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L.A. Noire

Gene Kiniski

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I actually enjoyed the earlier cases; most of the later ones just seem to end in 'Chase after suspect and shoot them,' or 'chase after suspect and wait for them to crash a car and arrest them.' I liked actually investigating stuff. The random street crimes are there for shooting and action.

But I'm only just into Homicide; so maybe thats not the case at all >_>

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OK, I now need new pants. Holtz is in LA Noire. Frick yeah.

Also, after being demoted to Arson, I fucking hate Roy Earle. Please tell me something bad happens to him, but don't go into details, I just want a yes/no answer.

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bought this yesterday. Havenb't had alot of time with it, but loving what i have played with it

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So did anyone who didn't like GTAIV pick this up? If so, how'd you enjoy it? Is it worth getting if I wasn't so keen on Heavy Rain or the last few GTA games? I liked Red Dead if that's at all helpful. I want to get a new PS3 game, but I'm just still not sold on this yet.

I didn't like GTA IV either but I'm near the end of L.A. Noire and so far I've found it to be a very enjoyable game. The controls don't feel as heavy as they do in GTA IV and I wouldn't say the game is like Heavy Rain at all really.

L.A. Noire is more investigate and interrogate rather than a constant string of car chases and gunfights.

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Finished up the Vice Desk.

Roy Earle can suck a dick. That last case was one of the main gripes I have with the newspaper/flashback storylines. It's nice and interwining and interesting, sure, but I knew for a fact who had the drugs, where they were coming from and what was happening to them, but Cole doesn't, and since I asked the wrong question once I can't arrest the guys responsible. If the whole game is about investigation, why am I being told stuff in the cutscenes that Cole can't possibly know? Just seems strange. Is it possible to get through the Vice Desk without being busted down for fucking the german broad? I hate that Courtney came to the station to talk to me, and yet when I interrogate him, he dodges questions and I fuck up reading him so I get no new info, I don't get to close the case, and I get kicked off the squad.

I'm glad I'm off Vice. Without spoiling anything, it seems like everything you do on Vice is less concerned with solving the case than it is dealing with politics, I think I made a right cunt of pretty much every case on Vice.

Arson seems better, back to proper policing, and your partner is awesome. I completed the Gas Man and I thought I was doing well, I had unravelled most everything and did well in interrogations until the last one, and I ended up arresting the wrong guy, getting me only 2 stars :(

It's blatantly obvious that Varley is way guilty of something, and with his ties to the redevelopment place I figured it's got to be him, but the case was paper thin. I picked the wrong piece of evidence when questioning him and didn't get much on him, I done everything properly with the other guy, but I didn't think he was the one who did it. I just didn't have the right evidence, or I just suck at reading people


Does anyone know how branched the cases are? Like, can you successfully close one by arresting one guy one way, and then do it a different way by building a good case even if it's the 'wrong' guy? Or is there only specific criminal that needs to be charged for it to be done 'right'?

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Did Red Lipstick last night (totally fucked up on questioning the husband but still got ****), and now I have hit Golden Butterfly as well. Can't wait to see how awful I do!


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Golden Butterfly makes no fucking sense, ugh. Also (Golden Butterfly spoilers):

Did anyone find out what Hugo's response is when you ask why he burned his shoes? I didn't get it right the first two times (I just threatened him and he shrugged it off), and I really can't be arsed replaying the entire case for one question when I've already got five stars on it.

Loving the game so far, think I've got the stocking one to do next.

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Golden Butterfly makes no fucking sense, ugh. Also (Golden Butterfly spoilers):

Did anyone find out what Hugo's response is when you ask why he burned his shoes? I didn't get it right the first two times (I just threatened him and he shrugged it off), and I really can't be arsed replaying the entire case for one question when I've already got five stars on it.

Loving the game so far, think I've got the stocking one to do next.

says it was cause he was helping his friend skin a rabbit

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I've finished the story now. All in all, I think it's a really good game, and the core storyline part of the game, with the searching for clues and the interviews, is very well done. My only problem is that there isn't as many side-quests (for lack of a better word) as I was led to expect, and those that are there are a bit boring. Nevertheless, the story's good, and that's the main bit.

Most unusual of all is that I am actually good at this game. I five starred just under half of the cases, taking four stars for the rest. this is baffling. I am usually shit at games. As anyone who has ever played online with me at FIFA will testify.

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My interrogations are increasingly irratic. I'm either some hybrid clone of Michael Parkinson, Loius Theroux and Jack Bauer; masterfully getting people to spill their deepest and darkest secrets within seconds of being introduced to them; or I can't even get them to tell me what they had for breakfast.

Though I'm suspiciously thinking that the (very) odd interrogation is set up to be a complete bitch to do well on.

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I picked this up yesterday. Really enjoyed what I played so far, but if it doesn't change up a little it'll get a little boring. And man, using the flashlight to find clues is annoying as fuck, I can't see anything even with brightness turned all the way up. It's a bit irritating how many fake things there are to pick up, it feels a lot like they just chucked them in to make it slightly more challenging. But instead it's just kind of irritating.

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You need to be able to pick up some stuff that dos not matter. Maybe it would have been better if they had something that seems relevant to the case but turns out not to be. Right now it feels more like some productplacement from the 50s... wich issent bad but is kinda strange wen you find the same bottle or same dishwashing soap box over and over again. But thats not real trubble to me.

I am still in homocite since i got a lot to do, but i belive so far the tutorial was the only time i had to use the flashlight. But i agree, the night time is very dark... bbut i was able to deal with it. ;-D The contrast in black and white is nicer.

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Just finished the game today, and I loved it. The ending was a bit obvious, but still very well done.


Hopefully we'll get a Kelso-centric spin-off/sequel. He was by far the better character than Phelps.

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Just did Quarter Moon Murders, which aside from the odd bit of false drama (zOMG the wooden platform is wobbling~!!!) was an excellent case with a very good ending to the Homicide arc. Though I'd totally forgotten all the victims names, so the specific links to indivdual cases were lost on be somewhat (I can't remember which victim Evelynn Summers was, for instance)

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