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You guys might want to check ut how the server coasts are. Maybe we can go for six month if everyone is happy with it. It´s less of a hassel than colecting money each month.


The server is laging a lot right now.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Don´t worry about the server for now. We´ll take action if it ever is needed. Right now only five people of whom i send the data to actualy used the server, the most people online at the same time were three. So we are pritty far away from our "eight players online at the same time" limit.

It should not be a problem switching to a server plan that offers more slots.

Don´t worry to much about this not being WoW either, part of the fun is returning and seeing what other people have don to the world.

Also, ion other news, they started offering backups a cupple of days ago. So i can download the world and nothing will be lost if we ever decide to turn of the servers. You all should be able to play offline with our game save (at least i am 99% on this)

I just mined deep under EWB Mountain and finaly got a Diamond Pickaxt (assom!)... got enough of the lava rocks now to build a hell portal. I´ll got and put it somewere outside now.

If you go down the stairs towards the mine in EWB Mountain you´ll have a larg room with suplys set up. Lot´s of stones. If you enter the caves there also is an conection to hugars mine under apshamps house.

A hellgate is up, it´s behing the E of EWB Castle on top of the Mountain.


Nevermind the portals. The animation works but the Portal iself issent working in multiplayer. There was a problem with both world maps having to be loaded since there could be players in both simultaniusly.

Latest news were that Mr. Notch is taking a few days of since he worked realy hard on the Halloween Update. After that the priorety is Multiplayer. So we´ll get death and the slip very soon i hope.

Right now i set two portals up, the one on top of the E, one deep down the stairs behind the W. I gave rocky feller another set of stones to set up a third portal... i still got 18 stones left (14 are needed) so if you want your own portal aswell come and get them. I´ll put them in the suply boxes on the Top of the E.

Also, the server is still pritty darn laggy right now.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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As for the missing stuff in multiplayer.

Survival Mode Multiplayer is priority #1

I just finished moving minecraft.net to a new server, and it’s looking fairly stable. I fixed a few bugs with creative mode, so that should be working now as well.

Now I will rest for a few days, as I’m utterly exhausted. After that, I will get cracking on Survival Mode Multiplayer, as it’s still the highest priority for the game.

There’s a bug in there now where the cpu usage will shoot up through the roof sometimes, and I think that’s related to lighting. Immediately after the release, there was a hang bug where lighting would go into an infinite loop sometimes on existing loaded maps. I “fixed” that by making the loop always terminate after a certain number of iterations. My guess of what’s going on now is that the lighting probably keeps going into that loop over and over again.

The biggest features that need fixing are;

* Fixing the performance issues

* Health and working enemies

* Finishing up the inventory code so the dupe bugs/glitches go away

* Figuring out how to run both the normal world and the nexus in parallel.

I also want to make the portals able to teleport players between servers, both on different IPs and just to a different port on the same IP. Player equipment will follow through the portal and everything! (that will be agreed upon between the servers, so they don’t have to trust the client)


Oh, and the secret artist is Junkboy. Check out some of his stuff here:


The extrem lag might not go away for a cupple of days and is software related. It´s a bit strange, i played for the last cupple of houres and sometimes it just works fine while at other times you get catapulted back a minute in time becaus the server (cpu?) lags so vivid. Might be a good thing you guys got Smackdown to play.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Yeah SmackDown will keep me going for a while... I still have RTWM to do.

It should be all set ready to go shortly so I'm looking forward to it. And should collect as much stuff as we can before we can actually die :unsure:

I see complacency issues happening :P

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I don´t even want to know how many times i swam around in lava today. Gathering these lava stones will be an extrem amount of bitch. I got about 60 today. But i´ll also love to be able to kill of MOBs. I found my first MOB spawner today and having 5 zombies barricade you is crazy.

I actualy should be able to redefine our spawnpoint. So i might be able put it right on the castles suply tower to make death a little less painfull.

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Hey guys, did you know that torches can be used to support sand as long as you build on the square directly above the torch?





Those big tall things with torches on top in the distance are beacons--they're meant to guide me toward the caves. Pretty handy since none are right by my spawn point.

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Minecraft Alpha 1.2.1, Minecraft Server 0.2.3

The server update is not mandatory, but you might want to update just to make sure.

This is a bugfixes only update:

* Signs on the sides of cacti no longer crash the game

* The player won’t get stuck on the top of the world in multiplayer

* Reverted mob spawning back to the old code, it was far to annoying. I have plans on what to do with this.

* Fixed the leaf particle colors

* Reduced CPU usage for monster spawning, but there’s still a lot of work to be done to reduce lag on SMP servers.

* Attempted to fix the portal dupe bug where you could exit through a different (new) one than the one you entered through.

About the portals, it’s possible that two portals can lead to the same portal in the Nether. This is because the space down there is compressed by a factor of 8, and I haven’t come up with a good way to fix this yet.

I might just end up doing an explicit one-to-one binding between portal pairs, but that’s nontrivial as it should survive the portal being temporarily destroyed. If you TNT a portal then rebuild it, you’d expect it to still lead to the same place, right?


More bug updates are coming next week, mainly related to survival mode multi player.


Client 1.2.1_01 fixes armor. And I forgot to mention that Music will play in multiplayer now as well.

The new server software should already be up and running on our server.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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So has anyone done any mucking about in the Nether (apparently its new name) yet? I've been thinking about going after all the obsidian I made in my Cave of Getting Lost so I can make a portal, but I'm curious what experiences people have had so far (if anyone has been there much yet).

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