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I'll be representing EWB in the crowd at UFC 172! Anybody who has gone to events before have any recommendations on things I can or should do?

Be this guy:

[image] http://www.mmaopinion.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/justbleed.gif[/image]

Get there from the start, don't miss the Who montage, don't get drunk and fall in a pond

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Dana has said that if Aldo goes up to 155 to fight Pettis he would vacate the title and then Swanson and Mendes would fight in a rematch of their 2010 WEC fight for the 145 belt, as far as fantasy booking goes they are two fantastic fights that I want to see.

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It's actually kinda sad for guys like Aldo and GSP, and for that brief period Anderson. Both guys are just miles above everybody in their weight class, which is why they do just enough to win, they just aren't pushed to do anything more. Fans ending up hating them makes no sense to me, they're so freaking good, it's not their fault the rest of the pack is far behind.

Also, Ronda is going to be in Entourage, and she's starring in Brad Thor's Project Athena.

Edited by Benkid
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Currently locked up without bail for aggravated assault. He apparently shoved a gun in his wife's mouth and threatened to kill her. They're separated or something, and he's found out she's sleeping with someone else? Said he'd kill her and then move away with his new girlfriend.

Good guy!

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Apparently he told his police interviewer that people looked at his physique, his face and his career as a fighter and ""People think I'm like an animal, very aggressive and like, insane"
Not sure this has done much to dissuade people from thinking that way.
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Just saw a blurb on it in the local news. And yeah, they painted him as a complete psychopath because he's an MMA guy.

I mean, if the allegations are true, "psychopath" is a good way to put it. Still, this is going to be a PR nightmare for UFC.

Hopefully his wife isn't injured or something.

EDIT- This happened at a dojo? I think I know where it is...if it's the place I'm thinking that's a really busy part of the area, there's going to be no shortage of witnesses.

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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Yeah it was apparently at Pablo Popovitch MMA Academy. MMA guy or not, putting a gun in your wife's mouth and calling out her boyfriend so you can kill him is psycho. Doesn't matter how you slice that.

This, basically...

Just too bad that the media will spin it whatever way they can to make MMA look bad as a result.

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Yeah, the news story they aired showed his throat slit to the camera taunt IN SUPER SLOW MOTION OH MY GOD HE IS PSYCHO.

From the story (local ABC affiliate):

-Wasn't the dojo I was thinking of, but I think I know where that one is too.

-Silva denied he had a gun, claimed his wife wants his money

-Wife had a restraining order against him

-Police say he also threatened to kill everyone in the dojo.

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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In lighter news, some Brazilian guy walks down some stairs.


It's been six weeks since his leg snapped in two and he's walking without crutches. That's just insane.

Once a fighter, always a fighter even outside the ring. Anderson isn't going to take it easy until he has returned to his old level, and i'm not even talking about a possible return.

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