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The 2010 NFL Thread


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I'll paraphrase what I said at another board:

Vikings with Favre as the QB: First or second in the division. (Ahead of or behind the Packers)

Vikings with Rosenfels: 8-8, maybe 9-7 team.

Vikings with Jackson: Better toss out half their passing plays, slap some glue on AP's hands and learn to love to pound the rock. Might even finish behind the Bears. (Lions have a deathgrip on the basement for a few more years)

Edited by GhostMachine
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I'll paraphrase what I said at another board:

Vikings with Favre as the QB: First or second in the division. (Ahead of or behind the Packers)

Vikings with Rosenfels: 8-8, maybe 9-7 team.

Vikings with Jackson: Better toss out half their passing plays, slap some glue on AP's hands and learn to love to pound the rock. Might even finish behind the Bears. (Lions have a deathgrip on the basement for a few more years)

I agree that the Lions will be in the bottom this year, but at least they are in a much better position now. Finally, there is some hope and optimism with that franchise.

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Am I the only one who really doesn't give a damn about the Favre stuff? If he plays, great. If he doesn't, cool, but I really don't see any reason to mock the dude. If he wants to waffle on it, who really gives a damn, outside of Minnesota and their fans?

The problem is, he's being a massive, massive dick about it. As mentioned, if he doesn't come back Minnesota are forced to go to Rosenfels or Jackson and suffer for it, but if Favre had done the decent thing and told them that - don't give me any bullshit, he knows whether or not he's coming back, the decision's already been made - they could have taken steps to address that. Maybe they trade for Jason Campbell instead or Oakland. Maybe they draft Colt McCoy or Jimmy Clausen. But no, instead they're being kept on the hook by sports' biggest douche.

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Oh please, the Vikings had 4 opportunities to draft Clausen or McCoy in the draft and they passed every time. It's not Favre's fault they decided not to build for the future. Even if he did decide to come back, he's still fucking 40 years old, use some common sense.

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Am I the only one who really doesn't give a damn about the Favre stuff? If he plays, great. If he doesn't, cool, but I really don't see any reason to mock the dude. If he wants to waffle on it, who really gives a damn, outside of Minnesota and their fans?

The problem is, he's being a massive, massive dick about it. As mentioned, if he doesn't come back Minnesota are forced to go to Rosenfels or Jackson and suffer for it, but if Favre had done the decent thing and told them that - don't give me any bullshit, he knows whether or not he's coming back, the decision's already been made - they could have taken steps to address that. Maybe they trade for Jason Campbell instead or Oakland. Maybe they draft Colt McCoy or Jimmy Clausen. But no, instead they're being kept on the hook by sports' biggest douche.

Lebron plays football now? Kidding, it's really a toss-up.

I totally get that, and fully accept that Favre is a complete bender. But you can't go feeling sorry for the Vikings. Favre pulled this shit at least a year or two before they signed him, they knew full well what they were getting themselves into when they signed him. They wanted to win now (as in last season) and were to inept or impatient to develop or otherwise acquire a QB who wasn't a fuckstick. If their season is screwed, they've no one to blame but themselves.

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I don't remember hearing that. But still, you'd ever take him at his word? Unless they're genuinely happy with TJ or Sage (which I find hard to believe), they had to at least address the position in the draft. Again, I'm not defending Favre, the thought makes me sick, but the Vikings aren't entirely innocent either.

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Don't pull that 'contracts' shit. I'll agree with that when the teams start living up to their end. Non guaranteed contracts mean fuck-all.

My feeling on the Favre thing is this;

Yeah, he could handle it better, but I don't give a damn if a guy is an attention whore, its not a reason to hate, or personally insult the guy. As for him 'hurting the team', or 'holding it hostage', I have no sympathy. The man is 40 years old, and he's been doing this shit for years now. You knew there was a solid chance he was not going to be there, and you SHOULD have a plan for the future. Don't give me that 'money' bullshit either, Clausen was a second rounder (third?), and McCoy was a third. They didn't break the bank, and you could cut Tavaris Jackson.

Clearly, Minnesota either feels they can win with what they have, or the management is shit. Either way, I really don't understand the rancor towards Favre. Then again, I believe we've been over how I feel about sports, and I take them far less seriously than a number of you, which probably has a lot to do with it.

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Don't pull that 'contracts' shit. I'll agree with that when the teams start living up to their end. Non guaranteed contracts mean fuck-all.

Huge difference between the "contract" of Brett Favre, and the "contract" of RB#3 with less than 5yrs in the league ... you know better than that. For a guy like Favre, yeah it's guaranteed in fact, and that's where half of the contract bullshit comes from.

The problem with addressing it in the draft, is if this happened, he came back. Now you've got 4 QBs ? With the way things have gone it's pretty obvious that "they could just cut Tarvaris Jackson" isn't an option because they don't want to. They want the guy on the team otherwise he'd have been gone before now. You're now also talking about "just cutting" the guy to get the final year out of Favre and then turning around and finding yourself still needing a 3rd QB the next year.

He's creating unecessary bullshit that does more than just "annoy" the fans/team. It's pretty shitty that he can literally fuck with people's careers "just because."

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I have no sympathy for the Vikings in regards to Favre's contract, as they knew this was a very good possibility. Risk/reward. Besides, I believe that if Favre actually, officially, retires, his contract comes off the books.

The fact they are unwilling to cut Jackson shows me they're comfortable with what they have. That means they consider Favre a luxury, m

which means I should have no sympathy. I really don't understand your point, and I'm not trying to be an ass, or argumentative. If Favre doesn't play, Minnesota has no one to blame for not being prepared but themselves. Neither money, nor a roster spot is really an issue.

I also don't get the people that complain about him missing camp. Unless you're on the team, or work for the team, who gives a fuck? If it effects his play (if he plays), or the teams play, then you have a point, but it hasn't, so you don't.

Really, I think I just get tired of 'non-stories'. I can't wait for real, meaningful games to start.

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What's the over/under on ESPN reminding us all that Favre's just having fun this year?

I dislike him because it seems now that he's deliberately stirring things up every year, either that or he's taken one too many painkillers in his time to realise there are far more subtle and fairer ways to end your career. This doesn't happen with any other older players, year in and year out, even future Hall of Famers. Essentially, he's taking the piss. And I know you can't hold it against him personally, but why does he get a free pass when he throws these ridiculous interceptions and costs his team important games? He's just having fun, see. Yet any other quarterback throws a pick because his horrible line can't protect him and he'll get crucified.

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What's the over/under on ESPN reminding us all that Favre's just having fun this year?

I dislike him because it seems now that he's deliberately stirring things up every year, either that or he's taken one too many painkillers in his time to realise there are far more subtle and fairer ways to end your career. This doesn't happen with any other older players, year in and year out, even future Hall of Famers. Essentially, he's taking the piss. And I know you can't hold it against him personally, but why does he get a free pass when he throws these ridiculous interceptions and costs his team important games? He's just having fun, see. Yet any other quarterback throws a pick because his horrible line can't protect him and he'll get crucified.

See Cutler comma Jay?

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QBs who have terrible O-Lines can still shine through anyway if they're elite, see Aaron Rodgers last year. A lot of Cutler's picks were on him, the game against the 49ers was painful to watch. He'll be better this year, no doubt, buut it hurts my brain when I see him ahead of Eli in the fantasy rankings on NFL.com.

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What's the over/under on ESPN reminding us all that Favre's just having fun this year?

I dislike him because it seems now that he's deliberately stirring things up every year, either that or he's taken one too many painkillers in his time to realise there are far more subtle and fairer ways to end your career. This doesn't happen with any other older players, year in and year out, even future Hall of Famers. Essentially, he's taking the piss. And I know you can't hold it against him personally, but why does he get a free pass when he throws these ridiculous interceptions and costs his team important games? He's just having fun, see. Yet any other quarterback throws a pick because his horrible line can't protect him and he'll get crucified.

First and foremost ^ that times infinity.

DMN, the point about his contract and the money involved is that the Vikings (albiet in a rather dumb fashion) bet the farm on two years with Favre. That was no big secret to anyone outside of the Vikings and certainly not to Favre. He agreed to that effort.

The money comes into play if he plays ... that's 13+m that you don't know if you've got or not. That's kind of a big deal. The Vikings structured everything to be done THIS year (both Rosenfels and Tarvaris need new contracts after this year). Yeah, that's pretty dumb, but they did it. Favre was part of that decision process. It's kind of hard to plan/draft accordingly if you don't know who you've got at positions and how much money you've got tied up.

Sure, it's easy to sit here and say that "they could just" or that it's "easy enough" to do whatever. If it were that easy, there'd never be problems.

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