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Erick Silva doesn't understand the meaning of fighting smart. Hope he's ok though. There is no way that Darrell Montague should've been allowed to continue into the third round by the way. Oh, and Soa, Cruickshank and Johnny Eduardo were on form :w00t:

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Funny thing is, it looked like Silva was going to put him away in the first round after that body kick. Brown wasn't blocking those hammerfists at all and if Silva kept them up instead of stopping for some reason I'm pretty sure Dean would've stopped it. Brown was also rocked after time Silva went to the body after that. Unfortunately Silva settled down after that and just got the shit beat out of him. Brown looked great.

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Also, apparently Lesnar called Dana and begged him to convince Pat Barry to retire for his own safety after his latest knockout out of concern for his friend. That was cool of him.

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I would, Urijah is fucking golden.

Also, the discussion in one of the Ring threads had me thinking (I think it was the Random Thoughts one?), but how do you guys feel about Interim titles? The best case for it was the Cruz-Barao situation, I guess, and the Couture vs. UFC one.

The worst cases for them would probably be the recent ones in Carwin and Condit, where they were basically number one contender matches.

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I like interim belts, it is something tangible people are fighting for and gives "the story" of the unification in the future. Everyone pissing and moaning about the value of the title in the Ring amused me, for me it makes it more valuable as if you have the interim belt you are the best in the company at that time EXCEPT.... MAYBE.... The other guy who is injured (or something) and it leaves and intriguing question mark, as the person with the interim belt wants to be seen as THE guy, here as the guy who has the non-interim belt wants to beat the guy who is now "the pretender" making tht unified title more valuable than the belts themselves.

For me interim belts can be a chore, but the pay off can be excellent, look at UFC 100, interim champion Frank Mir fought "normal" champion Brock Lesnar in the ain event of the biggest MMA show ever held in the US, and that was part of the draw of the fight.

It's different in pro-wrestling, but that's because stripping somebody of a title is not seen as extreme as it is in combat sports, look at how long it took the UFC to strip Dominick Cruz of the belt when he was out with various injuries.

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Yeah, I always thought that when Couture refused to resign while he was still champ ended up being a blessing in disguise for the UFC, look how well it turned out for them, as the champ versus champ happened at UFC 100. If Cruz hadn't gotten injured as well, it would have been a big fight, and I honestly can't wait for that fight to actually happen.

The Condit one made less sense only in hindsight, now that I think about it. It was the second time GSP had to drop out due to an injury, which meant that the UFC didn't know how long it would take for him to return. Condit was the one who didn't want to defend it, and that's why there's an 8 month gap in-between, otherwise he could very well have defended it against MacDonald, Hendricks, Kampmann or Ellenberger.

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Tito Ortiz's washed up ass subbed Bellator's MW champion. Regardless of weight class, that's bad match making and does not make them look good at all.

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I usually take a month off in-between seasons, so the Bendo-Khabilov card on June 7th will be the first event :) I'll put it up around the 25th or so of this month to get everyone excited :) I'm pretty excited for this season, too, there seems to be a lot more even matchups lined up than season 2's.

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