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World Cup 2010 Thread

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I've switched to ITV4 now in the hope New Zealand can bag a goal. I'm guessing the Wimbledon match will still be there for me when this is over, and the Italy match is already over so there's no point watching. Come on you Kiwis!

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Arivederci Italia!

Anyone notice the prominent poster in this thread conspicuous by their absence so far this afternoon?

are you talking about me?

...no. Why would I be? Oh, right, you support Italy now too, forgot that.

Also, grats ITV for showing us the Group D table... crucial information at this time. ¬_¬

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Hahahaha. I haven't been so grateful for such a shit decision since... well, since Gourcouff's sending off, actually. But still...

How was it a shit decision? His head was offside.....stupid rules, but fuck it, by the rules it is a good decision.

EDIT: Acey got there first

Edited by Liam
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