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Smackdown vs Raw 2011


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Guest JukeboxHero

Not having Daniel Bryan in the game kinda sucks, but I understand why. He was released and the news of when/how he'd make his return was very hush-hush, so it's no surprise to me that the developers didn't know about it.

The news of a WCW arena (hopefully the 1998 Nitro set) will probably add more fuel to the rumors of a WCW class for the Hall of Fame next year, I'm sure. Looking forward to it.

Edit: Come to think of it, why add just one WCW arena? Throw in a 'Halloween Havoc' set and a 'Road Wild' set as well. I'd buy 'em.

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And you have to pay 80 points/1 dollar/however many pence to edit attributes! Mwhaha!

Such bullshit, but at least it's a feature that's never been in the game before and they're not making us pay for previously free features.

Daniel Bryan should be easy enough to make, at least and I'm sure there will be tons of them to download.

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I guess the only annoying thing would be if the group fully dissolves and all 3 of those guys are stuck with the armbands. Hopefully they either have an alt attire without them or you can edit the yellow part to make it black so it just looks like a regular armband.

That's just the nature of the beast when you get a game based around the fast-paced world of wrestling. By the time last year's game came out, Miz's attire was outdated, Jeff Hardy left the company, and half the PPVs were gone.

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I guess the only annoying thing would be if the group fully dissolves and all 3 of those guys are stuck with the armbands. Hopefully they either have an alt attire without them or you can edit the yellow part to make it black so it just looks like a regular armband.

That's just the nature of the beast when you get a game based around the fast-paced world of wrestling. By the time last year's game came out, Miz's attire was outdated, Jeff Hardy left the company, and half the PPVs were gone.

Yeah. It's really unavoidable. Who knows though, Stephenson has said they've explored the possibility of making it "No Mercy-like" in the future in that you can edit almost everything about a character - mainly the attire. That would be amazing.

Speaking of Stephenson, he talked about the modeling/selection/etc. process. It was pretty interesting. They are alocated room for about 120-130 "models" models including wrestlers, NPCs, and any alt attires. The alt attires are totally different from the default wrestlers even if they seem to be the same character just slightly altered.

I guess that could mean that, in theory, if they were to just chuck alt attires (which I wouldn't mind since we can edit colors anyway) - they could fit even MORE current guys at the deadline in. But you just know there are some people out there that would rather have Cena in street gear or Orton in a ref shirt than, say, Michael Tarver.

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I think editing attire is the next step for them, Superstar Threads was a great start last year, now we just need to be able to change the actual clothing. They're finally getting the customization up to an acceptable level (one decade later), and I think they'll probably have it figured out in the next year or two. Then all that's left is Royal Rumble customization! :angry:

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There's the balance between customisation and keeping likeness though. It's the same with Microsoft Windows, they don't want you creating your own unique desktop theme because they want you to get used to/recognise the look across the board. Similarly, WWE don't want you to have John Cena having a tattoo across his chest saying "I Like Men" and Edge with a mohawk. Even more so if you can then take this online or share them in some way.

Edited by TheModernWay
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Which is a fair point, but a simple solution would be to turn off custom outfits online. For instance, you get three slots to change the color of the default outfits, and one slot to go crazy, and that last slot can't be used online. Same for goofy ring entrances like John Cena coming to the ring like The Boogeyman.

But in the privacy of my own living room, if I want The Undertaker to wear a pink speedo and come to the ring with Big Show doing the Nitro/Melina entrance, I should have that option. I paid $60 for a game that's big on customization, let me customize it however I want.

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