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I also did with without airports, puppeted city-states, the Louvre, or the National Visitor Center. My tourism was at +148 when I won, though to get the last nation, it was me watching my faith to buy a musician to send in. I didn't make a single great work with them. Just stockpiled.

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Fuuuuck, Indonesia has suddenly had a culture surge, and I don't think there's going to be any way to topple them with my tourism before someone gets another victory. They're on the other continent, my navy is basically non-existent, and moving too many units from home continent is just inviting Rome to attack. I now have to convince Byzantine and Morrocco to go to war with them and pray that their combined force knocks down some culture. I may just try and go for a money surge and buy some city states favour so I can elect to fuck them over.

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In further tales of Boudicca, Rome managed to finally get their claws in to France, taking out Orleans and having it as a puppet, before razing Lyon before finally settling for peace with Napoleon only having Paris. They then decide to turn and take on Brazil, who manage to hold their own for the most part, whilst taking control of Mombasa as well.

I discovered Aluminium on the doorstep of one of the two city states on my continent and decided that it was time for them to go, so a quick 3-4 turn siege took them away and I nabbed it for myself. Rome then suddenly shows up and settle on the one last little strip of the continent that they possibly could, which is all I need to decide it's time to take Rome down a peg or too. The military advisor pretty much tells me that I'd crush everyone bar Rome, who I'm matching (likely because they have a wealth of more units, given they have about 7-8 cities now). So I declare war on Cumae and it takes three turns of cannons and a Privateer before it falls.

In the naval battle, my two Ironclads absolutely crush about four Frigates without breaking a sweat. I then start to send an army towards Herculaneum, which they've also bizarrely settled between Sao Paulo (the new Brazilian capital, after the Romans managed to Puppet-state Rio) and Geneva, who are my allies. I manage to get about 3-4 units towards Herculaneum before Caesar pops up, begging for a peace treaty and handing me Herculaneum on a platter.

Which also means I have a new air base. It's not close enough yet for my bombers to hit Rome, but I've got Carriers on the way. Annoyingly, the Romans took Sao Paulo (I have open borders with the Brazilians, who now only have Salvador left) which means I'm going to have to smash my way through there, but I've now got Great War Infantry and the last time I saw a Roman soldier, it was a Pikeman.


The only other annoyance is that Islam and Protestantism are starting to match me in terms of religious spread. Arabia also snuck in and stole the World Congress, but then I managed to push the World's Fair through and got every single bonus for that, which means my Culture has just exploded and I'm already a chunk through Autocracy now.

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Currently on a duel map with 22 civs as Napolean. Only 11 including me got a capital built, which makes domination impossible. The City of Light bonus makes Culture victory pretty easy though, I should hit it before 1650. Trying to get the achievement for a +16 theming bonus at the Louvre, but I've yet to find an artifact that wasn't from the Ancient Era. I also stumbled into the Rock the Kasbah achievement completely by accident.

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ok al-Rashid, I've just captured Mecca, as well as Antwerp which you took over. You gave me Basra as part of our original treaty after I took Antwerp. Now, after our peace is done, I capture Mecca, and have rocket artillerys set up to attack both Damascus and Baghdad. You offer me peace again...and offer up Baghdad as part of the deal...nice! But I want more. How about...all your strategic resources?

"This deal is unacceptable to us"

Well ok...if ceasing to exist is more acceptable...

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That just happened during my Greek game! Everyone was wiped out except for me, England, and the Celts. In the last World Congress, I proposed an embargo of the Celts, and Egypt--just before he bit the dust--proposed an embargo of the English. Did I mention I was an ally with every city-state on the board? :devil:

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Being a city-state in Civ V has to be the greatest thing ever.

"Hi, how are you?! Hey, you want 1,000 gold? :) "

"Uh, sure. Want some horses?"


*5000 years later*

"Hi, want some go--"


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Yeah, I've pretty much won.

Great War Infantry + Cannons smashed through Sao Paulo and Rio, giving them back to the Brazilians, before moving on and taking Ravenna as well. I had my Ironclads and a Privateer to do damage to the naval cities too which was pretty handy.

Got a carrier out finally and sent about four planes over hurtling towards Rome's borders. Ended up taking Rome itself next after sending some Cavalry in after the Bombers wiped out the defenses. Got Artillery soon after, which sealed it for Rome and they were gone within about 7-8 turns after that. To do so I sort of had to send one land based team off up north to take out Orleans, which they'd taken from the French way back when, whilst the other (smaller) team just wiped up with the help of the Bombers.

At this point, I decided that instead of letting Brazil take all the land I'd razed, I was just going to have to backstab them finally despite being their friends pretty much since meeting them. They had no defences so I tore them apart; at the same time, Napoleon decided to denounce me (possibly because I didn't give Orleans back) so the land squad went on and wiped him off the map too.

I've now got Carthage, Arabia and the Iroquois left to deal with. The Iroquois are my next targets, and I've got 9 Bombers systematically wiping their cities out, though they've managed to settle a couple far enough away that I'm having to send some extra Infantry in as backup. They're also annoyingly trying to settle in other bits of the world so I'm trying to get through this quickly as possibly so no more can pop up, but it shouldn't be too tricky. I'll save Carthage until last because they'll give me no real concerns. DOMINATION YEAH.

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Finished my Duel Map game turn 251 with culture. The single city Nat. College/Great Library strategy worked wonders, I was up about 8 techs on second by the end of it, although nobody else had more than 3 cities so I might have had a bit of an advantage there that wouldn't translate to a more normal amount of civs.

Trying King as Askia. I appear to be on a continent by myself. Focusing on navy and military, with science and gold secondary, not going to bother much with culture and faith. My capital isn't on the coast, so I need a solid producing second city to build a naval advantage.

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Tips for winning Science? I never seem that good at getting ahead with scientific discovery, so wondered if anyone could give me some advice.

Research agreements with numerous different Civs (try not to repeat the same ones too often because it boosts them too), and make sure that you earn as much science as possible during the 30 turns it takes for them (focus citizens on it, build universities, public schools etc).
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Beeline for National College before expanding. The easiest way is to research Pottery>Writing, try the Great Library, and have Calendar researched before it finishes, and use your free tech on Philosophy. Once you have that, you'll be raking in science. From there you can expand, but you need a Library in every city before Nat. College, so it's easier to beeline that and then expand.

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Tips for winning Science? I never seem that good at getting ahead with scientific discovery, so wondered if anyone could give me some advice.

This may sound silly and/or obvious, but win at war. More cities is more science for you and less for everyone else.

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