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Football Manager 2011


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Last season, that really made the difference. This season we're pretty much better than everyone so I generally just play the home version of the tactics even away from home. Our major problem has been becoming so inconsistent against the teams at the bottom of the league. A number of times we've dropped points against teams in the bottom six but then turned around and smashed teams in the playoffs by three goals or more is ridiculous.

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Wow, so I've just entered January and I'm now 10 points clear with 20 games played. The board asked me to change my expectations and ever the pessimist I said title challengers - so they gave me £37m to spend! Now I'm seriously rethinking my decision not to sign a new goalkeeper or attacking midfielder. Fabianski is playing fantastic but his stats aren't that great - then again I've always relied more on performances than stats and it's served me well over the years. I don't think there's any need to replace a goalie who's conceded 6 in 16 league games. Could do with Pjanic to provide a little competition to Nasri, though. He hasn't been playing well for a while now and his contribution so far this season has been 2 goals and 7 assists in 20 starts. I don't think he should be given an automatic starting place for that, unlike the amazing Arshavin who's got me 19 assists and 5 goals in 21 starts. Him and RVP are pretty much telepathic. Rosicky has just come back from injury and he's got 4 assists and 3 goals in 8 starts so it seems he'll be jumping Nasri in the pecking order, but I'd rather not rely on an injury prone 30 year-old.

I think the plan of action may be to send Walcott out on loan for the second half of the season (he's only had 1 start and 8 sub appearances and I'd rather he was playing regular football) and sell Bendtner which frees up Vela to perform 3rd choice striker duties and gives him more game time. Then when I buy Pjanic it won't be so bad for him - Wilshere won't get as many games in the second half of the season but he's still only 18.

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Finances is one of those areas wherein every use of the word "interesting" is code for "frustrating".

What he said. I played as Telford once because I liked the squad and the ground, but the lack of finances made ever going beyond yo-yo'ing up and down and absolute nightmare.

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Is sending youth players out on loan worthwhile? I always seem to think when they come back from League 2 or wherever that they don't seem to have improved at all, whereas at least when they're sitting in my U18s/reserves I can see their stats improve...sort of. Any part of this may just be my own personal delusion.

And another thing: if I have a great 16 year old should I put him in the U18s because of his age, or in the reserves because he's better than the other U18s? Or doesn't it matter?

Depends on the player. If they've got a determined attitude then they'll tend to come back improved if they go for a full season. Anything else I tend to find is pot luck.

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Turns out I've ended up in the wrong Champions League group.

With one game remaining:

Napoli - 10pts

Man Utd - 10pts

Monaco - 9pts

Gaz Metan - 0pts

Lost at home to Man Utd and away to Napoli. I was hoping Napoli and Man Utd would end up with one team winning but they drew meaning that I have to go to Manchester and win. My goal difference is much worse than those two as this season I've made some kind of art out of winning by a single goal.

Oh but Keisuke Honda has finally woken up after a terrible start to the season. I had a moan at him and he brightened up after that and scored a peach a couple of games ago.

Coutadeur has earned his first French cap so I'm happy - he was praising me and I'm his favourite person now HUZZAH!

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I think it may be because my team is predominately made up of under 21s but I've quickly become pretty much everyone's favourite person. Bought in a German 17 year old who has great stats already for our level and a lot of potential, Jamil Adam said it was a great signing and now they're best mates. I always imagine them as some sort of comedy duo, the Nigerian-Irishman and the German kid that can't speak English.

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Let's say that theoretically England World Cup winning manager Luke Morris might be tempted out of retirement by a worthy yet poverty-stricken cause in Africa or Asia, would leagues would be interesting to read about in diary form? Or would leading a poor national side to glory in a tournament be more interesting as it's got a definite end?

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Cheers guys. Got a better idea of what to look at with my youth players now (whether technical or mental stats, determination, etc.).

Might have a go at seeing if I can get a good-ish club partnership to send loans out to as well. But will it still work if the league isn't loaded? I'm never really sure whether the game does stuff to simulate the effects of a league season (without actually running matches), or if the clubs/players there actually do fuck all except for the couple who get half a dozen European matches each year...

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My Napoli team just ended (top of the table) Palermos' 18 game unbeaten run, with a 4-0 away win. I think this side my possibly play the best football of all the team ive managed on FM. Although 4th atm we seem only score beauts for some reason, meaning we are now just 3 points off the top. PS Edinson Cavani is god.

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Cheers guys. Got a better idea of what to look at with my youth players now (whether technical or mental stats, determination, etc.).

Might have a go at seeing if I can get a good-ish club partnership to send loans out to as well. But will it still work if the league isn't loaded? I'm never really sure whether the game does stuff to simulate the effects of a league season (without actually running matches), or if the clubs/players there actually do fuck all except for the couple who get half a dozen European matches each year...

Almost certain that it simulates a season.

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It does, you'll find odd things though like players in Germany playing 33 league games EVERY season and goalkeepers making 20 sub appearences and no starts. :wacko:

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