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EWB's Top 31 TV Shows of 2009: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Previously, on EWB's Top 30 TV Shows of 2009:


And now for something completely different and vaguely horrifying (and it became 31 because I had already found this image and resized it by the time I realized my own mistake).


31. Curb Your Enthusiasm (19 pts, appeared on 5 ballots)


30. Friday Night Lights (22 pts, appeared on 3 ballots)


28. The Apprentice (UK) (23 pts, appeared on 4 ballots)


28. Dollhouse (23 pts, appeared on 4 ballots)


27. Burn Notice (23 points, appeared on 5 ballots)


26. QI (25 points, appeared on 3 ballots)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 31 (?) TV Shows of 2009: I got my first job when I was nine, worked at a sheet metal factory. Within two weeks I was running the floor. Child labor laws are ruining this country.

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Yeah, I'm glad to see Dollhouse make the list, as well as The Apprentice. I think it was always going to be hard for British shows to make it onto the list, espicially one's that are probably not broadcast over the in US.

I've only see Season One of Dollhouse but I think it definitely deserves its place on the list; perhaps not over a show like Fringe, but all the same. I've got five shows off my ballot left in the running already.

I'm getting the feeling this is going to move quickly, which is a really good thing.

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Yeah, if you like season one of Dollhouse you'll love season two. It got canceled a couple of episodes in so Joss Whedon was like "fuck it let's just go nuts" and they've been plowing through every awesome revelation they had in their playbook.

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He's got a horror movie in production for... I think 2011, and there's probably going to be a sequel to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.

EDIT: He's also directing an episode of Glee for the second half of their first season, which I'm incredibly excited for because that's a perfect fit for him.

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I'm thinking I'll have to check out Dollhouse again. The first few episodes of S02 really left me feeling like it's not worth watching anymore, but have the episodes featuring Summer Glau and Ray Wise aired yet?

They have and they are amazing. Summer Glau in particular is just exceptional in her role.

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I'm thinking I'll have to check out Dollhouse again. The first few episodes of S02 really left me feeling like it's not worth watching anymore, but have the episodes featuring Summer Glau and Ray Wise aired yet?

They have and they are amazing. Summer Glau in particular is just exceptional in her role.

Summer Glau is just exceptional period!

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24. Rescue Me (25 points, appeared on 4 ballots)


24. Parks and Recreation (25 points, appeared on 4 ballots)


22. Top Gear (26 points, appeared on 5 ballots)


22. The Inbetweeners (26 points, appeared on 5 ballots)


21. NCIS (26 points, appeared on 6 ballots)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 31 TV Shows of 2009: This feels so formal. Let's just talk. People are evil.

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Hmm, I was expecting CYE to be way higher, it seemed to be on everyone's list at the start of voting. I haven't seen most of the shows on this list :/

Good to see The Inbetweeners so high, and I'm glad The Appprentice got in. Honestly can't get enough of that when it's on.

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Yeah, if it was the pilot that was... I liked it but I can completely understand why others wouldn't. The second season has been really great much in the same way the second season of The Office was where everything started to really click.

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Given that my point didn't have to do with the content but rather a sharp increase in quality and characterization, it's not really the same deal. CAPTAIN LITERAL STRIKES AGAIN.

But on content, well. Basically, where P&R has been differing from The Office in season two is they've done a pretty good job killing off a lot of the cringe comedy stuff that was too prevalent in season one and didn't work much at all, making Leslie something other than a Michael Scott expy (which she absolutely was in the first season), and generally brightening the tone of the series. It's still got a lot in common with The Office (and given the premise and style, it probably always will have), but it's finding its own voice pretty well.

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20. Supernatural (29 points, appeared on 5 ballots so I have no clue what Teej was talking about)


19. FlashForward (30 points, appeared on 5 ballots)


17. Californication (31 points, appeared on 7 ballots)


17. Entourage (31 points, appeared on 7 ballots)


16. Community (32 points, appeared on 9 ballots)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 31 TV Shows of 2009: I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark, cold night, I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face.

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I'm glad to see Flash Forward up quite so high in its debut year. It's been a really great show so far and I'm looking forward to seeing it come off its break. I'm getting the feeling Battlestar Gallactica might not make it :o I don't remember many people voting it other than me; let alone cracking 32 points. I can hope, though. (Y)

Also, good to see Supernatural on there. I've only seen half the first season but it's a really fun show. Plus, Jensen Ackles :wub:

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