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The "Man That Movie Wasn't As Shit As I Heard It Was" Thread


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It's a shit film. The best actor in the entire thing was Willem Dafoe, and the best I way I can phrase it is to steal from a review - "more style than substance". It's all about finding new ways to execute people and having a really shoddy, shit plot.

It doesn't help that it has this absolutely puzzling fanbase that insists it's some amazing, great movie.

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Boondock Saints was fine. The documentary kicked all sorts of ass. It was brilliant. The trailers for the second one have made me stay away with a torch for protection.

The fact is, the two protagonists now have 1 back tattoo. What do I mean by that? Well, on one back there's the top half of Jesus hanging on the cross, and then on the other back.. well you can guess. Surely, he lost a bet, and I lost brain cells just looking at that image.

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There are far too many crappy Vampire movies out right now. The best one that came out recently was 30 Days of Night, and anyone that disagrees should be throat chopped.

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Daybreakers wasn't all that bad. It had some really cool concepts, at least. Still, I have yet to see 30 Days Of Night, but I'm not really rushing to see it either.

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30 Days of Night was a piece of shit. The only reason I didn't hate it was because I had a slaggy girlfriend with me when I saw it and it meant that something good came out of those 2 hours I'll never get back. Daybreakers was okay though.

EDIT: And I genuinely enjoyed Van Helsing. What does that say about 30 Days of Night?

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30 Days Of Night was actually decent. Not a bad way to kill a few hours. I have stayed away from Daybreakers, but seeing what this thread is, I will add it to the list.

I watched the first 30 minutes of Surrogates yesterday. I am not sure if i can manage the rest of the movie or not. Maybe it gets better? Does anyone know?

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True Romance is actually like, my second or third favourite Tarantino movie. Don't get why people would hate it, it is all sorts of awesome.

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During my slightly depressed and utterly bored phase last summer I watched a couple of movies online, mainly comedies just because they're easy to watch.

Anyway, one of them was The Ugly Truth with Gerald Butler and Katherine Heigl. It wasn't too terrible, but not great. Served it's purpose of killing a few hours. And I hate Gerald Butler too. Utterly predictable though, but hey, it's a rom-com, they're allowed to be!

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People don't like True Romance? I thought it was pretty damn good. Christopher Walken was all kinds of awesome. I dug it. Espically the big Tarantino shoot out at the end.

I never knew people hated it. I think I need to go and find them. So I can kill them.

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It bored me. Maybe because I went in expecting Tarintino style fun and got just a regular film. Same with Jackie Brown. I like my Tarintino's with over the top fight scenes and more hammy dialogue than you can shake a stick at.

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It bored me. Maybe because I went in expecting Tarintino style fun and got just a regular film. Same with Jackie Brown. I like my Tarintino's with over the top fight scenes and more hammy dialogue than you can shake a stick at.

But he only wrote it. You can't expect his style of fun when there's a totally different person interpreting the script.

As for Jackie Brown, I was never really that impressed with it but it was on Film 4 the other night and it's fantastic.

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Jackie Brown is the only Tarentino film I have yet to see mainly because I heard how shit it was.

On a happy note Grindhouse is getting released on DVD as it was meant to be with faker trailers included!

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