick axe.

I'm waiting for night fall to see if I can kill the Night Stalkers

OK... I didn't see any creatures of the night. But I saw a pig in my fort. So I shot it with an arrow

and it just deflected <_< I thought I'd go pick up the arrow and try again...



Anybody want arrows? I have a couple of bows lying around :unsure:

Also I'll be back in about 8hrs if anyone is keen on some Raping & Pillaging the EWB Worlds resources.

@Sousa... I added another sapling to the freak tree ^_^

...that's an impressive amount of arrows. I see no reason for you to ever need to use a sword again if you have that many arrows.

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To be honest, given the way the water appears to be flowing, it might not even go in the windows, and even if it did, it'd probably only go a few feet.

I wish there were more crazy mass flooding incidents in Minecraft, but there really aren't. :(

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Bug update #3.

The client version is now 1.2.4

The server version is now 0.2.6 (mandatory update, there’s been protocol changes)

Bug fix list:

* Swords and other weapons now deal damage properly

* Added proper hurt animations and sounds to mobs and players

* Fixed dead players logging in as invisible ghosts

* Made arrows visible and deal damage

* Hoes now produce proper seeds

* Creepers make noises and animate before exploding

* Explosions animate properly

* No more infinite free arrows

* Server logging now appends to server.log rather than overwriting it

* Buttons and levers (and a few other blocks probably, it’s a general solution) animate properly

* Fixed minecarts (and pigs!) moving twice as fast as they should when ridden.

* The join server screen now remembers the last entered ip

* Increased chunk saving frequency on the server

* Leaving sneak mode no longer triggers a million sounds

* You can now see sneaking players

* Names of sneaking players aren’t visible through walls, and are visible a much shorter distance

* Snowballs!!

I’ll monitor for bugs for a while, then head home!


Server 0.2.6_01 no longer gives everyone 64 snowballs on connecting


Server 0.2.6_02 and client 1.2.4_01 now spawn other monsters than ONLY CREEPERS EVERYWHERE

The server is not updated yet.

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Server should be up to date now.

Sorry about the waiting time, but they use some kind of claneforge software and there is a mod needs to be upated after the server software is. Makes managing things a lot easier though, and most of the time it´s not as update heavy as in the last week. Sorry.

Client version 1.2.5

Server version 0.2.7 (not mandatory, but you might want to update anyway)

* Fixed a rather bad memory leak bug in the server (entity position updates accumulated in orphaned player objects)

* Riding carts and boats now works properly when you travel long distances.

* Harvesting crops no longer yields fake seeds

* Removed /home (sorry!)

* Snowballs again!

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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