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Bioshock 2


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Anybody else going to be getting Bioshock 2 on Monday? Just read the IGN review (not my first choice but they're the only high-profile site that's posted a review so far) and it's pretty positive really. There's slight gripes about the memorability of some of the characters, the voice acting (which is totally subjective) and the fact the game is once again set in Rapture (for which they can go eat a bag of dicks :angry:). But the FPS elements sound like they've been handed brilliantly, the locations look wonderful and the multi-player is in keeping with the world of Rapture - something I'm very grateful for.

Haven't heard much discussion about the first game on EWB so I don't know many of you are looking forward to 2 - did many of you guys play the first and, if so, what did you think?

Regardless of reviews, I am going to buy this game. Still haven't decided between the normal and collector's edition, admittedly, but I'll make my choice over the weekend.

So, if any of you guys are getting it for PS3 then I may be trading electro bolt shots with you next Saturday (Y).

(And, for those that haven't played the original, it's going fairly cheap on all formats now. I know, for instance, that Amazon are selling the PS3 and PC versions for under a tenner ($20 in the US). I heartily recommend it just for Sander Cohen, and his "pretentious artist" gimmick, alone.)

Edited by badotori
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I'm interested in it, I will definitely be picking it up at some point because the first one was awesome, but not until I'm done with Heavy Rain. Or unless I finish FFVIII before HR >_> I don't see the point getting worked up about the multiplayer since the main focus of the game is the single player story, but I've heard it's a good addition.

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I'm playing the first one at the moment, just got to Sander Cohen's 'lair', and sweet jesus I don't think I've been this captivated by a game since FFXII. It's just stunning in every way, and I'll definitely be picking up #2 when I get paid next week.

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I'm playing the first one at the moment, just got to Sander Cohen's 'lair', and sweet jesus I don't think I've been this captivated by a game since FFXII. It's just stunning in every way, and I'll definitely be picking up #2 when I get paid next week.

Sander Cohen is probably the most engaging character in the game, bar Andrew Ryan and, for me, Peach Wilkins - which is saying something as the Wilkins section in Neptune's Bounty is my favourite in the game. Sander's entire stage, from the opening "reveal" onwards, is sheer brilliance.

The bit with the piano player is especially fucking insane.


I haven't picked up number 2 yet as I'm waiting for it to drop below £30 and nowhere is obliging as of yet - if I'd got the Amazon pre-order, it wouldn't have been a problem but I deliberated too long. Plus, I have the likes of Heavy Rain, the latest Ratchet & Clank and Uncharted 1 & 2 on my to buy/rent list so it's all up in the air currently.

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I just finished this game last night. Was a lot harder to get into then #1, but was still a fairly good game. The end fight was kinda easy, but that may have been because I just sat behind 8 Proximity Mines, 4 mini turrets, and set traps up everywhere.

I'll probably play it again, if only to harvest the Little Sisters rather then Rescue them and see how the game ends then.

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Never got to play it for as long as I meant to last night, but I still got pretty deep into it. The only thing that I can complain about right off the bat is the predictable nature of "oh hey, an empty room.. I'm just going to get some supplies and turn to lea- oh well look, splicers suddenly entered from no where. Again." that seems to happen just about every time I enter a new area.

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I just finished this game last night. Was a lot harder to get into then #1, but was still a fairly good game. The end fight was kinda easy, but that may have been because I just sat behind 8 Proximity Mines, 4 mini turrets, and set traps up everywhere.

I'll probably play it again, if only to harvest the Little Sisters rather then Rescue them and see how the game ends then.

If it's like the first game, if you've got a save point towards the end, you should jut be able to load up, harvest one LS, and then get the alternate ending.

I am going to try out multiplayer for the first time if anyone on the 360 wants to check that out with me.

I'll pop on in a sec, no idea if I'll be able to join though, the matchmaking's been real sketchy for me so far.

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I just finished this game last night. Was a lot harder to get into then #1, but was still a fairly good game. The end fight was kinda easy, but that may have been because I just sat behind 8 Proximity Mines, 4 mini turrets, and set traps up everywhere.

I'll probably play it again, if only to harvest the Little Sisters rather then Rescue them and see how the game ends then.

If it's like the first game, if you've got a save point towards the end, you should jut be able to load up, harvest one LS, and then get the alternate ending.

That was only a second ending, not the alternate. The third ending was if you harvested all the little sisters. I'm not sure how many endings this one has, though considering the amount of times you get given a choice to kill or not kill, I'd say there's a few.

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I think for BioShock 2, the ending's tone is more dependent on

How you dealt with Grace, Stanley, and Gil rather than how you dealt with the Little Sisters. Not that they don't matter in the scope of the game, but in my ending, because I let all three live, Eleanor saved Dr. Lamb, claiming that Delta had let her see that everyone deserves a chance at redemption... or some crap like that.

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Whilst it annoys me no end that no one will team up against the Big Daddy, I've never realy had it spoil a game, as usually he'll get on a bit of a tear with a few people taking some health away and then eventually someone sneaks in and finishes him off. Also, I'd be a little worried if it were that easy to kill, there'd be no point to going for the suit.

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