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Smackdown vs Raw 2011


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Someone summerized the info from the latest CAWcast, Most of the stuff is stuff I haven't heard before, So it may be news to you guys.

- RVD is in RTWM, hence why he is still in the game.

- Taker at WM is equivalent to a boss fight. Took Bryan 5 tries on Legend. shock

- CAW mode flows much better. Noticeable difference like being able to edit separate muscle groups. 40-50% new parts for Diva CAWS. LOD shoulder pads ARE in. Kick pads are in, with better color options.

- No Van Terminator/Coast to coast, Hogan's leg drop.

- SS Torture Rack is in. Lex Luger running elbow is in game. Canadian Destroyer in game as "Flip Piledriver".

- SS Cattle mutilation and Daniel Bryan's moves were mocapped, not included in game. Bryan will lobby to try and get his moves in game via Justin Gabriel.

- 6 or 7 moves to break open HIAC panel: Spear, powerbomb, suplex, oklahoma slam, etc.

- CAM to feature more moves to customize such as editing ladder strikes/grapples, editing corner springboard moves, HIAC hotspots, etc.

- Winning animations are in, uneditable as always. CM Punk has one!

- Regarding Universe, CAWS can be fully incorporated as long as they are assigned to either Smackdown or RAW roster. WWE Superstars can be taken off Universe and can still be used in the mode, but storylines will tend to revolve around characters that are assigned roster positions. Bryan Williams actually referred to the mode as "FU**ING AWESOME!" and has gone as far as saying its better than RTWM (not a big deal really).

- Story Designer will not have CAF functionality; nothing new.

- Elimination Chamber to feature new design, climbing functionality, can grapples opponents from out of ring to in ring, pod animations made better.

- Anonymous GM not in. mischief

- CAF to feature 70+ call names.

- DLC WCW arena is the Nitro one from WCW Mayhem.

- Story Designer DOES NOT SUPPORT custom themes, simply because of online. Marcus made a mistake.

First time I've been this excited to play a Smackdown game since...Ever

SS Cattle fucking Mutilation! :w00t:

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How would Story Designer have Create-a-Finisher functionality? Like, being able to do created finishers in cutscenes?

THQ really needs to get over these online restrictions. Obviously for legal reasons we can't have custom music online, but please stop restricting the offline game because of what could happen online. Just give us the option for offline music and online music and the problem is solved.

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I am fucking ecstatic that RV fucking D is in this game. Seriously, what a wonderfully random inclusion for a legend. RVD has always been one of my favorite workers in general, but also has always been one of the most fun characters to use in any Smackdown game due to his unorthodox style.

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Marcus Stephenson confirmed on Twitter that the hidden WCW Arena is in fact, the Nitro arena!

Should allow for some interesting created stories.


I can finally do a storyline where the remaining members of the WCW Invasion strike back and finally gain control.

So, Chavo versus the WWE.

You forgot non-playable Shane Helms!

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IGN has a review of the game and Greg Miller (AKA "Gruesome Greggy") has a full paragraph dedicated to the match he played with Bryan Williams.

That might sound fine, but I ran into a problem with it. Most of the time when you grapple, you start with a simple armbar or similar chain grapple move. From there, you move the stick again to enter into a slam or throw. Trouble is, reversing still comes down to one button this time around, and these chain grapples are really easy to reverse out of. This means that when I played people, I found myself getting into a lot of armbars, but reversed before I could get to a simple suplex. When I was playing Bryan Williams of THQ fame, I wanted to pull off different moves, but he kept reversing everything, so I found myself doing the same running attack over and over.

There's a balancing issue that needs to be worked out here. When I can't even pull off a simple body slam, something's wrong and most definitely frustrating.

To let all you know, he spammed running grappels through out the entire match - which was a 60 minute hell in a cell iron man match.

Here's the review: http://ps3.ign.com/a.../1129622p1.html

Edited by Fait Accompli
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I can't decide if I should buy this for PS3 or 360. >_<

I'm in the same boat, The only difference I've found is that I can import custom music easier on the PS3 - Might as well take advantage of PS3 being region free and tell EB Games to shove their $109 price tag by importing it, But that's just me and the Aussie games market being ridiculously overpriced.

to let all you know, he spammed running grappels through out the entire match - which was a 60 minute hell in a cell iron man match.
The official count was something like 121 Running Float Over DDT's, Then I heard he bitched about Bryan doing something like that with Punk's MMA Elbows.

So which CAW are you guys planning on making 1st?

I plan on creating The Great Muta (after I create myself and my friends of course).

Myself, Naturally (I'm not going to be the only one according to that thread we had a couple of months back)

It's a tradition of mine that dates back to Smackdown 1.

Although, I'm not planning on creating real wrestlers, The new system for Community Creations lets me just download a Danielson, Will have to troll YouTube for the correct edit of Ride of the Valkyries.

Although I'm stuck for theme music ideas this year, Nexus is in the game so I can't use that this year.

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The flipside to that freedom is Road to WrestleMania. On the surface, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011's Road looks like that of the past -- you choose one of five tales and play through the weeks leading up to that Superstar's appearance on the grandest stage of all in between watching a bunch of cutscenes.

There's only 5 RTWM's?

EDIT: after reading that IGN review, I'm a little bummed and confused about the lack of a strong grapple.

Edited by KevinStorm
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