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Browne is going to go cross eyed for the feels and the comeback in R4.

If only a flying elbow off the top of the octagon was possible. :(

Give Pettis time...

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Loved that main event. Werdum showing personality throughout the fight was super fun. Got me laughing when he told the doctor he should stop the fight.

So happy Cerrone won. Another four more fights for him!

And Khabib is absolutely amazing. Just so smooth and destructive at the same time. Made Dos Anjos look like a chump.

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I hope he wins and comes to the presser wearing the title belt and a fanny pack.

He's so dull otherwise though. I'm listening to the conference call now and Davis and Bones are going at it, while whenever Glover speaks he's just mumbling and I have no idea what he's saying.

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So we can safely assume that Arlovski is probably gonna face Roy Nelson because of the potential ''Gais, he's totally the only guy that KO'd him! He is the most unstoppableest MMA fighter on the planet" UFC hypetrain of doom.

I mean, no offense to Arlovski but seeing he won against a no-name scrub in a no-name fight promotion last time around, how can I take him serious against any UFC HW's?

I normally have few problems with the UFC hypetrain, but since that hilariously bad "great white hope'' hyping they did of Patrick ''he made Cormier cry' Cummins I am a bit more cynical.

Edited by Jasonmufc
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Your hyperbole is pretty hypocritical there.

Also UFC is in the business of selling fights, of course they are going to try and make each fight sound even as possible. Why would they go "come watch this guy we just signed, I mean he'll lose, by come watch anyway"?

Also UFC can sell him as a former heavyweight champ, so there is that.

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