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Batman: Arkham City

Johnny Latino Heat

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I see no problem with a male playing female characters, but in a game where you can be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PjTuSQNLI4, why would you play as a woman?

I totally shoudl pick up ME1 again, and play through as a dick. My only playthroughs are good-males.

Edit: And usually for me in games....I will do a playthrough as a male-neutral/good character (when given the option? Always neutral. Always.). Second time around I am usually a female-evil character.

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I will hear none of this, my snarky space lesbian who hates everyone except her own crew > Captain Monotone.

And if you can't get it on with a dude as a female character, that's kinda sad. In games where romancing is possible, I fuck EVERYTHING. Men, women, aliens, elves, I'm all up in it like my class is Infiltrator.

Is it hard to play these games one-handed? <_<

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I will hear none of this, my snarky space lesbian who hates everyone except her own crew > Captain Monotone.

And if you can't get it on with a dude as a female character, that's kinda sad. In games where romancing is possible, I fuck EVERYTHING. Men, women, aliens, elves, I'm all up in it like my class is Infiltrator.

Is it hard to play these games one-handed? <_<

I've got a system... usually involves my feet.

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It's not in a lewd way or anything. Hey, if people love me in Fable 2 and want to have good ol' fashioned roll in the sheets, who am I to turn them down? It's the middle ages, I'm sure it was perfectly normal to have several spouses in different areas of the kingdom.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Was just going to post the new trailer, but I was beaten to it. Curse you Cloudy, CURSE YOU!

Anyway, the trailer... I was already pumped for the game, now I'm even more. The graphics look beautiful and, really, it's a sequel to Arkham Asylum, it doesn't take much to get me pumped :P

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  • 2 months later...

Lame. Tara Strong is a great voice actress and I doubt I'll notice too much of a difference, but that's sort of the nail in the coffin for my distaste for how they're handling Harley Quinn in this game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think they've already shot down a potential multiplayer haven't they? I thought I'd read it in an update earlier in the year...

I can't wait for this game... I don't usually get too excited for new games all that much but with the amount of hours I've spent playing Arkham Asylum, I'm eagerly awaiting this...

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