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World Cup 2010 Thread

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I'm sure I heard of a drink that they did a while back called Fucking Hell...where they created a brewery in the Austrian town of Fucking. The Hell part I think had something to do with the type of beer.

EDIT: Idly searching for the article made me uncover the greatest quote of all time.

Stefan added that if Fucking Hell beer was a success they planned to open similar small breweries in the neighbouring German towns of Kissing, Petting, Wank and Piss.

Edited by The General
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Mezzo Mix is also the nicest soft drink I've ever tasted and that's reason enough to support Germany.

You should be able to recreate it by simply mixing cola and fanta orange. (even if fanta tends to tast very different depending on the country you are in)

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Mezzo Mix is also the nicest soft drink I've ever tasted and that's reason enough to support Germany.

You should be able to recreate it by simply mixing cola and fanta orange. (even if fanta tends to tast very different depending on the country you are in)

Wait, that's an actual drink?

Shit, I been doing that since I was like 5

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The maths don't lie.

Edit: Though upon closer inspection, that's mainly because no real math is involved.

+4 is math. Unless that's a bit advanced for you. >_>

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Does anybody else finds the resemblance between Low Ki and Nigel De Jong from Holland?

Low Ki is the evil twin, as De Jong is always smiling, no matter what.

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The Bundesliga is curretnly anouncing their season planes in a Pres conference. Aperently the Premiere League send tha majorety of players to the World Cup, The Bundesliga is in second place. Most players in the Quater and Semi Finales were from the Bundesliga.

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The Bundesliga will be laughing in like twenty years when every other major league is down the shitter. Apart from all the insane financial stuff, they've got highest attendances, highest scores and some of the most unpredictable league winners as well. I wish I was German :(

Edited by Pesci
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One of the easiest indicators that a league is strong is having the odd superstar... yet being financially indipendant enough to keep them.

Bayern, Wolfsberg and Bremen etc. have the capability to go "lol?" at any offer below 40m euros for their starlets... and because they're not gambling on eventually selling the players on to make a profit they can get away with it.

Their system is entirely different to the gambling culture of other leagues, and the longer they keep their Oezil's, their Dzeko's and their Ribery's the stronger the league will continue to be.

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