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Red Dead Redemption

King Ellis

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Wasnt the point to shoot the gun out of the guys hand, or do that then have a shot aimed at his body/head to kill him?

I havent played the game in over a year, though, so I can't really remember either.

Edited by Vitamin E
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  • 4 years later...
29 minutes ago, Benji said:

A lot of rumours flying about RD3/RDR2 being announced at E3. Nowhere reputable yet reporting on it though as far as I've seen.

From what I've read, it seems almost a certainty. R* expected to announce this plus GTA single player DLC.

We can ride again, @Benji:wub:

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Numerous places online whenever I've googled RDR in the last couple of months. And my bro in law mentioned the GTA single player thing to me on Tuesday. I do recall hearing a while back that they were working on single player stuff. I think the voice actor for Franklin was recording lines.

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Rocks target don't normally have much to do with E3 do they? Unless Sony or MS rope them in to do an exclusive reveal during their show. 

Edit:Rockstar. Bloody auto correct. 

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I'm not trying to seem like a miserable git because I'd definitely be interested in a new Red Dead game, but it's not something I've been clamouring for because I was so satisfied with Red Dead Redemption. I feel as though it satisfies more or less everything I'd realistically want from a game of its kind, and I wouldn't feel sad if another one never came out. I'd probably still go through all the giddy hype process as everyone else if it were to be announced, though, so I'm probably just talking nonsense.

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2 hours ago, Bobfoc said:

I'm not trying to seem like a miserable git because I'd definitely be interested in a new Red Dead game, but it's not something I've been clamouring for because I was so satisfied with Red Dead Redemption. I feel as though it satisfies more or less everything I'd realistically want from a game of its kind, and I wouldn't feel sad if another one never came out. I'd probably still go through all the giddy hype process as everyone else if it were to be announced, though, so I'm probably just talking nonsense.

I never felt it needed a sequel. I mean, I'd love a sequel or even a prequel.

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I'm still pretty disappointed by GTA V (despite buying it again, because hell it can be addicting <_<), but a sequel to Red Dead Redemption or even LA Noire I feel like would be a guarantee buy for me. Really love RDR and ended up getting it again a couple years ago just to play through the story and do the Undead Nightmare DLC, so I'm hoping a new one is in the works.

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