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The 2010 NFL Thread


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The worse part is that iPod's aren't even on the list of electronic devices that need to be turned off during takeoff or landing. Actually, out of the thousands of flights I worked I never once heard of an iPod issue. iPod's are generally a "safe to fly" electronic device that needs no attention to it. I know pilots that land planes while wearing them.

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Was just going to post that.

Perhaps the Rooneys knew more than they let on when they traded Santurdio for a 5th Round pick.

No...they didn't look into the future and see an airplane incident with Santonio Holmes two months down the line. :shifty:

That being said that trade looks better each day as depending on what the investigation into this turns up I wouldn't be surprised to see Goodell add a game or two to his suspension.

The worse part is that iPod's aren't even on the list of electronic devices that need to be turned off during takeoff or landing. Actually, out of the thousands of flights I worked I never once heard of an iPod issue. iPod's are generally a "safe to fly" electronic device that needs no attention to it. I know pilots that land planes while wearing them.

When I last flew in July of last year I'm pretty sure they asked us to turn off iPods. That being said whether it is on the list or not he should have shut it off once the flight crew asked.

Edited by sahyder1
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Reports say that Favre needs to decide if he wants to have ankle surgery or if it's time to retire. I think they're forgetting option #3 which is that he simply needs to go to Denver and ask Tim Tebow to touch his foot :shifty:

I haven't ready any articles on this yet but were the Vikings aware of this at the time of the draft?

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Reports say that Favre needs to decide if he wants to have ankle surgery or if it's time to retire. I think they're forgetting option #3 which is that he simply needs to go to Denver and ask Tim Tebow to touch his foot :shifty:

I haven't ready any articles on this yet but were the Vikings aware of this at the time of the draft?


It's a fairly lengthy article, but it seems like it would just be a minor procedure. I don't think they knew going into the draft per se, but they must have had a suspicion assuming he's told anyone at all in the organization that his foot is still swollen months after the injury happened.

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Reports say that Favre needs to decide if he wants to have ankle surgery or if it's time to retire. I think they're forgetting option #3 which is that he simply needs to go to Denver and ask Tim Tebow to touch his foot :shifty:

I haven't ready any articles on this yet but were the Vikings aware of this at the time of the draft?

They were aware their QB is an old man who might not even play next season and their back ups are Sage Rosenfelds and Tavaris Jackson. I'm not sure why they would need more incentive to draft a QB than that, especially when Clausen and McCoy both fell into their lap, McCoy twice.

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Dez was asked what his father did for work. He said his dad was a pimp. He was then asked what his mother did, and he said she worked for his dad. So the GM asked him flat out if his mother was a prostitute. If it were me, I probably would've slapped the GM. But if it were me, I wouldn't have been a fucking idiot and said my father was a pimp, either.

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Reports say that Favre needs to decide if he wants to have ankle surgery or if it's time to retire. I think they're forgetting option #3 which is that he simply needs to go to Denver and ask Tim Tebow to touch his foot :shifty:

I haven't ready any articles on this yet but were the Vikings aware of this at the time of the draft?

They were aware their QB is an old man who might not even play next season and their back ups are Sage Rosenfelds and Tavaris Jackson. I'm not sure why they would need more incentive to draft a QB than that, especially when Clausen and McCoy both fell into their lap, McCoy twice.

Yes, but they're also aware that there is a good QB class coming next year and most likely with a rookie wage cap so there's a pretty big incentive to wait until next year to draft a QB since most people were certain Favre was coming back next year.

Any chance the Dolphins or NFL actually punishes the Dolphins' GM for asking Dez Bryant if his mother was a prostitute?

I'll admit I haven't read up too much into this story as of yet but according to the Dolphins it was a follow up question to Bryant saying his father was a pimp and that his mother worked for his father.

Two sources familiar with the situation contend that Ireland's question was nothing more than the logical follow-up to comments Bryant had made about his family. According to the sources, Ireland began the meeting by asking Bryant, 21, about his upbringing and his relationship with his siblings. Then he asked what Bryant's father did for a living when Bryant was growing up. The following exchange allegedly ensued:

"My dad was a pimp."

"What did your mom do [for a living]?"

"She worked for my dad."

"Your mom was a prostitute?"

"No, she wasn't a prostitute."

To be fair to Ireland if that is how the conversation went I don't think the question is that far out of line for a pre-draft interview. You're investing millions potentially into someone and especially a guy who was just suspended last year. That being said Dez Bryant is denying the SI story. I'm sure the NFL is investigating this further though.

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Its out of line, no matter what Dez Bryant said.

I understand WHY he asked the question, but you need to phrase it better. Something like 'in what capacity did you mother work for your father?.

He should be reprimanded for it, but I don't think its something he should lose his job over. He'll be hurt enough by it in future talks with other players.

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I don't care how the conversation went. Flat out asking him if his mother was a prostitute is bullshit. If I were Dez I'd have punched his fucking throat so hard his windpipe caved.

As an NFL GM you are a paid professional and as big of a rep for the team as there is. In no way, shape, or form is it ok, acceptable, or understandable to ask the question "was your mother a prostitute ?"

In the context of that conversation how fucking hard was it to say ... "so what exactly did your mother do for your father ?" Or "in what capacity did your mother work for your father ?"

Wow look at that, I'm smarter than the Dolphin's GM.

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let's replace the word prostitute and pimp with... something else.

"So, what did your father do?"

"He ran a gas station."

"And what did you mother do?"

"She worked for my father."

"So... she worked the gas station?"

"What? Motherfucker, what did you just say to me? Tell me your cracker ass didn't just say that shit. You better be fucking playing here motherfucker. Oh you don't want to say shit like that, honky. I'm going to make you famous. I'm going straight to TMZ cocksucker. I'mma make you pay me my fucking money you dumb white motherfucker."

....and who was in the wrong again?

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No no no, that's not how it would go. You are replacing a title of a job with a description of a job. If anything, it would be like this.

"So what does your father do."

"He's a manager at a gas station."

"And what did your mother do?"

"She worked for him."

"So your mother was a cashier?"

"No, she was a janitor/attendant/etc. Rah rah rah overblown statement."

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