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UFC 2010

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On the higher difficulty levels - you have to be an absolute beast at blocking their transition attempts. If you just sit there and try to pound them, they'll turn the tables on you in a single instant. It was like this in the last game too - when fighting higher leveled fighters with your created guy. The earlier matchups were sort of a breeze.

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Found a MAJOR issue while playing with friends. The same issue from last year with people getting a takedown and then the fight is essentially over. You can't get out of it. Anyone had this issue or got a solution to it?

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In the last game you had to flick the the analog stick in the same direction as your opponents analog stick, or something, for a reversal and you had to do it at the exact and perfect moment. It was crazy insane.

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In the last game you had to flick the the analog stick in the same direction as your opponents analog stick, or something, for a reversal and you had to do it at the exact and perfect moment. It was crazy insane.

Really. Is that just multiplayer?

In single player all I had to do was flick the stick at around the moment of them trying to transition. There are easier ways to get out of being on the mat in '09.

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Yeah, you just have to keep practicing the ground game. I got pretty good at timing the transitions, the hardest part is if they achieve full mount because at that point your only hope is to time your counter and catch their punch, pull them in, and transition out quicker than they can attempt a transition themselves. Just don't mash the stick or anything, I tend to try and take my time a little bit with it because the response from the game works faster than if I just mash on it as fast as I can.

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Just got the demo, loving it.

That said, it feels about ten times harder than the previous instalment, which in many ways is a great thing, but frustrating at first. Just lost about five in a row, before finally taking on Machida with Rampage and killing him in the second round. The ground game is much better and the takedowns seem a hell of a lot improved.

Loving the striking too, it's almost spot on. It really doesn't feel like you can just mash the buttons, because doing that results in you getting battered. Loving the more patient approach at times, they've clearly focused on those areas.

I'll play some more, but all in all it seems great. Completely different to '09 IMO and hard as fuck :)

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I was fighting as Shogun against Rashad yesterday and did the feint high kick after I rocked him. The feint actually kicked Rashad right in the nuts and my shin collided with his skull for my favorite knockout ever.

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Had an epic fight even though i lost against Shogun as Machida just allround fast paced action standing up and on the ground numerous submission attempts ended up losing a decision 29-28 but good fight. I found it's easier to takedown when you run at them but i still for the life of me dunno how to submit i can shine and get out of submissions easy it's just actually attempting one myself. Also still can't submission switch

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think i found a glitch. Rua has me in an ankle lock i get out and then just end up stuck near the cage and can't move for a bit can only defend strikes to the face

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Found a glitch myself. I was Rashad against Rampage and I had him down in the ankle lock. I began shining, but nothing was happening, he wasn't escaping, nothing. We stayed in that same position for a minute and a half before the round ended. It looked liked Rashad and Rampage were scissoring.

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Why are there four controler shadows before a fight?! BATTLE ROYAL?! :shifty:

A big problem with last years game was that you would loose on the ground because a ton of people used auto fire controlers in online matches, since they killed that funktion i don´t belive it´s that impossible to get out from down there. I just would like the timing you need to be a litte clearer, like it was with fire pro or KoC.

I love the Demo, it feels much more fluent (in gameplay, but also in loading times and and menus) and little extras lik the crowdchats are awsome! I´ll buy the game if there is a decent preorder price.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Boss knockout with Rampage. Rua threw a lazy left hook i moved back then right uppercut flush on his chin and he goes down face first. Moving onto the final in the tournament against Machida

edit: Rocked Machida in the 1st round, 2nd he took me down probably worked a bit on the ground but once it got standing up again moved back from a left but charged forward with a right hook to behind the ear and lights out.

Noticied the swaying you don't double tap which i thought you did orginaly it's just once nad if you then move in another right after it links them up.

Edited by davidmarrio
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I was looking forward to the game, but after about 6 goes on the demo I'm at about 70% of the ability I had last time and already getting a little bored.

Yeah, it's improved, but it just doesn't feel like there's enough new stuff to merit buying a whole new game. Hopefully the career mode will be awesome.

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Holy shit, I actually won on Expert. Practised the Sway feature ALOT and after slowly battering Machda for three rounds, I finally got the KO as Rashad Evans. I was a bit lucky though, he was tough. Took me down on will and battered back as well. But this is a great game, I can't wait for the full version.

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did anyone else notice you can push in the right analog stick when doing a submission and you try to power your way into locking a submission? Say with the armbar instead of slowly trying to get it you just use most of your stamina and try and yank the arm back

Edit: Lol had a Don Frye/Yoshihiro Takayama fight then with Rashad against Rampage. Just in the clinch just punching the shit out of each other for about 3 minutes straight suprised no one got knocked out.....then in the second round same happened but i got knocked out :(

Edited by davidmarrio
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