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TEW05 Real World Update: April 2010

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Any way I can help out? I know a few indies like IWC very well and a lot of indy workers that seem to have very generic stats. Send me a PM if you're interested

feel free to make any suggestion of stats, its alot more helpful giving numbers than letter raitings that way it can be more accurate than me guessing the right one for that raiting

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Going through the WWE roster i came across Tony Garcia. I think his name is actually Tony Garea.

Cagematch.net lists his real name as Anthony Garcia as well as OWOW



Also i'll most likley be releasing this Friday/Saturday

Edited by TheWho87
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Going through the WWE roster i came across Tony Garcia. I think his name is actually Tony Garea.

Cagematch.net lists his real name as Anthony Garcia as well as OWOW



Also i'll most likley be releasing this Friday/Saturday

According to wikipedia, which probably isnt reliable


his name is Anthony Gareljich, if were going by real names.

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Going through the WWE roster i came across Tony Garcia. I think his name is actually Tony Garea.

Cagematch.net lists his real name as Anthony Garcia as well as OWOW



Also i'll most likley be releasing this Friday/Saturday

According to wikipedia, which probably isnt reliable


his name is Anthony Gareljich, if were going by real names.

Yet if you look at the page name its Anthony Garcia, their is real names and then their is their legal real name, personally all evidence supports him staying as Anthony Garcia

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Some relationships I found that were missing from the data while browsing wikipedia:

-Sandy Barr & Art Barr were father and son

-Adam Firestorm's trainers were Michelle Starr (already in) and Velvet McIntyre

-Sandy Barr trained Velvet McIntyre

-Andrew Martin was trained by Dory Funk, Jr. & Bret Hart

-Dorian Roldan is Antonio Pena's nephew

-Joaquin Roldan is Dorian Roldan's father (was surprised this wasn't in yet)

-Art Barr and Roddy Piper became friends when they were young

-Art Barr & Eddie Guerrero were best friends

-Bad News Allen was trained by Antonio Inoki & Stu Hart

-Big John Studd was trained by Killer Kowalski

-Add tag team between Bobby Duncum, Jr. & John Layfield (Texas Mustangs). They were a short lived tag team in fall of 1992-early 1993.

-Bobby Duncum, Jr also had a brief tag team with Mike Enos in 1998.

-Bobo Brazil was Rocky Johnson's mentor

-Boris Malenko trained Buddy Landell (not in data), Barry Horowitz, Bill Eadie, Gangrel, Norman Smiley, Alex Gibson (MVP's trainer, not in data), Paul Diamond, Van Hammer, Perry Saturn, Crusher Doogan (not in data)

-Brian Adams was trained by Antonio Inoki & Tatsumi Fujinami

-I'd also add Loyalty between Brian Adams & Bryan Clarke

-Brian Adams also was bodyguard for his longtime friend Randy Savage when Savage was promoting his CD "Be a Man"

-Buddy Rose's finisher was Las Vegas Jackpot (Pinfall). Small detail but...

-Buzz Sawyer trained Magnum TA

-Buzz Sawyer & Matt Borne won the WCWA Tag Team titles in the late 1980's.

-Chris Adams was trained by Tony St. Clair & Shirley "Big Daddy" Crabtree

-Stu Hart & Bruce Hart also trained Chris Benoit

-Chris Benoit was fluent in French

-Afa & The Fabulous Moolah were two of Chris Kanyon's trainers

-Chris Kanyon & Billy Kidman formed a tag team early in Kanyon's career. They wrestled in hockey uniforms.

-Buddy Rose was one of Curt Hennig's trainers

-Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross were Curt Hennig's friends.

-Bruiser Brody was a long time friend of the Von Erich's. Add friendship between him and the members of the Von Erich family (besides Lacey)

-Pat O'Connor was one of Dick Murdoch's trainers

-Dick Murdoch grew up with Dory Funk, Jr. & Terry Funk watching their (Funk's and his) fathers wrestle all around Texas.

-Eddie Gilbert and Tommy Rich teamed as "Fargo's Fabulous Ones" in the 1980's.

-Eddie Gilbert & Missy Hyatt divorced in 1989-ish

-Eddie Graham & Mike Graham are father and son

-Eddie Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero, Sr were brothers

-Jim Ross & Ernie Ladd were friends

-Freddie Blassie & Gorilla Monsoon were friends

-Freddie Blassie was close with Vince McMahon, Sr and his family. Friendship between Freddie Blassie and the McMahon family? Or Loyalty for Vince McMahon, Freddie Blassie remained on the WWE roster until he died.

-Fritz Von Erich was trained by Stu Hart

-Lou Thesz was one of Gary Albright's trainers

-Gary Albright was brought to the Hart family’s attention by Brian Pillman who knew of Albright through a mutual acquaintance.

-Bruce Hart helped Gary Albright to sign with UWF International. Loyalty?

Outside of the ring, Rizzo was good friends with Buh Buh Ray Dudley and Nicole Bass.


-Add Best Friends between Alex Rizzo & Brother Ray and Alex Rizzo & Nicole Bass

André was discovered by Lord Alfred Hayes, a wrestling promoter, and left home as a teenager to become a wrestler in Paris.


-Add Protege between André the Giant & Alfred Hayes. Or maybe Loyalty?

Soon afterward, Barr left EMLL to join Konnan's newly formed Asistencia Asesoría y Administración promotion. As "The Love Machine" Art Barr, he debuted in AAA as a villain, and formed the tag team "La Pareja del Terror" (The Pair of Terror) with Eddie Guerrero.[2] The pair were highly successful, as they would go on to win the World Tag Team Championship and become arguably the most hated tag team in lucha libre history.[2] Barr and Guerrero expanded their tag team into a faction after being joined by Konnan, Black Cat, Madonna's Boyfriend, Jake Roberts, Misterioso, Chicano Power and King Lion. Together, they faction became known as Los Gringos Locos (The Crazy Americans).


-Add an inactive tag team of Art Barr & Eddie Guerrero to AAA called La Pareja del Terror. Experience maybe Medium or Good? Formed would be sometime in early 1990's.

Chris Jericho, who was also close to Barr at the time of his death, would, when performing in WCW in the late nineties, occasionally accuse performer Lenny Lane of stealing Jericho's Loverboy tapes in reference to a personal joke between himself and Barr.


-Add Strong Friendship between Art Barr & Chris Jericho

Upon his retirement, Bigelow moved to a private recreational community called "The Hideout", in Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania. He also opened the eponymous Bam Bam Bigelow restaurant, located nearby in the town of Hamlin in Salem Township, along State Route 590,[8] but it later closed. He then relocated to Florida, with even his close friend Shane Douglas clueless as to his whereabouts.[6]


-Add Best Friend with Bam Bam Bigelow & Shane Douglas

It was during this time that Benoit would grow close to Bret Hart, referring to him as a "role model". In subsequent years, Benoit looked up to and emulated Bret, along with Billington.


-Loyalty between Chris Benoit & Bret Hart?

His most noted work as a wrestler came in Mid-South Wrestling in the early 1980s, where he teamed with Junkyard Dog. The pair was the most popular champions in the region, attracting the hardcore, working class white fans with his "Captain Redneck" persona and JYD drawing the support of the black fan base. Their feud with the Fabulous Freebirds was perhaps Mid-South's most compelling storyline.


-Add tag team between Dick Murdoch & The Junkyard Dog, inactive, low/medium exp?

Murdoch left the NWA and wrestled in the World Wrestling Council before appearing in World Championship Wrestling as one half of the "Hardliners," or "Hardline Collection Agency," with Dick Slater in 1991. They feuded with Rick and Scott Steiner but could not win their title.


-Add tag team between Dick Murdoch & Dick Slater (Hardliners). Inactive, low exp?

After Frenchy Martin's departure, Bravo joined Jimmy Hart's stable and often teamed up with Earthquake, and Bresciano would often display his strength by doing push ups while the 460 lb. Earthquake sat on his back (although Tenta kept his feet on the floor, so not all of his weight was on his partner). The team of Earthquake and Bravo would have a lengthy feud with Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior.


-Add tag team between John Tenta & Dino Bravo in WWE. Inactive, medium exp?

Albright teamed with Steve Williams and Lacrosse to form the "Triangle of Power" in 1997. Albright and Williams finished third in the World's Strongest Tag League that year[14] and went on to win the Unified tag titles on July 25, 1997.[5] Albright became the leader of the Triangle of Power. after Williams left the promotion, but Albright's faction was not pushed.

-Add tag team to AJPW between Steve Williams and Gary Albright called Triangle of Power. Inactive, exp low (?), formed 1997

If there's something that isn't correct, correct me :)

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I see people asking for too many names and tag teams and relationships, and then the game won't work properly. Are you working on the May or April update?

Since this is the April topic then the next update will be the May data

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I see people asking for too many names and tag teams and relationships, and then the game won't work properly. Are you working on the May or April update?

Won't work properly? How?

-Rocky Johnson & Peter Maivia aren't related. Rocky married Peter's daughter and was trained by him but they aren't related

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I see people asking for too many names and tag teams and relationships, and then the game won't work properly. Are you working on the May or April update?

Won't work properly? How?

-Rocky Johnson & Peter Maivia aren't related. Rocky married Peter's daughter and was trained by him but they aren't related

Have you not noticed how long it takes the game to go through an enormous relationship file at start up?

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I see people asking for too many names and tag teams and relationships, and then the game won't work properly. Are you working on the May or April update?

Won't work properly? How?

-Rocky Johnson & Peter Maivia aren't related. Rocky married Peter's daughter and was trained by him but they aren't related

Have you not noticed how long it takes the game to go through an enormous relationship file at start up?

Not really. But that may be due because I usually do something else whilst the game loads meaning the game does work properly it just loads longish?

Some more relationships and tag teams:


-Rename Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Arn & Gene) to Minnesota Wrecking Crew III. They were formed in 1985

-Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Lars & Gene Anderson) is missing from the database. Inactive, formed 1965, exp good?

-Add tag team between Gene & Ole Anderson, Minnesota Wrecking Crew II. Inactive, formed 1969, exp good?

-Gino Hernandez & Tully Blanchard were a tag team in SCW called The Dynamic Duo. They were quite succesful so exp level good?

-Gino Hernandez & Chris Adams were a tag team in WCCW called (The) Dynamic Duo. This was the second version.

-Gorilla Monsoon won the WWWF United States Tag Team Championship with Killer Kowalski. They teamed with success in the 1960's. Inactive, medium exp?

-Add an inactive tag team between Jay Youngblood and Ricky Steamboat. They were a regular tag team in NWA's Jim Crockett Promotions.

-John Kronus & Perry Saturn should have some kind of positive relationship. Saturn directed Kronus to Killer Kowalski's wrestling school, plus they were a long time tag team.

-The Gangstanators (John Kronus & New Jack) is missing from the database. Their first match was on August 21, 1997.

-The Public Enemy (Johnny Grunge & Rocco Rock) tag team is missing from the database. They were formed in 1993.

-Mike Awesome & Billy Kidman were an occasionial tag team in WCW.

-Ray Traylor (as The Boss Man) and Booker T were a tag team in WWF in late 2001-January 2002.

-Ray Traylor & Curt Hennig were a short lived tag team in WWF in April 2002.

-Rick Rude & Warrior (as The Dingo Warrior) were a short lived tag team in WCWA in late 1980's

-Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez were a tag team in Jim Crockett Promotions called Awesome Twosome. They won NWA World Tag Team titles in 1986. They feuded with The Rock 'n' Roll Express until April 1987 when Rude left the promotion


-Gene & Ole Anderson had a hand in Al Snow's training

-Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby Heenan became good friends during their WWF broadcasting days

-The Briscos (Jack & Gerald) discovered Hulk Hogan in the late 1970's and introduced him to Hiro Matsuda for training. Some sort of relationship between Hogan and the Briscos?

-Jerry Tuite was trained by Mike Sharpe & Bam Bam Bigelow

-John Kronus was trained by Killer Kowalski

-Shohei Baba, Jumbo Tsuruta, Terry Gordy, Road Warrior Hawk, Road Warrior Animal were John Tenta's trainers

-Yokozuna recruited John Tenta to pursue a career in sumo after they met on a trip in Vancouver.

-John Tenta & Fred Ottman were friends

-Hulk Hogan & John Tenta were friends, Hogan also lobbied for Tenta to join WCW.

-Johnny Grunge & Rocco Rock needs some kind of positive relationship. Maybe loyalty

-Johnny Grunge was Chris Benoit's neighbor and helped him survive Eddie Guerrero's death

-Jumbo Tsuruta was trained by Dory Funk, Jr. & Lou Thesz

-Karl Gotch trained Tatsumi Fujinami and Satoru Sayama

-Kevin Von Erich & The Ultimate Warrior were close friends

-Chyna, Perry Saturn, Christopher Nowinski, Giant Bernard, April Hunter, Nikki Roxx and Ken Doane were all trained by Killer Kowalski

-Killer Kowalski & Bruno Sammartino were friends, Sammartino was also the one who reported his death.

-Masahiro Chono was Lou Thesz's protege

-Louie Spicolli & Scott Hall were friends

-Louie Spicolli & Stevie Richards were "inseparable friends"

-Tommy Dreamer uses Louie Spicolli's finisher as a homage to him, loyalty?

-Mike Awesome was trained by Steve Keirn

-Lance Storm & Mike Awesome were friends

-Mike Bell was trained by Paul Roma. His finisher was Mid-Hudson Bridge (Pinfall)

-Mike Lockwood was found dead in Stevie Richards' apartment. Some kind of friendship should be added between them since I'm assuming he didn't brake in to his apartment to commit suicide.

-Mitsuharu Misawa was trained by Shohei Baba & Dory Funk, Jr.

-Kevin Sullivan & Nancy Benoit were divorced

-Peter Maivia also trained Billy Graham

-Rhonda Singh & Owen Hart became close friends in WWF

-Rhonda Singh's finishers were Big Bertha Bomb & Splash, both Pinfall

-Tony Halme & Masahiro Chono competed in NJPW's Super Grade Tag League II scoring 8 points and finishing 4th overall

-Wahoo McDaniel & Billy Jack Haynes were a short lived tag team in Championship Wrestling from Florida in 1985ish

-Add tag team between Russ & Charlie Haas called The Haas Brothers. They worked together for nearly three years so experience should be good or maximum. They teamed in JAPW & CZW along with being under developmental deal in WWF so maybe add them to WWE & HWA aswell (they were sent to HWA to train). So in short, in promotions JAPW, CZW, WWF, HWA and none.

-Charlie Haas and Mike Bucci teamed (and won) The Russ Haas Memorial Tag Team Tournament in August 2002

-S.D. Jones & Tony Atlas often teamed together in WWF during the late 1970's

-Ted DiBiase & Steve Williams formed a tag team in 1985 and feuded with Eddie Gilbert & The Nightmare.

-The Steve Williams & Terry Gordy tag team was called Miracle Violence Connection in AJPW & WCW. They teamed for ~2 years and won couple of titles, exp low or medium?

-Rick Rude & Curt Hennig were friends

-Rocco Rock was trained by Afa

-Ian Rotten also trained Rollin' Hard

-Russ Haas was trained by Mike Sharpe

-Matt Borne was trained by Sandy Barr

-Booker T gave away Sherri Martel at one of her weddings so there should be some sort of positive relationship between them

-Sherri Martel's finisher was Sleeper Hold (Submission)

-Shinya Hashimoto was trained by Antonio Inoki & Stu Hart

-Steve Williams & Mitsuharu Misawa were long time friends

-Abdullah the Butcher, Gene Anderson, Steve Blackman, Justin Credible, Christian, Billy Graham, Billy Jack Haynes, The Honky Tonk Man, Gene Kiniski, Jushin Liger, Gorilla Monsoon, Ken Shamrock, Lance Storm, Greg Valentine & Nikolai Volkoff were trained by Stu Hart

-The Fabulous Moolah's finisher was Schoolgirl (Pinfall)

-The Grand Wizard was Don Muraco's daughter's grandfather.

-The Junkyard Dog trained Rodney Mack & Jazz

-Tony Halme was trained by Verne Gagne

-Granted, I haven't seen much of Tony Halme's wrestling matches but surely his power were better than F?

-Add Overhead Chop (Pinfall) as a finisher for Wahoo McDaniel

While in Central States, Hercules teamed up with Dewey Robertson, the future Missing Link, and the two won the Central States tag team championship on two occasions;


-Add tag team between Hercules Hernandez & The Missing Link. Inactive, exp low?

In the early 1980s, Vincent J. McMahon's son, current WWE owner Vincent K. McMahon, began assuming the reins of the promotion from his father. The elder McMahon asked his son to take care of long-time employees that had been loyal to him. The younger McMahon agreed, and in 1982, Vince bought Marella's shares in the company in exchange for a guarantee of lifetime employment. As he had been to his father, Marella became a close confidant of the younger McMahon, and assumed a prominent backstage role. In addition, McMahon needed a new announcer team to head up his television programming, and installed Marella with the recently retired Jesse "The Body" Ventura as the new announcing team.


-Add Loyalty between Gorilla Monsoon & Vince McMahon

Years after the Montreal Screwjob, Brisco was asked during a live online chat about his thoughts on the incident. Brisco, apparently uninformed of the entire situation, promptly put his foot in his mouth and criticized Bret Hart for his refusal to job. This led to a scathing response from Hart who defended his actions and mentioned a time when Ernie Ladd allegedly beat the Brisco brothers in a parking lot, stuffed them into the trunk of his car, and drove around town before dumping them out at the promoter's house. Hart finished the statement with "Jack Brisco can kiss my ass".


-Strong Dislike between Bret Hart & Jack Brisco?

Japanese wrestler Taka Michinoku was heavily helped by Quiñones when he had been to outside Japan. Due to Quiñones' help, he could wrestle in ECW, WWF (USA), AAA (Mexico), IWA (Puerto Rico), FMW (Japan), and he stated that without Quiñones' help, he wouldn't be able to start Kaientai Dojo.


-Add Loyalty between TAKA Michinoku & Victor Quinones

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Some more stuff (mostly HWA)


-Aaron Stevens was trained by Killer Kowalski

Tag Teams:

-Aaron Aguilera & Christopher Daniels were the Los Conquistadores briefly in WWE in 2000. 4th edition? Jose Luis Rivera & Jose Estrada Sr were the first, Edge and Christian (?), Hardy Boyz were 3rd for one match.

-Stevens and James debuted on TV on August 4th 2006 so change their formed date to August 2006. Were they officially called Teacher's Pets in WWE or was that just a "fan dubbed" name?


-Aaron Williams has been in HWA for atleast 2 years. May even have been since 2006

-The Noble Bloods (Matt Taylor) & Chad Cruiser are the current HWA Tag Team Champions. They beat Irish Airborne for the title in February

-Jesse Emerson is the current HWA American Luchadore Champion

-Matt Taylor has been a member of HWA since October 2008 so his years of service should be 1. Small detail, I know.

-Kid Fabulous is now known as American Kickboxer 2 in HWA. He debuted in November 26, 2008 on HWA. Closest fit to that gimmick is probably Masked Grappler

-Ali/Ala Hussein isn't on the HWA roster so remove him from there

-Bake Sale Bob's (Bob Bowling) birth month is August

-Brandon Tolle's birth month is July. He debuted in HWA on April 25th, 2008

-Rename Chris Kurtis to Chris The Brain in HWA. He debuted in HWA on November 2nd, 2004. His birth month is April

-Dave & Jake Crist are playing the Flying Mendozas in HWA so their gimmicks should be Masked Luchadore. I just don't know which one is playing witch (Loto & Loco)

-Jesse Emerson's finisher is The Indiana Slam (Pinfall). He debuted in HWA on November 5th, 2008

-Jason Lyte's birth month is October

-Jon Moxley's primary finisher is Moxicity (Pinfall)

-Kaden Assad debuted in HWA on December 19th, 2008

-Kaden Assad & Ron Mathis are teaming in HWA as International Riot Squad

-Parker Riley's birth month is August

-Ron Mathis debuted in HWA on November 26th, 2008

-Ron Mathis & Brian Beech were a tag team in HWA called Hardcore Religion in 2009 for several months.

-Ryan Campbell's birth month is December. He's currently on the HWA broadcasting team along with Chris The Brain (Kurtis) so change him to a Non-wrestler and his push to colour-commentator. This is according to his roster bio on the HWA site

-Add Scotty Vortekz to HWA

-Sid Fabulous debuted in HWA on November 26th, 2008

-Tim Tatum's birth month is October. Change his gimmick to President. He's playing the company's president

-Remove Brock Guffman, Doug Devore, Dylan Bostic, Heather Owens, JT Stahr, Nevaeh, Tim Lutz & V-Rad from HWA.

Athletic, cocky and arrogant; Three words that can describe Chad Cruise or is that Sir Chadwick Cruise?... Forms The Noble Bloods with Lord Matt Taylor, both proud members of King Vu's Court... No stranger to the gym, Cruise is definitely the power man of The Noble Bloods... Extremely impressed with his own hair...


-Change Chad Cruise to a heel. Arrogant would probably be the best fit for his gimmick. And there should probably also be a stable between King Vu, Matt Taylor & Chad Cruise (The King's Court?).

What Aaron Xtreme lacks in size he makes up for with his superior conditioning and death defying style...


-Aaron Xtreme's HWA gimmick should probably be Daredevil

Brian Beech's in-ring days may be over, but the veteran competitor is not about to walk away from professional wrestling entirely... Beech was put out of action by his former tag team partner, "Relentless" Ron Mathis, when the two battled in a Norwood Street Fight at HWA World War 3 in December of 2009... After undergoing career ending shoulder surgery in January everyone had thought they had seen the last of Brian Beech. But Beech made a surprise appearance at HWA Hysteria in March 2010 and offered to help guide the career of a young man he sees a lot of potential in, Shank Barzini.


-Change Brian Beech to a Non-wrestler in HWA?

If there's something that's incorrect, correct.

Edited by Syrjis
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Out of curiosity will Wrestlicious be included this month? I know you've kept them out in the past on account of their inactive status but they do have a set of tapings scheduled for May.

It will depend on if those shows get on TV within the next year since it took them over a year to air their last taped events

Has WFX (a rather new promotion) been added yet?

Nope, I've never heard of them

-Stevens and James debuted on TV on August 4th 2006 so change their formed date to August 2006. Were they officially called Teacher's Pets in WWE or was that just a "fan dubbed" name?

I thought that was more a fan name like Londrick

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