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Games You Just Don't "Get"


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Most FPS games especially space themed ones. I really don't see the appeal of Halo, Resistance or Gears of War.

Gran Turismohas always been boring to me.

Any fantasy RPG that involves magic, Zelda, Oblivion etc. Pokemon and Fallout are the only ones that do it for me.

Fighting games like Tekken etc. They seem so repetitive and I don't want to spend time learning insanely long combos.

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World of Warcraft. I did try. I had a character up to level 40, but after playing the game for a month I lost interest. To me, it just seemed like you were doing the same thing over and over again.

That's it. The other games I dislike, I dislike for a reason. I get the appeal, they just don't appeal to me or they have flaws. One is Killzone 2. It looked great. It sounded great. I just felt that the controls were far too sluggish.

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As far as WoW is concerned, the fun stuff doesn't start until you hit the level cap. Though if you didn't like it before, it might be worth trying when the new expansion comes out, they're doing a major overhaul to the game, and the changes make it seem a lot more fun.

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As far as WoW is concerned, the fun stuff doesn't start until you hit the level cap. Though if you didn't like it before, it might be worth trying when the new expansion comes out, they're doing a major overhaul to the game, and the changes make it seem a lot more fun.

So the game gets fun after you drop 100+ hours into it? AWESOME.


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All MMORPG's, what's the point?

Simulation racing games like the Gran Turismo series, I want to chuck my car into a corner, let the back out and powerslide round. In fact the only part of any Gran Turismo series were the rally stages on 4(?)

Guitar Hero, the amount of time some people sink into 100%ing the hardest difficulty levels, they could have learnt the song on a real guitar.

I'm not big on FPS either, I don't have the reflexes on a hyperactive eight year old and they get tiresome and boring, online people take far too seriously.

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Halo. I LOVE FPS games. But Halo just accentuates the worst features of the genre. I prefer single player to multi myself, but that's just another reason to hate Halo because the story (at least to Halo 1, it was so bad I didn't even think of looking at any other) is just so uninspired. Oh, we're fighting aliens, why? Because at war with humans? Why? Oh, just because. And don't get me started on the fucking Halo itself.

Driving/racing games. Mostly because I suck at them, but racers just don't appeal much to me. Games where steering seems an impossibility (18 Wheeler, WaveRace....) are the worst.

WoW. There are some MMOs I can find fun (if I could still play City of Hereoes I probably would be, while typing this). But WoW, like Halo, seems to be the highlighting the worst things about the genre.

Playing RTS multiplayer. It eventually boils down to who can play the game like you're on meth. The CPU usually allows you to, you know, plan shit out.

BioWare. Every single fucking game just seems like a balatant mod of the last. Which wouldn't irk me as much if not for the fact that they come with a 60 dollar price tag. At least games like Madden don't hide that they're just remaking the same thing only a bit better.

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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I agree with folks not into FPS. They're not bad, but I like seeing my character rather than his hands and a gun. That novelty wore off after Doom and Wolfenstein.

I thought Gears of War was awful, the color sucked, the weird over the shoulder view was bad, and the controls were bad. I couldn't believe how highly touted that game was.

I can't do racing games either. There isn't anything wrong with them really, just that I race cars never held my interest.

Turn based RPG's like Final Fantasy can go to hell.

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I'm glad everyone hates Halo. It is a terribly mediocre game. Outside of Modern Warfare, I can't really get into multi player FPSs. I can drop in and out of them, like Killzone or whatever, but it does get boring fast. The only FPSs I've stuck with for any amount of time were Timesplitters, Half Life, Bioshock and Borderlands.

Racing games tend to bore me, particularly Gran Turismo. Sports games too, I've only recently started messing around with FIFA again since like, RTWC 98 or something.

I think a lot of it has to do with plot. I enjoy a game that has a solid story, things like Gran Turismo where you're just racing for racings sake just always seemed really basic and uninteresting for me.

Guitar Hero games fall into the same category for me, with the exception of being able to play with the NCA laaaads, but I still have to sigh at Gazz's comment. Why bother playing FIFA when you could learn how to kick a ball in real life? etc. It's totally missing the point.

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I'm glad everyone hates Halo. It is a terribly mediocre game. Outside of Modern Warfare, I can't really get into multi player FPSs. I can drop in and out of them, like Killzone or whatever, but it does get boring fast. The only FPSs I've stuck with for any amount of time were Timesplitters, Half Life, Bioshock and Borderlands.

Racing games tend to bore me, particularly Gran Turismo. Sports games too, I've only recently started messing around with FIFA again since like, RTWC 98 or something.

I think a lot of it has to do with plot. I enjoy a game that has a solid story, things like Gran Turismo where you're just racing for racings sake just always seemed really basic and uninteresting for me.

Guitar Hero games fall into the same category for me, with the exception of being able to play with the NCA laaaads, but I still have to sigh at Gazz's comment. Why bother playing FIFA when you could learn how to kick a ball in real life? etc. It's totally missing the point.

You stuck with L4D long enough to warn me for shooting you in it :shifty:

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