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World Cup 2010 Thread

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Whoops. I did mix up Johnny Perfect and Summers since they were both talking crap.

Hey you, fuck-wit. What's talking crap about showing the table and then asking someone why he thinks one team kicked ass and the other was lucky.. I mean seriously, you're a Proud American, I get it. Does that mean you have to be a twat? It's no surprise Americans get a bad reputation when people like you exist.

Nothing I did could have been counted as talking crap, I haven't once belittled what the USA have done at all, I've stuck up for them to mouthy friends on Facebook numerous times, but hey-ho.. carry on being an idiot, it suits you.

It was probably your "Americans are talking trash" line but honestly I don't remember at this point so I'll take your word for it. As for how USA has played, I didn't say you belittled it. I already said I confused you with him on that post.

Anyhow, moving on. Anyone have the password to that "Bracket Predcitor" group that someone here created. I just saw that Nabeel is leading with 17 points. I have 16 but am not in the group.

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It all just stemmed from HTTK's talk about USA having a better qualifying streak than so many other teams.

Holy crap, try reading more than just one sentence of a post next time. That is completely out of context of the point it was used in. That little aside was just in a larger point about something else.

The rest wasn't relevant to the topic at hand :/

Brazil/Portugal was shit, as I expected it to be. Was half-tempted to watch Ivory Coast vs North Korea out of protest when Lieneker said how to watch it but then said "but I can't see why you'd want to", or some shit like that. It was obviously gonna have more goals in it. The best part of the Brazil match was the battle of the thugs between Melo and Pepe, but even that ended before half-time.

Hoping Chile can snatch a draw against Spain tonight. It's actually kinda likely looking at the form of the South American teams so far (including Chile) and the sub-par form of the bigger European sides. But then Chile had trouble finishing chances against Honduras, let alone Spain. And they don't seem to be the best at crowding teams out. Hopefully, if Spain do win, they just shade it and Switzerland barely beat Honduras so the Swiss can just fuck off and die.

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If anyone is interested, the Baddiel and Skinner World Cup podcasts have been even more amusing than four years ago.

They've got 18-25 minute podcasts for most days since the 9th and Frank Skinner has been really on form for them - some stuff that has made me laugh out loud rather embarrassingly on the subway or in shops.


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One of the bad things about living abroad is that I don't get to see the new World Cup adverts....Just seen this Carlsberg one.


We may not have the best team in the world but we have the most stirring adverts....Carlsberg are brilliant at them.

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Trust me Hammy, when I say that you aren't missing out when it comes to adverts. I've contemplated suicide on more than one occasion because of the 'GOOOOOO COMPAAAAAAAAAAARE' ad's. :/

Here's hoping Spain and Chile somehow both get through tonight.

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Metalman should support Korea, just in case Forlan needs some help. ¬_¬

On a more serious note, do Danes really hate Gronkjaer that much?

Behind Schmeichel, the Laudrups (possibly only Michael ¬_¬) and Thomas Helveg, plus maybe Stig Tofting for novely factor, he's surely one of Denmark's best ever players? :P I mean, it could be worse, he could be John Jensen.

I don't hate Grønkjær. I hate Jon Dahl Tomasson. He cost us the entire match because he doesn't know when to call it quits.

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I absolutely see Chile going through.

The teams from Europe simply haven't impressed (although Slovenia and Slovakia were certainly nice surprises). No reason to think that'll change in the last two matches really. I mean, Honduras was the one Western Hemishpere team that forgot to show up so I'm not sure that one should count <_< ...

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Fortunately, Honduras is good for one thing ... and that's F'ng things up for everyone else. So I'm willing to be they'll find a way to score and look like the team that had people putting them in the "darkhorse/spoiler" category before the cup started.

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Glad to see Chile dominating at the start. Just hope they don't mess up and let Spain through because that's all it'll take. I don't understand how Sanchez never seems to score (even at club level) with his immense dribbling and movement? Shame.

EDIT: Mess up like so >.<

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