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iDOM 2010: Input Thread


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Using this topic to ask a question, Idol, was Goldberg in iDOM at any point? I mean, in the two versions out, he'd either be pretty green/no a wrestler yet or be in his 40's in the 2008 scenario. It seems a silly question, but I'm actually kind of interested in whether or not he was a wrestler in the 90's but retired in the 00's or if he just never got into the sport, or if you just... didn't really think about it. shifty.gif

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  • 5 weeks later...

After getting frustrated to all hell with the monotony of trying to do a mod for TEW 2010, I've since reverted back to TEW 2005 - and with good news. I'm much further along and everyone will now get to play when the data is finished.

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I might up-convert iDOM to '08... unless there IS an '08 version that I missed...

That'll take a lot of editing after all is said and done, but it'd be fun to play.

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After getting frustrated to all hell with the monotony of trying to do a mod for TEW 2010, I've since reverted back to TEW 2005 - and with good news. I'm much further along and everyone will now get to play when the data is finished.

Can I first just say awesome on the news especially since I’m one of the main contributors to the TEW05 freeware “era”.

Anyway down to business firstly feel free to use any information that’s been used in the databases I’ve put up for 05 even though their all out their for everyone to use just saying feel free to use what you like, I’ve a match and location file that I’ve been working on for a while and haven’t made public yet (the location one has but has since been updated) if your interested their both mostly updated/cleaned up and such.

Secondly are their any plans in regards to the new regions opened up by TEW are their any idea formed if not here are a couple of optional ideas for you

1) The formation of a European alliance maybe as a knock back to the NWA who to my knowledge never really had any interests in the region which is why they only opened one or two promotions which either quickly died or just ran slowly, there is something similar happening right now with the Union of European Wrestling Alliances.

2) In terms of England you could revive the British wrestling feel by having either a TV company or a millionaire owner come out and reform the old territory style systems where their were 3-4 promotions who would all share talent and collectively promote a single show each week for ITV’s World of Sport. British wrestling never died it was on the down path when it got axed in 1988 so maybe if it got revived 15-20 years later with a fresh new modern style while keeping the traditional feel of it that could be a real boost, plus if there is no plans for the likes of Finlay & Regal they would fit in great in terms of both talent and staff.

3) Europe gives into a American invasion and loads of American themed promotions come over flooding the market and effectively killing themselves off while the more stronger traditional promotions just keep going slowly and roll through another invasion, this would be good to have for minimal promotions for the regions yet built on a more solid base.

Which ever route you take down here are a couple of promotion suggestions

A small regional touring company in Germany similar to the old catch wrestling alliance where most rookies go to be broken in by a stable of old school veterans used by pretty much every group as a general experience gaining promotion.

A British promotion that only really knows how to badly rip off American wrestlers by simply putting UK in front of their names, their was a period where their wasn’t a American gimmick that wasn’t “UK’ed”, it should be a very small group with bare bones guys who only work there because no one else gives a damn about them.

A Japanese mini promotion similar to DGUSA, their was talks of something like this when they toured recently but their isn’t that much call for it maybe instead of starting a group to the US they start one up in Europe.

Edited by TheWho87
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, since I figured it would be the hardest to do while appeasing the fans of the scenario I figured I'd spend a lot of time tweaking TWE and getting it to fit TEW's demands while staying TWE in flavor (yet being a bit more fleshed out than the original roster.) Let me know what you guys think:




Batista (F)

Chris Mordetzky [H]

Glenn Goodnight (Kane) [H]

Jean Paul Levesque (Triple H) [H]

Nero (Jeff Hardy) [F] =0= TWE Heavyweight Champion

Shawn Michaels [F]


'Custom' Chucky P (Chuck Palumbo) [H]

Fertig (Kevin Thorne) [H]

Great Wight (Big Show) [F]

John Hennigan [H]

Matt Morgan [H]

Melina Perez [H]

Nic Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) [F]

'The French Phenom' Rene Dupree [H] =0= TWE East Coast Champion

The Great Singh (Khali) [F]

The Miz [H]


Brian Kendrick [F] =0= TWE Tag Team Champion

Joey Malibu (Joey Mercury) [H]

Maryse [H]

Paul London [F] =0= TWE Tag Team Champion

Scotty BOOM BOOM (Colt Cabana) [F]

The Con-Man (Rob Conway) [H]


Alexis Laree (Mickie James) [F] =0= NWA World Women's Champion

Big Shad (Shad Gaspard) [F]

Candice Michelle [F]


Matt Jackson [H]

Nick Jackson [H]

Nidia [F]


Angelina Williams [H]

Jessica Dalton (ODB) [F]

Kizarny [H]

Talia Sky (Velvet Sky) [H]


The Grappler (Drew Gulak) [F]

The Highlander (Robbie McAllister) [H]


Ashley Massaro [F]

Daffney [H]

Miss Jackie [H]


Michael Cole [F]

Steve Romero [F]

Color Commentator:

Vince McMahon [F]

Scott Hall [H]


Jack Doan

Mickie Henson

Road Agent:

Tom Pritchard

Pat Patterson

Backstage Worker

Brian Gewirtz [F]

Shane McMahon [F]

Stephanie McMahon [H]


The New Millenium Rockers (London and Kendrick)

The Brood (Matt & Nick Jackson)

Planet Hollywood (Joey Malibu and John Hennigan) *semi active

Cryme Tyme (Big Shad and JTG)

Genetically Wonderful (Matt Morgan and Chris Mordetsky)

The Titan Towers (Great Wight and Giant Singh)

The In Crowd (Angelina Williams and Talia Sky)


The Brood: Kevin Fertig, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson

Manager Client Pairings:

Ashley Massaro - Paul London and Brian Kendrick

Daffney - Kizarny

Maryse - Rene Dupree

Melina - John Hennigan and Joey Malibu

Miss Jackie - Matt Morgan

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Its been two years, and I think Joey Malibu was either the original partner or part of a three man group.

I like that roster better than the original, but I'd swap Matt for Jeff. Mattitude could run wild on TWE.

Also, Idol, how are the SoCal feds looking? Does the old NWA-LA have the PWG guys? That was a major miss from the original. Either have them as the undercard, give them their own fed, or have them be the core of G2W.

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Its been two years, and I think Joey Malibu was either the original partner or part of a three man group.

I like that roster better than the original, but I'd swap Matt for Jeff. Mattitude could run wild on TWE.

Also, Idol, how are the SoCal feds looking? Does the old NWA-LA have the PWG guys? That was a major miss from the original. Either have them as the undercard, give them their own fed, or have them be the core of G2W.

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Its been two years, and I think Joey Malibu was either the original partner or part of a three man group.

I like that roster better than the original, but I'd swap Matt for Jeff. Mattitude could run wild on TWE.

Also, Idol, how are the SoCal feds looking? Does the old NWA-LA have the PWG guys? That was a major miss from the original. Either have them as the undercard, give them their own fed, or have them be the core of G2W.

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