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The "Man That Movie Wasn't As Shit As I Heard It Was" Thread


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So yesterday I finally watched Punisher War Zone, as I said in a status update thing, and I was shocked at how good it was despite hearing everyone say when it came out what a shit movie it was. Today I finally got around to watching Carriers from last year, a movie I wanted to see but likewise had heard was boring and slow and a 28 Day Later knockoff. I was highly entertained by that film as well. I have set my DVR to record a movie with Josh Hartnett, 40 Days And Nights I think it is called, from like 7 years ago that fits into the same category. I think this is what I might do for a bit now, finally watch those movies I wanted to see and let others opinions sway me away from. Any good recommendations for movies that you hear were shit that you ended up loving that I can get? Only things I can rent or Netflix or get OD. I mean a new release is great, but not if I can't watch it.

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I saw Van Helsing in theatres when it came out. I tried it again on DVD thinking I was just not in the right frame of mind. I hated it both times. Stardust will try though. I heard both good and bad about it, so that's an easy one.

If I have hated Will Farrel in everything aside from Anchorman, will I hate those two movies?

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hmm Stardust is an excellent movie, if not a tad long but a very enjoyable movie.

I also hate Will Ferell, but have found that Stranger Than Fiction to be an awesome movie that i watch time and time again...

Ahh, Doomsday with Rhona Mitra is one of my fav movies of this decade.. dont care how badly people thought of it, and how bad the reviews were.. in fact i might just go pop that in the DVD player...

One more.... Music and Lyrics with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. another movie that will show up on my favorites list for a long long time and it was nearly universally panned.. dont have a clue why.

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I echo the love for Music & Lyrics.

And funny this thread should come up, as I was thinking this very thing just now while watching Domino, which has been critized by my friends, but I really enjoyed.

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I echo the love for Music & Lyrics.

And funny this thread should come up, as I was thinking this very thing just now while watching Domino, which has been critized by my friends, but I really enjoyed.

Your friends should have their skulls punched in. Domino was lovely, especially Kiera Knightly's look in it. :shifty:

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I defend Mortal Kombat as a perfectly good 90's action film when people say its terrible. It is cheesy, but so is Face/Off and Con Air and Broken Arrow...and none of those have 4 armed monster taking a punch to the balls.

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It's really not that terrible. It's not the best movie ever made or anything but it's hardly terrible, either. The acting isn't the greatest (coming from a less than perfect script, I would imagine) but not so bad that it's grating. Again, not spectacular but there are definitely worse movies out there. It probably doesn't hurt that I'm fairly into Greek mythology, either.

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Someone needs to tell me now if Percy Jackson is as terrible as it looks or secretly not that bad.

Because the TV spots I keep seeing don't make it look that terrible.

It's horrible, horrible movie. Easily the worst thing that I've seen at the cinema this year. They even manage to screw up some of the mythology, the only half-decent thing about the movie which isn't Pierce Brosnon. I tried to look it. But it was shit. Give it a go, though - if you really must.

And there's a bunch of films that I enjoyed that wern't supposed to be good. League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Daredevil, SWAT, G.I Joe and Clash Of The Titans are all fun. Though, the first three I watched when I was twelve and refuse to watch them again just in case I spoil their memory. :P

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Role Models was surprisingly not as shit as it looked. I hear Hot Tub Time Machine is actually good despite looking stupid as hell, too.

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Music & Lyrics is Hugh Grant being Hugh Grant, any person who dislikes that doesn't have a soul.

40 Days of Night is probably one of my favourite films in the genres horror/vampires. It's great to watch it late at night, darkness out and all alone (as all horror films should be watched).

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