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World Cup 2010 Thread

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I'm fairly sure I've never wanted any team ever to keep a clean sheet as much as Honduras right now...

Edit: Having said that, Chile are starting to piss me off with their blatant thuggery. I knew they were bad, as I commented earlier, but this is just... it's like every single one of them is Joey Barton.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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Chile really do play like a bunch of schoolkids, the way they just attack no matter what and kick out when things don't go their way. In many ways, they are very refreshing to watch and probably set to win FIFA's most entertaining side of the tourney.

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Metalman should support Korea, just in case Forlan needs some help. ¬_¬

On a more serious note, do Danes really hate Gronkjaer that much?

Behind Schmeichel, the Laudrups (possibly only Michael ¬_¬) and Thomas Helveg, plus maybe Stig Tofting for novely factor, he's surely one of Denmark's best ever players? :P I mean, it could be worse, he could be John Jensen.

I don't hate Grønkjær. I hate Jon Dahl Tomasson. He cost us the entire match because he doesn't know when to call it quits.

(N) :bang: How dare you speak nasty about Tomasson. :@

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