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Major League Baseball 2010


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Thankfully this will bring replay in baseball. I've never understood the people who whine about length of game. I'd rather have the call right. It's not like we don't waste time with managers coming out to argue. Just use the damn replay. Jim Joyce will never live this down.

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If you missed it...here's a screen grab.

<a href="http://twitpic.com/1terza" title="Umpire steals Perfect game away from Armando Galarraga Pt 2 on Twitpic"><img src="http://twitpic.com/show/thumb/1terza.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="Umpire steals Perfect game away from Armando Galarraga Pt 2 on Twitpic"></a>

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Thats right umps. Keep arguing that instant replay isn't needed...stuff like this just goes on to show more and more that it is indeed.

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As long as it is up to the umpires regarding when they go to instant replay, then I would be fine with it. It can't be used any time the manager comes out of the dug out, and it cannot be used to argue balls and strikes.

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As long as it is up to the umpires regarding when they go to instant replay, then I would be fine with it. It can't be used any time the manager comes out of the dug out, and it cannot be used to argue balls and strikes.

Agree on the balls and strikes argument. Give the teams 2 challenges each. If they get it right they don't lose the challenge. Something like this should not happen with all this technology available.

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Make it likle the NFL...give thhe managers red beanbags and, if they disagree with the call, let them toss it at an umpires head...

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Though good on Joyce for watching a replay after the game, then going into the Detroit locker room and apologizing to Galarraga and Leyland.

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I'd like just one of the hardcore anti-replay guys to explain to me why EVERY televised game gives you 5 or 6 different camera angles and slo-mo replay if we're so concerned with keeping the "human element" in the game. Why is replay an essential in the TV production of the on field product, but they can't agree that it has a place IN the game. The NFL is the only sport that has it right at this point and even though their officiating is often as lame as the NBA's or MLB's before coaches make challenges, we would never have an umpire blow a historic event without any recourse except for a worthless apology after the fact.

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Posted this on my blog so I figured I'd post it here too.

Will baseball finally embrace 21st century technology?

Was tonight the straw that will break the camel's back? People like me have been calling for instant replay in baseball for years. I mean this is 2010, why not make use of the technology? I have never understood the argument against it. People complain that baseball is already too long. Ok, but it's not like we save time when umpires enter lengthy arguments with players and managers. I'd much rather sit an extra 5 minutes in front of my TV and make sure the call was right.

The whole "human element" excuse is just ridiculous. That worked in the 60s. It just can't work in 2010 when there are so many cameras covering every play from every angle imaginable. Get the call right. There is no excuse for it. I'm a big cricket fan. People used to argue against replay in cricket too for those same reasons. But guess what, cricket started phasing replay into the game in 1993 and it has worked brilliantly ever since. Replay has done wonders for the NHL, NBA, NFL and Tennis as well. Get the call right.

It is an absolute shame that a bad call robs us of a great baseball night. It is a shame that <a href="http://sahyder1.blogspot.com/2010/06/ken-griffey-jr-is-retiring.html">this will overshadow the retirement of Ken Griffey Jr. tonight</a>. It is a shame that it will rob Austin Jackson's catch a place in the all-time highlight reel. It is a shame that Armando Galarraga got robbed of his place in baseball history. Once again as a fan all I ask is that you get the call right.

Tomorrow happens to be the <a href="http://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/SDN/SDN199506030.shtml">15th anniversary of the night Pedro Martinez went perfect for 9 innings</a>.

By the way hats off to Armando Galarraga and Jim Leyland for being class acts tonight and to a lesser degree Jim Joyce.

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Refs are only human, and they do screw up. The Kansas City Royals `won' their only world championship because of a blown call by Don Denkinger in the 1985 World Series, and this one will be right up there when it comes to all time boners. I feel sorry for Joyce, too, not just Galarraga and the Tigers.

*edit* Okay, after reading Joyce's excuse, I feel a bit less sorry for him; he said he thought the runner flat out beat the throw! THAT'S STUPID!

Edited by GhostMachine
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Refs are only human, and they do screw up. The Kansas City Royals `won' their only world championship because of a blown call by Don Denkinger in the 1995 World Series, and this one will be right up there when it comes to all time boners. I feel sorry for Joyce, too, not just Galarraga and the Tigers.

That's the whole point of the replays, refs screw up at first sight but thanks to the TECHNOLOGY they can correct that mistake or at least check the reply. The 95' World Series is different, it was in 1995 technology wasn't as developed as today, we're in 2010, i think it's time the MLB realises it and makes the right move because Galarraga just got robbed from beign part of Baseball History.

On another note, what's with the recent wave of prefect games? This would've been the third perfect game in like a month.

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The Royals series was in '85, which kind of plays into what Powerhart was saying. Technology his advanced in numerous ways in the last 25 years, and a guy shouldn't lose out on a once in a lifetime event because the 1st base ump had a brain fart. If they could have reviewed the play, the guy is out, Galarraga gets his perfecto and we have a non story. Instead, there's nothing Joyce can do to reward the kid for what he stole from him. Similarly Denkinger admitting he had a mental lapse after the fact didn't put rings on the fingers of the '85 Cards. That was 25 years ago, and baseball is STILL the only major pro sport in the US that could theoretically have a world championship decided by a botched call without being able to correct it.

Edited by naiwf
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And unforunately that is what its going to come down to before MLB gets a more emcompassing review system. A bad call that decides a playoff or world series

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I meant 1985 and put 1995 by accident. I usually re-read my posts but didn't that time, so I didn't catch it.

Baseball does need some sort of review system, and it definitely needs to have something in place to fix catastrophic fuck-ups on the part of umpires.

Either something akin to the NFL's review system, except limit it to two or three challenges per game and it can't be used to appeal balls, strikes or whether someone held off on a swing. Except go to a commercial and tell us what the decision was when they return to the game instead of forcing us to watch the review when the game is on tv. (Show the replay, yeah, but not the umpires or whoever reviews it actually reviewing the play then discussing it, in other words)


Add a review booth where reviews are up to the discretion of the people in the booth EXCEPT in the case of a clear fuck up by an umpire that decides the outcome of a game (including ruining a no-hitter or perfect game), where the review is mandatory. Again, no reviews of balls, strikes or choking up on a swing UNLESS its a game-ending play.

Problem is, I think something majorly catastrophic, such as another World Series outcome being decided by a referee mistake, will have to happen before MLB gets off their asses and seriously considers instant replay.

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