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Major League Baseball 2010


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Reds just got out-pitched tonight and Wednesday. Friday was a meltdown of epic proportions, but hey, if you're gonna lose, lose to the best. Phuck the Phillies and all that jazz, but first playoff appearance in 15 years, and I got to be a part of the very first postseason game in the history of Great American Ball Park. Reds had a good season, and their inexperience and youthful jitters got the best of them against a very intimidating team.

Here's to next years World Series appearance!

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How was the tailgating? I'd imagine it was insane

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We don't really tailgate for baseball here, though I imagine a lot of people got hammered tailgating for the Bengals and made their way over to the Reds game. City was packed to the gills though, biggest crowd in the history of the ball park and it was impossible to walk down the street when the game was over.

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Maybe its just me being from outside of Philly..but I can't imagine NOT tailgating baseball...hell, we tailgate a f'ing buffalo wing eating competition..

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Zero, sorry you had to witness the end of the Reds season, but Hamels just brought it tonight. And for all the talk about the great Reds lineup, outside of Phillips no one looked comfortable AT ALL the entire 3 games. I know they are inexperienced, but the guy who was supposed to bring that experience for them went 1-11 with 8 K's. Not good Scotty. And yes, it was against Halladay, Oswalt, and Hamels, but when the guy you are leaning on looks terrible, you are doomed from the beginning.

Anywho, congrats to the Reds for winning the division, and with that young nucleus, I'm sure they will be back again quite a few times over the next few years. But right now I'm happy it's 3 Straight NLCS Appearances for the Fightin's. Hopefully Atlanta comes back to win the next 2 against San Fran, because I do not want to see that Giants rotation in the LCS.

Maybe its just me being from outside of Philly..but I can't imagine NOT tailgating baseball...hell, we tailgate a f'ing buffalo wing eating competition..

Tailgating Wing Bowl is a must though.

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I figured the Reds would get beaten once I saw they'd be going up against the Phillies, but I am stunned they got swept. I knew Halliday would own them (didn't expect a no-hitter, though), but figured they'd win at least one game.

My worst case scenario now is a Braves-Yankees World Series. If that happens, I'll be pulling for the Braves with a bad taste in my mouth. BUT, I won't be watching if its Braves-Yankees.

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It's so easy to tailgate Phillies games, much easier than it is at most baseball stadiums. I'll never forget last fall when the Pearl Jam show at the Spectrum was at the same time as the World Series game at The Bank. The parking lots were jammed full of people who had been tailgating for hours and hours before. It's like taking a bunch of drunks and putting them in the world's largest, coziest cage. The Sports Complex exists for tailgating.

Not a lot of cities have the same sort of set-up, and not a lot of cities have the same kind of culture that embraces hours and hours of tailgating. That's something I really liked about Philly sports fans, and wish we had down here in Baltimore besides 8 Sundays of the year.

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I've never heard of tailgating for baseball. But then again, it's next to impossible to do it in Boston.

When I was in Boston last I was walking to a train station and stumbled upon TD Garden. It looked like someone found a lot just big enough and dropped an arena on top of it. Fenway, of course, is basically jammed in as much as a stadium can possible be. There's more than one reason tailgating didn't start until the era of cookie cutter stadiums and massive parking lots.

But nevermind that, today will forever be the day Bobby Cox managed his final game. There won't be a lot more to last as long as he did, just as there weren't a lot to do it before him.

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Well, like Lint said, in Philly we tailgate a freaking Wing Eating Contest. Plus, the layout of the Sports Complex in South Philly allows for there to be heavy tailgaiting.

In any event, Giants vs. Phillies in the NLCS. Should be a good series with some great pitching. Plus, Pat the Bat returns to Philly.

And tonight is Game 5 - Rangers @ Rays, winner gets to play the Yankees. Do the Rangers choke away the series? Or will Cliff Lee dominate Rays hitters again?

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