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Infinite Degrees of Eating Bacon Snacks Whilst Playing Games


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And one of the main characters from the MGS franchise is Raiden, who is nowhere near as good as Raiden from Fatal Fury.

Fury? That's the nickname of MMA Fighter Brian Johnston! I watched him fight the other day! And then I played Assassins Creed II!

...What? shifty.gif

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Assassin's Creed II has the word Creed in it, and Creed was a lame rock band from the 90's who produced some annoying overplayed songs. Another rock band that did the same thing in the 90's was Aerosmith, stars of Revolution X.

Ruki loses; mine is better.

But I can bring both back, because Fallout 3 features the line "War. War never changes," and a popular song from the early 90's about things changing was "Livin' on the Edge" by Aerosmith, stars of Revolution X.

Go on, do another one. I bet I can bring any game back to Revolution X.

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X-Men Legends II featured Cyclops, elder brother of Vulcan, the last child of the Summers clan. "Last Child" is a popular song by Aerosmith, stars of Revolution X.



Most impressive.

Revolution X? That features Aerosmith. Aerosmith is a Classic Rock band. Rock is a style of music & and a type of stone. Stones are featured heavily in exotic environments, the likes of which are plentiful in Uncharted 2!


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Uncharted 2 revolves around a treasure linked to Marco Polo, who in the game was captured by Kublai Khan, the Mongol emperor who subjugated the Khmer Empire, which occupied much of Southern India. You could say that Kublai Khan's gotta love the sweet taste of India... much like the band Aerosmith, stars of Revolution X.


Okay, I'm done for real.

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